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Why is Yahoo Travel being used as a place to distort history about Israel?

Why do people who do this sort of thing assume that by insulting others in attempts to intimidate people into accepting history revisionism and corrupted cherry picking out of context to even distort his/her own sources, that it will somehow make the existence of Israel illegitimate and obliterate 4000 years of Jewish history??

The text the asker spoke about from 1912 is so obscure search engines do not find it, However common sense dictates the title refers to the region then known as Palestine at the time of the writing of the book in the year 1912 and the history of that land but is not speaking about the modern Arab Palestinians when speaking of the ancient Philistines.

How can any honest person respect someone who attempts to distort history? Your thoughts please regarding the distortions vs the real history as follows:

It makes perfect sense that a GREEK Historian writing during a period of Greek rule of Judea would refer to the area by the name of his ancient Aegean seafarer ancestors, the Philistines. The Philistines occupied the five cities of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath, along the coastal strip of southwestern Canaan, south of the kingdom of Israel.

"The term 'Palestine' is derived from the Philistines. In the fifth century BC the Greek historian Herodotus seems to have used the term Palaistine Syria (= Philistine Syria) to refer to the whole region between Phoenicia and the Lebanon mountains in the north and Egypt in the south. (While the exact meaning intended by Herodotus is debated, later Greek writers certainly used 'Philistine Syria' in this very broad sense.) The Greeks felt a great kinship to their ancient kin, the Philistines. Greece was their original homeland!

"The term 'Palestine' is derived from the Philistines. In the fifth century BC the Greek historian Herodotus seems to have used the term Palaistine Syria (= Philistine Syria) to refer to the whole region between Phoenicia and the Lebanon mountains in the north and Egypt in the south. (While the exact meaning intended by Herodotus is debated, later Greek writers certainly used 'Philistine Syria' in this very broad sense.) The Greeks felt a great kinship to their ancient kin, the Philistines. Greece was their original homeland!

The Philistines lost their independence to Tiglath-Pileser III of Assyria by 732 BCE, and revolts in following years were all crushed. Later, Nebuchadrezzar II of Babylon eventually conquered all of Syria and the Kingdom of Judah, and the former Philistine cities became part of the Neo-Babylonian Empire. There are few references to the Philistines after this time period. However, Ezekiel 25:16, Zechariah 9:6, and I Macabees 3 make mention of the Philistines, indicating that they still existed as a people in some capacity after the Babylonian invasion. Eventually all traces of the Philistines as a people or ethnic group disappear. This all happened long before Herodotus wrote his history. Subsequently the cities were under the control of Persians, Jews (Hasmonean Kingdom), Greeks (Seleucid Empire), Romans, and subsequent empires.

The Seleucid Empire (312 - 60 BCE) was a Hellenistic successor state of Alexander the Great's dominion. It was during the GREEK rule that Herodotus lived and wrote.

During the second century BCE, under the Hasmonean priest-kings, the name of the tribe of Judah became applied to a very wide region, and when the Romans took control of that territory in 63 BC they called it Provincia Judaea.

However, in AD 135, after putting down the second major Jewish revolt against Rome, the Emperor Hadrian wanted to blot out the name of Judea and the presence of the Jews so he changed it to Provincia Syria Palaestina (ie the Latin version of the Greek term). This was later shortened to Palaestina, from which the modern 'Palestine' is derived.

According to noted historian, Thomas McCall, the name "Palestine" was not used until the early second century CE. The Romans continued the use of Judea and called the northern regions Galilee. McCall wrote: "When Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D., the Roman government struck a coin with the phrase 'Judea Capta,' meaning Judea has been captured. The term Palestine was never used in the early Roman designations." After Bar Kochba's unsuccessful second Jewish revolt against Rome in 135 CE, Emperor Hadrian ordered that all Jews be exiled from the Holy Land. "He took the name of the ancient enemies of Israel, the Philistines, Latinized it to Palestine, and applied it to the Land of Israel. He hoped to erase the name Israel from all memory."

The name of the Philistines, a people that had historically been continually warring against the Jewish kingdoms, was chosen by Hadrian for the very purpose of insulting the Jews.

There is an arch in Rome showing their capture of the Jewish kingdom and sacking the Temple . I suppose the arch of Titus and the coins along with museums full of archaeological evidence of Jewish kingdom


I hope for respectful answers and do not wish for this answer to be used as a platform to promote hatred of Israel or Jews. Learning about the history of a country can aide travelers in learning of places of interest to visit. Additional question: Residents of Israel, where are your favorite historic sites of the ancient kingdoms of Israel and tell us about them please.

Update 2:

excuse the edit, this should be at the end of the question itself..

I suppose the arch of Titus and the coins along with museums full of archaeological evidence of Jewish kingdoms are invisible to people who wish to ignore the right of the Jewish people to the homeland of Israel in peace alongside her neighbors.

There has never been an independent country of Palestine in the area, unfortunately. There could have been one alongside Israel, for 60 years now.

Why don't people stop trying to distort history and create dissention and instead, work toward peace and an end to the Palestinians being used as political pawns if they really support the right of the Palestinian people to their own country in peace?

Update 3:

Making vicious false accusations is utterly uncivillized and any rational minded person sees it clearly.

I trust that any child or adult WILL go read and see for themself just who is doing the lying and distortion of history.

Strawman and fallacious debate techniques also don't work. I never insinuated that Jews are a race. But then, the only way to attack history is to resort to lies about it or the source presenting it. Don't take my word for a thing I've said. My sources are reputable historians and scholars.

You don't learn from history if you distort it. I was hoping for someone from Israel to bring up archaeological sites of interest that address the history of Israel. That does have to do with Israel travel. Many travelers enjoy learning the history of a nation and I'm one of them.

I was not naive enough to believe that by asking a question asking for people to behave in a civilized manner that it would be honored in this section.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I spent a small amount of time here before I got too nauseous from all the lies. I'd done research myself & knew.


    I found every single one of the anti-Israel with their "facts" at some point stated obvious anti-semitic comments. That Jews control the media, the west & the world. That they are all evil doers. They are expansionists who plan to take over the world. Of the few people who claimed Middle East residence, several were not, by the details of their answers.

    It became evident, the problem was uneducated people looking for something to hate, that found their target.

    And Yahoo does not get rid of anti-semitism easily. In general they are irresponsible about attacks, but for anti-semitism it's particularly unresponsive. It's not just in this section.

    I think we all need to write to them, & to the sponsors to let them know what their ads are sitting next too. Would El-Al advertise here if they knew?


    There are several examples of utter nonsense answers here. I took stories about Israel's evil doing & researched for about a year in regional papers like Al-Jazzeers, Lebanon Star, PNN, & world wide papers. Piecing together info logically often getting key pieces from the Arab sources... in 9 out of 10 cases Israel acted reasonably, in the 10th I couldn't get enough info to be sure.

    Example: Washington Post reports that Israel went into PA house & killed father & son.

    Turns out:

    It was a 45 year old father & his 25 year old son who'd make bombs & were still making them in their basement factory, that'd killed Israeli civilian children. Israeli's passed out flyers in neighboring houses for them to leave. Went in to arrest, gun fire ensued & they shot the suicide bomb makers who targeted civilians. The IDF always says "no comment" so I didn't get the info there.

    See the story isn't quite the same. You can argue what is the right approach, but these people in YA truly have bought into a pack of nonsense that does nothing to create peace. Supporting hate isn't the answer for any side of this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In any disagreement both sides will distort or revise facts to better suit their beliefs or purpose. It doesn't really matter who is right or wrong, until they are both ready to address the disagreement in a civil,non violent manner it will never end. The reason it continues is because both sides keep it going,neither side is willing to accept any blame for their own actions. The game can only continue as long as people are willing to play it. Don't play the game and they will tire of playing solitaire.

    Added. Yahoo has allowed a section to be used for other than its intended purpose,that is why it is being used for politics,propaganda and chat. The only way to get back to a travel forum is to ask and answer only travel questions. Ignore all non travel questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You see now why I decided to be a Christian?

    Only Jews speak good words for Jews.

    Everybody else has terrible things to say about them.

    The worst thing it's that they are right.

    Yes, the Jews have been killing those poor bastards like stray dogs, using all of that imported (or stolen by our spies) ammo and guns.

    Also the Jews are famous of trying to change the World history to their advantage.

    I hated that even when I was one of them. Oy vei!

    Anyway, It's true that if we had some smarter guys to lead the band in Middle East, right this moment we would be dealing with all of those Arabs and getting wealthy and rich and loaded with cash, instead of shooting the living daylights out of the Palestinians.

    You want me to go on?

    OK, I'll tell you what's the worst thing about this thing:

    It affects all of those peace-loving Jews that live simple lives in Gentile World.

    Do you know how much the anti-semitism movement has grown in the past few years?

    Hundreds of thousands Gentiles that did not care about the Jews or Israel they are starting to build a hate at a rate that will be impossible to be controlled in the future.

    People in Europe are 6/10 antisemitic. In the States this is even bigger only our Press can always sweep it under the carpet, thinking that everything will be alright.

    Well, nothing will be alright, let me tell you. Nothing!

    Jesus girl you made me a thirsty Gentile, I need a beer real quick!


    Who said that Egypt receives the same amount of cash from the States?

    That's a good joke. Israel is getting HALF of ALL the foreign Aid the Americans give world wide.

    C'mon people stop lying so bad!

    We'll be the laughing stock of the world pretty soon!

    No one believes the NY Times or the CNN nomore.

    There's the Internet that gives the forecasts and it wont be sunny and dry in the next few years for any Jew.

    Trust me on that, I was one of you until recently, remember?

  • Jean
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Good luck, i think half the posters here are so deep in the ant-Jewish propaganda that they actually believe it themselves. I've been saying the same thing you just posted for years and they just ignore it and claim it's all a lie since it contradicts their closely held beliefs.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There isn't much more I could add to Shay, JD, and Pibe's answers except that I have noticed that there are no Jews in the Ramadan section causing any discourse. And as for real history, most Palestinians don't seem to realize that the western world has history books going back long before they every showed up in Judea in the 7th century.

    Update: Claymore, read Genesis 12:3. It will answer some of your questions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey Claymore Thomas III,

    does it piss you off that we give $3 billion in aide to Egypt every year too? whens the last time Egypt ever did anything for us? they certainly aren't helping to fight the "war on terror" are they? i would think with that kinda money they could at least stop slandering the US...but i guess not.

    do you realize that's only $1 billion less then what is given to Israel? do you also realize that Israel has made incredible strides as a country with that aide money? do you also realize they are our only outpost in the middle east that can defend the rest of the western world?

    well when you go to bed safe tonight you can thank Israel for being there for the last 60 years!


    Source(s): i have 1) lived in Israel, 2) a degree in Middle Eastern Studies 3) degree in Biblical Archaeology...
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It sounds so funny that, you Zions stole the Palestinian lands, put them in Israeli camps on their own land,

    treat them inhumanly and feel quite all right about it BUT,

    feel 'violated' that the Israel travel section is being used as whatever!!??

    Zions are well known for their hypocrisy.

    Nobody is distorting anything but Zions!

    This is the fact that, Zions always manipulate, cover up, distort and misrepresent everything for their advantage!?

    Don't you think, we're all well aware of Zions true colors?!

    Zions daily crimes and delinquencies, are all on the table.

    They can not cover up every thing, you know!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sadly, this forum has long been a place where a certain group of posters gleefully lie about Israel and abuse anyone who 'dares' to defend her. They openly report ANYONE who speaks up for Israel, in fact.

    This forum could have been a chance to try and have dialogue between Jews and Muslims, Israelis and Arabs. Instead, it's little more than a farce.

  • pibe
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yahoo Travel being used as a place to distort history about Israel just because it is easy to reach for people that are not able to present in other media their ideas of hate.

    Congratulations for your question!

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe you have just distorted the situation yourself.

    I don't have time to read such a lengthy "question" but I will take the time to point out your own mistake.

    You say:

    obliterate 4000 years of Jewish history??

    Your distortion comes with the use of the word Jew. While Jews have been in this region for maybe 2000 years, they were never alone.

    Another point, is that Jew is a religion, yet you have tried to twist it to mean a race. All of the Jewish people that have historically lived in this area were Palestinian jews.

    The fight today is between Palestinian Jews, Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Muslims, versus the East European zionists (many of who do not follow a religion).

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