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Lv 617,837 points


Favorite Answers7%

I like to help people. Have been married 32 years, and growing. Love playing texas hold em. Mostly enjoy life.

  • could you give me some ideas on how to get peope to my website?

    I need ideas on how to get people to my website. Any help would be grateful. Any Ideas?

    2 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Should we pay for Miles?

    The government is wanting to start Taxing us for the Miles we Drive!

    How many drivers should we get to protest this. Or should we follow like the sheep we have been and bow to their demands and pay.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Doesn't it piss you off when?

    Doesn't it piss you off, when someone is ACTUALLY wanting help in finding work. You answer it honestly. Then net-workers report you?

    If your not allowed to answer the question, Stop asking the damn questions!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Could I get your opinion please?

    I would like to get your opinion on my web site I just finished. Can you give me your yeahs or nays?

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How can I or even can I download?

    I have some videos that my company sent to me through youtube. Is there away to download onto a dvd disc? I already have them on myspace, but need the testimonials for those who don't have the internet. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • How sick can monsters be?

    How sick are people that can do this to a child. hope they get theirs in jail. Prosecutor: Slain toddler said 'I love you' at end

    4 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • why do people ask about serious medical questions?

    Hey, if your in deep pain, something is bleeding, your having trouble breathing, why aren't you getting your butt to a hospital, instead of asking the community what could be wrong? Do you really think most of the people are going to know what's wrong? Yeah I wasted 5 points, but people get real.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why support an organization who is so cruel?

    The Salvation Army has stripped one of their own, who has been with them giving his heart for 14 years. His crime falling in Love. He fell in love with a lady who does not belong to the salvation church. They have stripped this man of rank, permanent suspension, and ordered to leave his home (provided by the church). Now he is homeless with his kids, Why give these people money when they are worse than the catholics? Just who are they helping since thy are so prejudice?

    8 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Why can't we have Rights for Smokers?

    Those those of us who chose to smoke are use to the discrimination from the non-smokers. Isn't it funny that you guys complain smokers take off work due to illness? Yet you forced the government to make everything non smoking, putting the smokers outside in the environment, Rain, snow, below minus wind chill factors. Are you people so moronic to think that won't make some one sick? Are you so brain washed to believe that cigarettes are the cause for the pollution in the air, that it destroys and gives cancer? Answer these questions then:]

    1. How many areosol cans do you have in your home? Multiply that by billions.

    2. How many cars on running down your streets? Multiply that by billions.

    3. Who is catching the fuel from the airplanes, when they have to dump thier load before landing?

    4. How many buses and Semi's are running daily? Multiply that by billions.

    5. How many people smoking 1 cigarette would it take to equal 1 smoke stack?, let's say at a refinery?

    I have asthma and the only thing that will set off an attack is :

    1. People wearing perfume you can smell a block away.

    2. Extreme cold or Extreme heat.

    It's funny because I have had asthma since I was 12.smoking is not an issue with it.In fact it helps to clear out my lungs. Smoking for 34 years, x-rays still show excellent. I have had friends die who have never smoked a day in their life. Strange how many people believe that cigarettes kill, and everyone is hell bent on stopping the smoking. Yet, how many people are killed DAILY from a drunk driver? Why hasn't anyone protested against Drinking?

    Drug dealers are pushing drugs how many people are trying to fight to Legalize them?

    Doctor's giving out prescriptions, know, that the drugs have side effects worse than the problem trying to cure. Making the person take even more drugs. Do a search just type in Death by doctors, and then Death by medicine, see how many hits you get.

    At least Make the companies Build a shelter for the smokers, to stand in out of the elements, or start Paying the Doctor and Hospital Bills.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • can you believe this?

    from McCains mouth in fl.

    On Monday, McCain gave a final airing to unsupported statements and half-baked truths at rallies such as one in Tampa, Fla., where he said:

    _"My friends, if I'm elected president, I won't spend nearly a trillion dollars more of your money. Sen. Obama will."

    THE FACTS: McCain's health care plan alone is estimated to cost $1.3 trillion over 10 years by the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, which also estimates that McCain's tax cuts and spending programs would drive up the national debt by $5 trillion in a decade.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • what is up with I'll give you 10 points?

    don't people know you only get 2 points for answering a question?

    Come on, it's not like you can add to it.

    5 AnswersHomework Help1 decade ago
  • how many fools will scorn Obama now?

    How many of you Repub's will critized Sen. Obama when he has to go back to Hawaii to lay his Grandmother to rest?

    Shame on all of you, your true Judgement will come from the Great Spirit. He loves everyone, not just 1 color shape or size. we are all his Children, making everyone your brother and sister.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Computer wizards help?

    I have music on cassette tape, is there any way, to transfer it to my computer, so I can make a cd of it?

    4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Did you know America had so many Rich People?

    I lived in the States all my life, I never knew we had so many people making over 250,000 and up. Did you? Think about it, People actually want to turn down health benefits, tax relief for anyone under 250,000K.

    Plus keep sending 10 billion a month to Iraq! Is it Prejudice, or being rich that has these people against Sen. Obama?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are people fast to Judge someone from their name?

    Seriously, how would you feel if people persecuted you because of your name? You could be the best person on earth, but people spread ugly lies about you, people begin to believe it, how would you feel?

    Why can't people Think, Watch, and Listen before judging someone?

    Wouldn't it be nice.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Does Palin think we are stupid? Does she not relaize we can do research?

    Palin and McCain are releasing information that said the board has cleared Palin on any wrong doing! Then why is the Alaskan papers saying otherwise?? Do people really want Known Liars in the White House? Here's proof

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you really question Obama Citizenship?

    If you need proof, here is a link to see his Birth Certificate.

    Just because a person goes over to another country, dosen't mean they loose their citizenship here.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Would you like the truth on the William Ayers/ Obama lies?

    The same group who went after John Kerry in 2004, are up to their tricks again, This time with Obama heading the Hate List, Would you like the truth? Are you Intelligent enough to figure it out on your own?

    Then get your answers about Obama here.

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Question on laptop cd rom drive?

    I have a IBM Thinkpad, and I went to put in a CD an error came up, showing wrong drive. It wanted me to use drive E, The laptop is set for drive D, how do I change it, so it will read the CD? Any help would be appreciated.

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago