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Does Obama and his wife and the democratic platform promote abortion in all aspects including botched ones?

From the point of conception to a botched abortion and the baby makes it through that procedure...does Obama and Biden support that and is that what the democrat party platform promises to America?


So, if our laws allow this what next? Old people? What about a 15, 30, 40 year old who is mentally handicapped? Will that be okay to take that life when the parents can't support them financially?

Update 2:

So Charles D..what is the answer? We abort babies...10, 15, 40, year olds because we don't want them?

Update 3:

I will ask what the Saddleback forum asked...when does one receive human rights? Who's pay grade can answer this question?

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, they are baby killers with no respect for life!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes they do! They believe in killing innocent babies. And they have the audacity to say the Republicans are murderers because of war that has been here since time began. The first war was between two brothers, it has continued throughout history and will continue in the future.

    If their candidate gets in; do they really believe war will end? If they do they are in deep in dreamland. Lets give them a free ticket to Neverland where they can play a perfect life with unity.

    Obama voted against the Live Baby Act in Illinois. He stood by while a baby that survived the botched abortion lived... but, no medical assistance was given and the baby died 45 minutes later. That baby was a HUMAN!!! THAT WAS MURDER

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As he said at Saddleback Church


    Obama wants to reduce the abortion rate, just like the rest of us. He's just unwilling to take his anti-abortion stance so far as to make illegal a woman's choice in the matter, including in cases of rape, incest, or even the endangerment of the life of the mother.

    Slightly off-topic, it is interesting to note that McCain's saying to great applause at Saddleback that life begins at conception (actually it begins before conception; sperm and egg cells are respiring cells) of course doesn't reconcile with his support of embryonic stem cell research. When McCain reminded the audience of this, he was met with -- crickets.

    But back to the exceptions: note also that prohibiting abortion even in cases of rape, incest, of even the endangerment of the life of the mother has been in the GOP platform since at least 2000. Correct me if I'm wrong, but that last prohibition dictates that, when both lives are in danger, the fetus's has primacy over the mother's? I find this hard to believe. Even parity seems a bit much.

    McCain scolded Bush in a 2000 debate for not knowing that the GOP platform did not make exceptions for rape, incest, and the life of the mother.

    In '07, McCain exhibited the same hostility to the platform.

    But in the past few days McCain has backed off his intent to change the platform language, just as the abortion attacks on Obama heated up.

    Mere coincidence?

  • 1 decade ago

    Im sure not all Democrats promote or support that. But the leadership seems to.

    Seems to be alot of people blind to the fact that there are people who encourage .. yes i said encourage.. abortions.

    I know its hard to believe but when a girl goes to planned parenthood pregnant and all they hand her is info on her abortion options and dont even mention adoption, well.

    And supporting killing a kid who is born after an abortion has failed to kill the child, as Obama has ummm thats just wrong.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No one "promotes" abortion. The issue is entirely split between those who want to keep out of the business and choices of individual Americans and those on the other side who want to be controlling dictators of the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Your representation of Obama's voting record is BS. This misconception has been corrected dozens of times in Yahoo Answers, so you really don't have an excuse.

    Many on this site are falsely presuming that Obama's voting against certain abortion legislation was because it provided babies the right to protection if they survive a late-term abortion. Obama correctly has pointed out that the existing law provided such protections already, and voted against the newer legislation due to OTHER constraints it would put on the woman's rights.

    The act which failed in the Illinois Senate sought to outlaw pretty much ALL abortions....for any reason including deformity, terminal illness, rape, incest. The legislation in question threatened the standing abortion laws in the state, while others provisions were bundled in that created liability for doctors, designed to intimidate doctors and make it more difficult to perform legal procedures. So Barack Obama opposed it for that reason, not to oppose protection of babies born alive.

    The act was designed as "wedge" legislation. It would have no effect on medical procedures, but was designed for just for these sorts of attacks. The Illinois legislature, after Barack Obama left to take his US Senate seat, passed a law that explicitly said it wouldn’t affect existing Illinois law on choice. Barack Obama has said he would’ve supported that law.

    When a group does this, they put one horrible provision (the "infanticide" part of the bill) and package it with a bunch of other provisions that assault a woman’s right to choose. Then, when someone votes against the bill to protect that right, they say the vote was over the "infanticide."

    In reporting on abortion-rights opponents’ criticism of Sen. Barack Obama's opposition as an Illinois state senator to bills seeking to amend the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975, the media have promoted numerous myths and falsehoods about Obama and the legislation. In several instances, the media have simply repeated false accusations -- or made the accusations themselves -- that Obama's opposition amounted to support for infanticide. In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

    On the August 18 edition of his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Obama "believes it is proper to kill a baby that has survived an abortion," while right-wing pundit Ann Coulter said that Obama "wants the doctors ... chasing it through the delivery room to make sure it gets killed." Further, author Jerome Corsi claimed that "[e]ven if a child was born, he said the woman still had the right to kill the child in an abortion," and Oregonian associate editor David Reinhard wrote that Obama's opposition was "enabling infanticide." In fact, Obama and other opponents said the bill posed a threat to abortion rights and was unnecessary because, they said, Illinois law already prohibited the conduct supposedly addressed by the bill.

    So instead of thinking, "Hmm, this sounds just a little too improbable, that Obama would want babies surviving abortions to be killed. I'd better research this first before I make this claim. After all, I'm a journalist and don't want to be caught out reporting on something that turns out to be easily debunked, and that most people would think sounds phony from the start. I don't want to lose my credibility as a journalist," they instead just MAKE STUFF UP, expecting their audience to be dumb enough to fail this gullibility test of a story.

    It's been said that, if it weren't for lack of context, there would be no news. But this is ridiculous.

    You have to consider the source. One source of these claims is Jerome Corsi, who has also written that McCain made his wealth through the Mafia and that 9/11 was perpetrated by the Bush Administration.

    Another source of these claims is Jill Stanek, who says domestic violence is acceptable against women who have abortions. She also supports billboards in Tanzania that say "Faithful Condom Users" in English and Swahili, written next to a large skeleton, to discourage condom use. She claims that "aborted fetuses are much sought after delicacies" in China to which she added, "I think this stuff is happening."

    Nurse Jill Stanek claimed that fetuses that were born alive at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, were abandoned without treatment, including in a soiled utility room. The Illinois Atty. General's office, then under abortion foe Jim Ryan, directed the Illinois Dept. of Public Health to conduct a thorough investigation of the claims, because what she was alleging were violations of existing law, supporting Obama's position that Illinois law already prohibited the conduct. Illegalities aside, Ryan was naturally quite concerned that such heinous activity could be going on in a hospital, as any sentient human being

  • 1 decade ago

    They are giving women a choice. If the people against abortion dont want it. Fine. Don't have one. But you can't tell other women they can't. So he's saying he promotes choices and options. Not dictations. So shove that up your pipe and smoke it.

  • 1 decade ago

    no. who encourages abortions?

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