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Equine "communicators" - For real or BS? Your opinion?


lol! Have you heard about the ones that can contact your horses that have "passed over"?

I alway wanted to know if the grass was really greener on the other side. ha ha!

Update 2:

Well put, Pans Mom.

That's like the sign on the psychics door open 9 -5.

Wouldn't they know when you were coming???

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The woman who owns my barn has a horse that was exhibiting some really strange symptoms and all the vets didn't know what was happening to him. The woman (Gina) called an animal 'empath' who can literally feel what the animal is feeling. Without even seeing him. The animal empath was able to tell Gina what Dusty (the horse) was feeling. She said he had double vision, shaky legs, feverish, itchy skin, and a tightness in his throat. She said a lot of other stuff too, but I can't remember all of it. Anyway, Gina told our vets this and the vets were able to diagnose Dusty with EPM. It was really facinating. Then Gina had a birthday party for her dogs and the animal empath (her name is Blue) came and some woman just asked her Blue about her horse. After 'settling into' the horse's body a bruise formed on Blue's shoulder (I saw it). Blue asked the woman which horse kicked the horse in question. The horse in question was 15 miles away and the animal empath had never seen the horse or met the woman before. The woman was shocked. After that, I was convinced so I had her do a reading on my horse, the most INSIGHTFUL thing I have ever done. Now my horse and I are getting along better than ever because I'm using the things that she told me. It was crazy. There was a horse that was sold while I was on vacation like 6 years ago, she contacted him for me and could even tell me his specific coloring patterns (he was a paint) and that he had an up-side down heart on his upper lip. She it totally legitimate and I would recommend her to ANYONE who wants to have better communication with any animal. She doesn't need to see the animal or even you. Blue can do readings to help find animals that are lost, have run away, are deceased, or living. She did a reading for my horse while I was at home and he was 10 miles away. I'm sure there are some unscrupulous pet psychics out there, but she is the real deal. Anyone who wants her number or some more details can email me at

    Also, just because someone is an animal psychic or whatever words you may call them, doesn't mean that they can read humans the same way they read animals. An animal communicator probably won't be able to tell you your name, but your horse might be able to tell someone.

  • Jules
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You know, I see those ones on TV and think it's BS. All they tell you is "your horse says he'd like more grass." Really? What horse WOULDN'T like more grass? They just make generalizations like that.

    However, I have a friend that used to have a paint mare that would mount other mares, never geldings. She got into a bit of a funk so my friend had a psychic out. My friend had the psychic ask the horse if she would like to have a baby. Allegedly, the horse told her that she would like a baby, but she wasn't interested in stallions because she "had her preferences" but if there was some other way to do it, she'd be game. This psychic didn't knwo my friend or her horse, had never met them before this visit, so...I dunno, it was just kind of weird for her to pinpoint something like that.

    So I guess my answer is...there are a few (very few) that I think are real but most are BS.

  • 1 decade ago

    A ton of naysayers here....

    I have to say I used one located here in the northwest and she did an outstanding job helping to define lameness issues with one of our showhorses...something the vets could not figure out....

    Since this was my only experience with a communicator, I'd have to say she did a great job for us.

    Edit: The September issue of Horse & Rider has an article on animal's a good read and poses a different view of communicators..the author feels that those of us who have horses that thrive under our care no doubt have some sort of communication going on with our animals...I believe that this is true. The key world is thrive....

    Source(s): Been there. Won't pooh pooh them.
  • Azeri
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Mostly BS. Some can tell you what's happened to the horse from a viewer's standpoint, that is stuff that's happened to the horse, experiences he's had, but anything they tell you about what the horse is thinking is BS, as they can't read the horse's minds. They can only see what's happened from the outside.

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  • 1 decade ago


    Simply powers of observation for someone who 'knows and reads' horses. Comes from years of experience.

    Or...people are so desperate to make a connection with their horse and be all 'touchy feely'...they will deceive themselves into justifying the money cost for someone to tell them what common sense is.

    'There's a fool born every minute'

    'A fool and his money are soon parted'

    People that apply human thought process to an ANIMAL that survives and reacts by instincts....are foolish. Animals do not THINK like a human. A happy horse is one who is allowed to BE a horse. Yes, moving and grazing...but also a herd hierarchy. A dominant and confident and strong leader. If we take them out of that kind of enviroment...then it's up to us to 'replace' their mental health doesn't suffer.

    Oh I'm talking about a horse's mental health...I need help!! It's still not being a common sense on what works for a horse to be relaxed and confident and sure of it's place in it's enviroment.

    In a nutshell...BS!!!

    ** bad John...SUCKER not FOOL. *hmmmm...I was in the ballpark...too bad I was chasing grasshoppers when memory recall was being passed out*

  • 1 decade ago

    You can read body language. That will tell you a lot of what going on with a horse.

    On the other hand if some claims to be able to read their minds. Yeah BS.

    Source(s): 27 years training/showing horses
  • 1 decade ago

    The few that I have met have been total BS.

    I can't imagine my horse wanting to say anything to me from the other side, except maybe to remember to bring treats with me when I am headed that way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Anybody who says they can contact horse or even people who have passed on are full of bull. They are just preying of grief stricken people. I think these people are all just charlatans. People want to believe they can and that is why they get rich off of this, but it is just fraud. Even the Bible says the dead can't contact the living and anything that claims to be from the other side is evil.

  • gallop
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I watched as one mesmerized a group of believers who had each, mind you, EACH paid 50 dollars for a consult...she made five hundred dollars and gave each a half hour session. So, she made a hundred dollars an hour to tell these fools that their horses liked them, and liked when they fed them carrots, and didn't like tight girths, and didn't like pulls on the bit, and would like a fan, blah, blah, blah.

    What was incredible was that not one of these paying fools could figure out that she had told them nothing, had evaded every question with a not all that clever excuse, and had signed them up for a next visit, and they were all thrilled! Go figure.....

  • 1 decade ago

    i would love to have one of them try to "communicate" with one of my horses,after the ambulance comes to pick them up because they were kicked square between their eyes they may think twice about their choice of making money i mean how are you going to confirm what they say? P.T.Barnum said it best"there is a sucker born every minute"

    Source(s): 4th generation cowboy/rancher
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