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Why should Christians continue to fight against marriage equality for homosexuals?

Please give Biblical references where Jesus... or any NT writer claimed that anybody should defy the law of land to promote specific principals. <Please keep in mind that the law in America BEGINS with equality... the founding ideal of law of this land>

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In this politically correct climate that relinquishes morality to the relativistic whims of society, stating that homosexuals should not marry is becoming unpopular. Should a woman be allowed to marry another woman? Should a man be allowed to marry another man? Should they be given legal protection and special rights to practice their homosexuality? No, they should not.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    "owever, on the turn ingredient, i'm infuriated on the "gay community" for limiting the liberty of speech of Christians that decide to stand up in a pulpit and state that they have self assurance homosexuality is a sin, additionally. Freedom of demonstration and speech is what this usa became in keeping with. i think of the two components are being hypocritical in this subject limiting each and each others freedoms." Tbf, if the mormons began pointing out that they had no subject with black people, they only thought that their pores and skin shade became evil, people might bypass loopy. Or if an Islamic Mullah starts off conversing approximately how western anybody is inherently evil, even nevertheless he has western buddies, people might nonetheless be horrified and demand his arrest. Technically there is not any genuine 'freedom of speech.' something that would desire to be seen as inciting hatred is criticised and stopped.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's the last vestige of bigotry, conveniently posing as religion. The christains who are also homophobes hide behind two bible verses, the same way that christians who were also racial bigots his behind the biblical verses declaring sons of Ham to be worthy of disrespect, or religious bigots hid behind the NT saying that god had turned his back on the jews as an excuse to be anti-semites. It's all the same issue-- resistance to change, fueled by taking the bible out of context and using it to selfish purpose. The "sons of Ham" are no longer considered lesser, women can vote, and anti-semitism is now a crime. This is a final step, and of course it's meeting so much resistance, you know? Nobody likes being wrong, and nobody likes being confronted with their own bigotry, so hiding behind a bible is their only course of action.

    Someday, gay marriage will be as commonplace and socially acceptable as interracial marriage, and the naysayers and bigots will have moved on to something else. What I have no idea, but it will be something.

  • 1 decade ago

    With the bible there are many plain guidelines written but the use of common sense must also accompany doctrine. In Genesis when the Lord proclaimed to be fruitful and multiply he set a guideline. Common sense dictates that in order to be fruitful and multiply a male and a female are required.

    When the Lord said that it wasn't good for man to be alone, Genesis 2:18, he created a woman. Common sense asks that if God wanted men to be with men or women to be with women, wouldn't he have created that type of couple at that time?

    Leviticus 18:22 says that if a man lies with another man as a woman it is an abomination. The dictionary defines abomination as a vile, shameful, or detestable action, condition, habit, etc.

    Please keep in mind that the bible was written far before the laws in America.

    Source(s): True Christian
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Particularly, here we need to know that Romans does not require absolute obedience to any authority except to that of the Lord Jesus directly -- the Word of God. The Bible is replete with examples of Christians who disobey the state faithfully, as with the case of Daniel, who refused to stop praying to God, and with his three friends who would not bow to the state idols. Christians to whom the apostles wrote in fact died by the thousands for their unwillingness to burn a pinch of incense to Caesar and swear, "Caesar is Lord." Instead, they made their public baptism formula a direct insult to this requirement, commanding all novices to violate this precept, uttering instead, "Jesus is Lord." If the law of the land go's contrary to Scripture then Christians need no obey it.

    First, Christians must disobey the state when it commands them to do what God forbids (e.g. bow to our idols or else, condone sin of any kind, etc). Second, Christians must not do what the Bible forbids but the state allows (e.g. abortion, homosexuality, murder, etc).

    Third, Christians must disobey the state when it forbids them to do what God commands them (e.g. Do not pray to God; do not preach the gospel. Hate crime legislation in effect forbids the preaching of the Gospel, and thus violates the right to freedom of religion in the first amendment. Ministers should preach the law of God and Gospel -- and Christians must always speak the relevant truth in society from the Word -- without fear of any man and this I will always do whether or not the state, homosexuals, abortionists, or anyone else likes it or not. Sin is sin and I will expose it for what it is. Just as I will expose false teachers, preachers, evangelists, and prophets for what they are.

  • 1 decade ago

    We shouldn't. In my opinion, people have to take responsibility for their own actions in life. Only God can judge these people and determine their punishment. I don't agree with homosexuality nor should they be allowed to marry but in the end, I really don't care what goes on. I won't be out there protesting and signing petitions. My life will go on and I will leave the rest in God's hand.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, where did Full Armor of God copy and paste all that from? Look, man wrote the Bible, therefore it is man's intolerant interpretations that have led us down the path to gay bashing. It isn't necessarily one thing that is written in this fiction that promotes intolerance, it's the whole thing. There is always going to be some holier than thou Christian supposedly trying to save somebody from themselves. Can't we all get along?

  • 1 decade ago

    homosexuality is a sin because it does not lead to pro creation.Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve.Anyhow if the church disagree with Gay marriage they have a right to appeal against it (free speech and all).If the church married gays even though they disagree with it this would be very hypocritical of them.However I do believe Homosexuals should not be shunned in any way or judged.#

  • 1 decade ago

    The law of the land is justice for all not equality. You will never have equality with the richest among us. Jesus said he didn't come to replace the law but to fulfill the law. The law calls it sin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because they have no understanding of the Constitution, or disregard it, and they mistake a will to theocracy for piety. There are no supportable arguments against same-sex marriage, only religious ones, fallacious ones, and disingenuous ones.

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