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I hear about change from Obama, What is he going to change?

I have heard he is for change, he represents change, it's time for change.

Now, someone please tell me, what change is he promising. I have heard change - change - change. now tell me the substance...


Just for Clarification, I am not much of a McCain supooirter Either...

Update 2:

Brooke - Bringing the troops home is not change. Everybody wants the troops to come home - it is a matter of when. Even if you bring the troops home and supposedly save that money, let the tax cuts expire, who is going to pay for Universal Healthcare. The war and taxcuts are not enough to pay for UHC. And then who is going to invest in alternative energy. That still comes from the citizenry. And don't tell me that you will get it from those big nasty Corporations, they don't pay taxes - the people that buy or use there product or services pay for there taxes. It is the cost of doing business.

And again - I am not a big McCain supporter either...

Update 3:

Beenthere - You mean the allies that would stab us in the back. The same ones that were part of the oil for food scandal, or how about the ones that cut and run when terrorists hit there own country. Our standing in the world was best win we looked out for ourselves and let the country grow. We help everybody friends or enemies. It doesn't matter if democrat or republican is in office.

As far as our veterans, they have needed improvements for some time, I will give you that is worthwhile change.

and UHC see my previous comment.

And to add to that. Our politicians are supposed to be good stewards of OUR money. Democrats and republicans have both failed in that and Obama is no different.

If he wants to change - Lets do change, otherwise it is still business as usual...

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The biggest thing he will change is the culture of corruption in the Federal government. He has already been the co-author of a law that was called "the most sweeping ethics reform legislation since Watergate," and another law that created a google-type site where we, the voters, can get detailed information about how Congress is spending our money.

    Another way he will bring change is that he will restore the admiration the rest of the world used to have for America, but which Bush has pissed away by the arrogant and belligerent way he has treated not just our enemies, but also our allies. Our European allies are looking forward to the day Obama is inaugurated so we can return to those historic partnerships that were working so well for us, and for the rest of the world, during "The American Century."

    Another big change will be using our military in much smarter ways. How much more success would we have had in fighting terrorism over the past five years if we had concentrated our military efforts in countries where Al-Qaeda has been hiding? We've spent hundreds of billions of dollars in Iraq, but Osama bin Ladin is still free, still mocking our country. Obama wants to move troops from Iraq to Afghanistan so we can start defeating the REAL enemies of our country. And, unlike McCain, who has consistently voted against improving educational benefits and medical care for our troops and veterans, Obama has been very active in getting legislation passed to support our military personnel.

    If your health care insurance is getting too expensive, or if you can't afford health insurance at all, you'll be happy to know that one of President Obama's top priorities will be to get his health care plan enacted, to guarantee that affordable health care insurance will be available to every single American. No one will be excluded because of pre-existing conditions, and everyone will be able to get good insurance for reasonable cost. The way it is now, if you don't get insurance through your employer or some other group, it costs way more to get individual insurance. That won't be the case under Obama's plan; everybody will be able to pay the cheaper "group rate."

    Those are just a few points; you can find much more information on his website, or call the nearest Obama campaign office and they will be happy to talk with you and answer any questions you might have.

    Or head to the nearest county fair or farmer's market any Saturday morning, there will probably be some Obama volunteers there registering voters, and they'll be happy to answer your questions as well. (If you want to know specific places where voter registration drives will be taking place in your area, go to his website, then go to the "State" drop-down at the top of the page, click on your state, then click on "events."

    Oh -- and P.S. -- all those people saying Obama will raise taxes? It's a lie. Below is the link to an article at, called "More Tax Deceptions -- McCain Misrepresents Obama's Tax Proposals Again. And Again, And Again." It's interesting reading! The truth is, working class and middle class taxpayers will pay much LESS in taxes under Obama's plan than under McCain's plan.

    PS: The more comments you keep adding, the less your "question" looks like a question, and the more it looks like a pretense to just push your opinion. Doesn't that violate the community standards for this site?

  • 1 decade ago

    Well Obama's policies are vastly different from those of our current administration. He was against the Iraq war from the start and will work to bring our troops home. He is FOR universal health care and has promised to work to make it happen before the end of his first term. He will change the image of America which has been so tarnished in the last 8 years. He will allow stem cell research. He will lower taxes on the middle class while letting the tax cuts for those making over 250,000 expire. He will invest in alternative renewable energy sources to break our dependence on foreign oil and help save our planet. He has intelligence, common sense, and competence (I know you haven't seen any of that in the last 8 years.) He does represent real change. McCain unfortunately represents more of the same since he has embraced Bush's failed policies and voted with him 95% of the time.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    OMGosh, why is that this so rough for a few humans to fully grasp? He and his spouse are speaking approximately the ancient plight of black humans on this nation. Maybe you will have heard or learn approximately it - slavery, segregation, Jim Crow legislation, discrimination, whites most effective bogs & eating places, discrimination in opposition to different minorities. If you seem again via American historical past, you'll see time and time once more how this nation and the federal government have disenfranchised minorities - particularly blacks. It is good-documented. When they are saying they aren't pleased with this nation (or proud for the first time), that is what they are speaking approximately. He's speaking approximately beyond transgressions. He isn't improper. It is correct. It does now not imply he thinks America is dangerous more often than not. He loves America and believes it may be greater. Understand this.

  • 1 decade ago

    He will change our feelings.

    He will leave us with change in our pockets.

    He will change America from being the promise land.

    He will give hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to Africa.

    He will make it easy for terrorist to attack the U.S.

    He will tax the rich but in return the rich will just make prices higher to the rest of us. Who is that helping???? The government is the one that benefits.....the rich stay the same......and everyone else will pay for it with higher prices for everything. Make sense?

    He is just a change I am not willing to make.

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  • 1 decade ago

    lol at bringing the troops realize most dont want to come home they want to finish what they started... nothing out of his mouth can be believed....he isnt going to change anything except our flag coming down off the white house and rev wright moving into the lincoln

    Source(s): husband is active duty..
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well think of this

    america has been dominating for 200+ years

    whatever we're doing works

    why would you want to change that?

    idk he never said what he wanted to change, acually he never has really said anything besides, i am a racist, and socialist, and cant even answer a seven year old girls question. and an ez one, why do you want to be president. if you have to think about that...dude...nuff said.

  • 1 decade ago

    What is he going to change....

    He'll tax the h*ll out of you and only leave you with change...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The dollars in your wallet into pennies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Barry will change nothing, he's not going to win.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only thing Barry will change will be his mind, again and again and again and again.

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