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Why is Bush a War Criminal?

When people ask why I'm not voting for McCain, who has supported Bush over 90% of the time, they will sometimes say "Bush isn't that bad." (Seriously.)

I usually like to point out that Bush is a war criminal, and he should have several felonies on his record at this point.

Then some people like to rant and rave at me by e-mail. Why do I think Bush should have been impeached, be convicted of felonies (even now), and is a war criminal?


Please cite reason(s) or examples.


Update 2:

Bush and his cronies lied about the Weapons of Mass Destruction. They even edited parts of the CIA investigation, making it look like there were weapons there.

Congress may have approved the war, but that was because Bush lied to them about his "evidence," and he was aware he was lying. It is a felony to present erraneous information to Congress.

You should watch one of the documentaries about the war - they are real eye-openers.

Update 3:

All of the weapons inspectors and the ambassadors and anyone who had anything to do with Iraq agreed that any weapons had been dismantled or destroyed a decade earlier, and there was no technology or supplies to allow the manufacturing of new weapons.

Update 4:

By the way, I am also a Veteran and just got out of the military a couple years ago. So saying because you're in the military makes you better than me, doesn't fly in this household of Vets (my husband also served).

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Vincent Bugliosi's book The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder goes into great detail about Bush's criminal activities while in office. Check it out, it's great.

  • 1 decade ago

    So if bush is a war criminal then i guess you are tell me that i am a war criminal for agreeing with this war, and fighting in it! I don't care what you say but plato said it best, "only the dead have seen the end of war". I am going fight til this war is over and won or til i am dead! Enjoy your freedoms that us soldier will do anything to protect it! At least Bush had balls to attack and say we are not going to take this sh*t no more, you want to attack us then well bomb the sh*t out of you!

    Oh, question on your side how many violations did Saddam have on the UN and those Socialist bastards will never do anything!!

    What if he had weapons, how do you know they are not there or they were transported out of the country, were is your evidence that they were never there! I like to have hard proof that Saddam never had them, I remember large scud missiles that he fired that some crazy nerve agent in it but luck for us that guy couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. I walk this country of Iraq for three years now and we find all kinds of things berried into the ground, something new, we found a 500lbs bomb one day!

    Ah well i am done, but I think he did a good job for all the crap that he got, While you at it go blame Truman for ending the Pacific war and saving americans lives

  • 1 decade ago

    since he had a man killed, with his lies, that was later proven, he should be up for war crimes. Plus he is friends with Bin Laden? Bin Laden's family was in Texas when 9/11 hit. Bush had them rushed to the Airport and on their way back home. Anyone else would have kept them here for a lot of questioning. Yeah McCain is just as bad, since he stood behind Bush on his every move.

  • 1 decade ago

    Bush didn't have approval from the senate to send troops to Iraq.

    Hey and **** you Christian Mom of 4, Obama just wants to give people more freedom I see no freedom if McCain takes a woman's rights away.... and it is up to the woman not Obama...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush attacked Iraq illegally. He never declared war on them, and just went in there and tried to take them out. THAT is illegal. A President must declare war on another country. Bush should be tried and held accountable for his Vigilante tactics.

  • 1 decade ago

    TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 118 > § 2441

    a) Offense.— Whoever, whether inside or outside the United States, commits a war crime, in any of the circumstances described in subsection (b), shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for life or any term of years, or both, and if death results to the victim, shall also be subject to the penalty of death.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush IS a war criminal who should be charged with war crimes right after he leaves the Oval Office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Congress approved the war.......if any one is a war criminal it is them....Bush can't wipe his butt without approval of how about putting the blame where it belongs for once in your life

  • 1 decade ago

    bush has made war on three countries. his motto is:

    " i hate you you hate lets get together and make world war 3"

    AND he nearly started war on iran

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So you want to vote for baby-killing Obama?

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