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Should I pray harder?

Or just smite my neighbors?

We moved into this house last November. It all started with the rooster crowing at 2, 3, 4 am every day. Oh, and most of the rest of the day as well. Apparently roosters sleep about half an hour, then crow for 4 or so. We live in the city, so I eventually had to call the cops because my neighbors said they didn't care.

So then they came over and cussed us out (on Easter Sunday no less) for calling the cops. The rooster eventually stopped over night, though he still comes over between 7 and 8 am to crow all day.

About 2 months ago, they got a new puppy. It isn't bad enough that the woman breeds yippy little dogs. When they do let them out, they stand around and bark. When they are in their tiny little pen, they stand around and bark. This goes on ALL DAY LONG. The dogs will literally bark for 6 hours straight. Yes, I've timed it because I have to tell the police how long it goes on.

Now the new dog is bigger. It started barking at 1am, 3 am, 4 am, and then it barks all day as well. If it's not barking, the rooster is crowing.

Then there's the goats. They tie them up to the fence so that they are right beside our house.

Tonight my husband went to talk to them about the dogs again, and they told him they don't care. They also said, "go ahead, call the police." Then they said, "Actually we encourage our dogs to bark because it bothers you."

So while I will be calling the police pretty much every single day for the next few months (and I'll be talking to the chief this week because they are looking at closing some of the loopholes in the law that makes it so difficult to actually do anything about these people with their noise nuisances), I wonder what I should do in the meantime.

Should I curse and smite them or am I just not praying hard enough to the God of Tranquility? What would you (and your God) do?

Sorry this is so long, but this is 10 months of frustration - and counting.


We bought this house - in the city. It is the house my husband grew up in. They just rent. I'm not going anywhere - I want to run them off.

There are animal ordinance laws, but there are too many loopholes (like I said), so calling the police over and over (which I have been doing for the past 10 months) doesn't do much good - yet. That's why I have been talking to the police chief about what doesn't work so they can change the laws. They are gathering info from everyone to change the laws this Fall.

Update 2:

They weren't here first - my husband and his parents were. Now we've moved in and they've moved out after renting the house for a couple of years. The last two sets of people who lived here complained as well.

You try sleeping when there's a rooster crowing and a dog barking 30 feet from your window all day and night.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Smite works. Remember, the old testament says an eye for an eye.

  • liz v
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well, you can move, or give it some time. We lived out in the country with all the animal noises and eventually didn't even notice it. It's like a person living right next to the railroad track and being so used to it that the they don't even notice all the racket. We did that too.

    If you can't get used to it, they were there first. You could pray for peace. But if you keep reacting in anger you'll only reap anger.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would leave my God out of it and handle it for the minor situation that it is. It's not God's fault your neighbors are idiots and therefore isn't his responsibility to fix the situation. All humans have authority over all animals. Whether or not you choose to enforce that authority is up to you. If you've let this behavior continue for 10 months then you hold equal responsibility. If your town doesn't have 'animal nuisance laws' then you're way behind and those laws should have been put into place years ago. It's what helps keep us a community..."boundaries"

  • 5 years ago

    Whoa, Have you ever heard of "Be still and know that I am God. Ps. 46:10. Jesus will return when it is time. There is nothing man can do to speed it up. There is work to be done, like getting the gospel out to the world and that is happening.Sorry to disagree with you, read the book of Revelation when Jesus returns,not the rapture, but to judge the world this world will be changed. As awful as it is to hear about child abuse and all the other terrible things in this world we must understand that this is the fallen condition we live in. It is our responsibility to help those in pain, not blame God. Save your breathe and stop yelling at God for the rotten world we live in, go help someone less fortunate and ask God to help you.

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  • Kimbo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Pray harder... I know it's hard, but God has a purpose in all of this. You may not see it, but then again you may... It says in the Bible to kill them with kindness. This way Christ will be exalted through you and you will have handled the situation the way God intended it.

    Romans 12:20

    But if your enemy is hungry, feed him, and if he is thirsty, give him a drink; for in so doing you will heap burning coals upon his head

    Source(s): EDIT: This would be very hard, but make them some cookies and bring them over. Try to make things right and show the love that you have within you. You never know what kind of a difference just doing that can make.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that sounds like a pretty tough situation, but there's nothing that god doesn't have control of. keep praying and have faith and it will get better. talking to the police is a good idea. good luck and keep your head up.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    since it is not against the law for them to have these animals and nothing is being done by the cops to stop it then i would find somewhere else to live

  • 1 decade ago

    You can pray all you want nothing will happen unless you do it yourself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this "prayer" thing is just a waste of time..

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