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What is your opinion on SEX OFFENDERS?

Are you somebody who hates sex offenders, no matter what? Do you think, it doesn't matter if they were just young and stupid and made one mistake, they're still a sex offender and they should be hated and despised and their every move watched.

Or are you a person who can see the other side of the fence? You think, They made a mistake. They screwed up. Like we all do. Oh, well. As long as they learned their lesson, i don't really care.

Personally, i see the other side of the fence. They screw up once, fine. Everybody makes at least one big mistake in their life. But if they do it AGAIN, that's when they got a problem. And even I (as open minded as i am) would be quick to judge, and quick to hate them.

So let me ask YOU. What's your opinion on SEX OFFENDERS?


VANDIE!: For your info, i DO have kids. 5 of them. And if anybody ever did anything to them, i'd probably do what Nutty did.

And this goes for everybody. anybody who calls themselves a christian and holds a grudge or judges a sex offender they don't even know, is a hypocrite. Learn to forgive and give a second chance. But if they do it again, nail their nuts to the wall!

10 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    After reading through the answeres I noticed one thing most of them had in caommon, most everyone associates a sex offender as a pedifile. Thats not the case at all. Only about 3% of all offenders reoffend according to the dept of justice. You can become a registered offender for urinating in public, accidental exposure ( someone sees you through a window or in your backyard sun bathing). spousal rape ( which doesn't have to be proven just alleged). Before making irrational judgements against registered offenders ask questions and stop for a moment and think could it have happened to me? You'd be surprised by what you find out. There are truely bad people out there and they should be executed but we cant put all 5 million registered offenders in that catergory. We need to stop believing everything the media says and investigate things for ourselves. Most offenders will talk to you and you will see they want to live normal lives with their kids and spouses just like everyone else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There are different kinds of sex offenders. You have rapists, child molesters and then there are those that are charged with statutory rape..and there are other offenses as well.

    I don't think those charged with statutory rape should be labeled as a sex offender..I find the entire concept of it ridiculous a many of these so called "innocent" girls go above and beyond to encourage sexual interest and often LIE about their age and the sex is completely CONSENTUAL. It's a fine line and the law has seen fit to destroy the life of a man simply because a female a couple years younger than him couldn't keep her panties up.

    As for rapists and child molesters..I think they should be executed. They cannot be trusted in society. Raping someone and stealing a childs innocence isn't a mistake. It's the mark of a sick, twisted and extremely cold individual. They are a waste of skin.

    And we don't ALL screw up in that manner, to compare a sex offense with a common mistake such as treating a friend badly or betraying a lover is beyond far fetched. I don't believe I've subjected anyone to something so horrific that they'd need years of therapy to get over it. I also doubt anything I've done has left a person to live in fear or to feel shame and disgust.

    Clearly you don't have children and you cannot grasp the damaging psychological affects a sex crime has on the victim. If they were compelled to do it once what in gods name makes you think they wont do it again? A normal person doesn't go out and force themselves on another..again it's something only a disturbed individual will do and it's my belief that it is ingrained in them permanently.

  • I have an irrational (well, somewhat) hate for extreme sex offenders (like assault, rape, child abuse); I'll admit it. Even if they offended just once... I can barely stand it. I've seen articles about little girls and boys who've gone through this (and some were -killed-), and there's a picture of them smiling hugely... it makes me think that whoever harmed them is just a monster.

    Yes, I understand that people make mistakes, and if I ever made a really stupid mistake, I wouldn't want anyone to hold it against me so harshly like I hold it against sex offenders. But I do strongly think that they should have their every move watched. That's how you prevent repeat offenses. You can't just let a sex offender out of jail, let him/her do whatever he/she wants, and when they offend again, just be like "Oh, OK, yep. Now we can monitor their every move."

    It's just my opinion, I guess. I'm sure some of them are decent people who made a mistake, but I just can't get over the monstrosity and cruelty of their crime in general.

  • mw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Level 1

    Level 2

    Level 3

    If you pee behind a tree in Public and get caught Level 1

    It would depend on the level and the offense

    Rape or Child Molestation Unforgivable

    Cut It Off!

    No more 2nd offenses

    Statatory Rape is A little different

    Depending on the age range of both

    and the situation it was.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Just because you WANT to do something doesn't mean you HAVE to do it. There are no shades of grey here. Most sex offenders are perfectly fine with what they do as long as they don't get caught. BUT, if they really think that they are not doing anything wrong, why do they try to hide it?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think it depends on the offense. Statutory rape between a 21 and 16 year old is different than a parent repeatedly molesting their 8 year old kid. I think its a bit extreme to make all sex offenders, regardless of offense, register and be stigmatized in their community for the rest of their lives.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Statutory rape is the only one I'll cut some slack on.

    Child rapists are the scum of the earth. They should get the death penalty-- but first they should have their penis cut off without anesthesia.

  • 4 years ago

    I think all you hating people out there should check your self, and quit judging others, In Gods eyes a sin is a sin no one is greater than the other. God said so as you judge so shall you be judged, Jesus said first get the plank out of your eye so you can see clearly to get the splinter out of your brothers eye. God said if you hate your brother you are a murderer and murderers and liars and such have no part of eternal life. What did Jesus do about the woman at the well that was caught in the very act of adultery ? That's right he forgave her and told her to go and sin no more. Let me assure you all of one thing if you don't forgive neither will God forgive you. Hell is going to be full of those that judged and never forgave.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Depends on the actual offense.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I hate sex offenders. Been to prison and I have seen what they are like. They die in prison....And I helped.......

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