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Did you know America had so many Rich People?

I lived in the States all my life, I never knew we had so many people making over 250,000 and up. Did you? Think about it, People actually want to turn down health benefits, tax relief for anyone under 250,000K.

Plus keep sending 10 billion a month to Iraq! Is it Prejudice, or being rich that has these people against Sen. Obama?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Starting with Nixon and his "silent majority" who later morphed into the moral majority, the R's have succeeded in garnering support for a populist message, that has an irrational element: Support of a plutocratic style of gov't by members of the middle class. Much of this support gained ground under Reagan and later the Bushes, often on one-issue/social/cultural/moral slogans, such as abortion, defense of marriage, etc.

    This message is not getting the traction it once did delivered by McCain, even with Palin, except for the base of the party. The issues you raise are either ignored, or prioritized way-down the list.

    It is an interesting social behavior that much has been written about. Look at Thurston Veblen's Theory of the Leisure Class, and some of F. Scott Fitzgerald's works (The Great Gatsby), for early illustrations of this counterintuitive belief system that has often found roots in the middle class.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not rich nor prejudiced. My husband is on a military salary while being deployed to Iraq. I am against socialism. I have no right to claim money others have worked for. I want to become wealthy on my own. Socialized medicine doesn't work. Have you been to a doctor in Scotland, England, Canada, Ireland lately? I have..and the hospitals there are the equivalent of a VA hospital here. I could get Tricare care but I opt to pay for Tricare standard so I have the right to take my daughter to any hospital I choose so she can have the best care available. The head of socialized healthcare in England got diagnosed with breast cancer and she came here for treatment!!! Ask yourself why she came here and why so many Canadians come here for treatment when they have free treatment at home! They know that the standards of care are better here. No waiting lists, better doctors, cleaner hospitals. This will all be gone under Obama's plans. You think you won't still pay for health care!!! It will come from our taxes and raise the already horrifying deficit in this country!!!! Get a clue. I am supporting McCain because I am using my brain.

  • 1 decade ago

    How to be a "Good" Democrat:

    Believe that having 15,000,000 people (that's 5% of the population) having control of 90% of the money is WRONG and BAD.

    At the same time,

    Believe that having 535 people (that's the House and Senate) having control of 100% of the money is RIGHT and GOOD.


    Believe that people voting against Obama are doing so to keep their money, but not that people voting FOR Obama are doing so because they want free money for doing nothing. (That's called vote-buying.)

    Yeah, under Obama I'd MAYBE get an $800 tax cut.

    It's not worth it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's called reality. This is a foreign concept ot liberals. because they cannot understand that if you "cut taxes" and "Increase spending" you will not decrease the national debt. What Barry is promising will cause one of two things to happen.

    Either A The National Debt will double (in which case have fun paying it off, my moneys in metals overseas)

    or B Barry will raise taxes on the middle class to pay for it. In either case Americans lose out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It is madness and a sense that they are invincible and that people who are poor are so because they chose to (nobody had a bad lot in life like a disability, an accident, a bad divorce, was laid off, job outsourced etc.) And a mentality that it's every man for himself and that personal responsibility completely absolves them from social responsibility

  • 1 decade ago

    um, the number has dropped from 250,000 to 120,000.....and going lower. Rich is becoming well within the reach of every taxpayer.

    get your head out of the sand, obama will raise taxes on everyone who pays taxes.

    Edited to logan: it IS their money, they earned it. How does that make it yours or anyone elses? Now you choose to believe that those making high salaries are working for you? I assume you feel that what you earn is your money, right? give it away if you choose. that's your right.....not the government's.

  • Eric
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    People seem to stick to party lines, even if it is not in their best interest. It makes no sense to me. If a Republican had a plan that benefitted me, I would vote for them. I don't think these people have any clue why they're voting for McCain, they just do it blindly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's socialism that has people against Obama. Karl Marx would be proud of him.

  • carjug
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Rich people. Bah, I've done enough work for them, they are heartless bloodsuckers. Vote Obama, and make it harder fot them to deduct all their luxuries!

  • 1 decade ago

    america has the biggest wealth disparity in the world .. cept mabye places where dictators rule like saudi arabia.. but only thing keeping those guys in power is secret police and american promises of cia and military support..

    (why they fly planes into our buildings.. one word.. cia)

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