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Lv 5
kejjer asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Does Palin have more experience than OBAMA?

Palin was a Governor for Two years, --a mayor before that.

What was Obama--a community organizer---a state representative and then a senator for less than 2 years--he has never done anything as an executive---never made a decision on his own. And if you take away the teleprompter---It shows


funny how you libs like to say Alaska has such a small population--When Biden is from Delaware--A state that is just slightly larger than Alaska in population---and he was just a senator.


38 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, she does. When Obama was elected into the senate, she had been an elected official for 5 years! Governors are better prepared for presidency than senators are. The whole time Obama has been senator he has been running for President. McCain, Palin, and Biden are all more experienced than Obama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. Obama has 4 years as a senator and 7 as a state legislator.

    Palin was mayor of a town with around 5,000 people. And then she jumped up to governor of Alaska. She's been governor for about 20 months.

  • 1 decade ago

    Senator Obama had a successful legal career as an advocate for disadvantaged people in a tough Chicago Neighborhood. From there, he has held elective office for approx 10 years represent the state of Illinois - A large state with large population.

    Being the mayor of town of 8,000 people is like having a paper route. She has been the Governor of Alaska for a little more than a year which is hardly a credential for "executive experience"

    You have been watching too much Sean Hannity there my friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    11 years of state/national service for Obama vs. 2 years of state service... (city service... really? that's about like being a community organizer and we all know it)

    you MAY be able to make a SLIGHT argument that she could possibly be slightly more experienced... if you put tremendous stock into executive and none into senate in state and national...

    but to make some sweeping statement about her being head and shoulders above obama is just funny based on the evidence you've given...

    and by the way... we don't even know how Palin sounds at all... with or without a teleprompter... she's given 1 speech on the national stage... and you're throwing her a ticker tape parade... HAHAHA

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is amazing to me, That the party which has tried to diminish the question of experince as un-important has now brought it to the forefront in a constant barrage against a woman running for office. The real question is Why does the democratic party have to silence strong women who are running for high office. First Hillary and now sarah Palin. The party of Change?....Hardly

  • 1 decade ago

    Let's see. Palin was elected in 2006 with a total of about 115,000 votes and has been Governor in a state of about 700,000 people. The basis for the claims that she has "experience" are coming from McCain. One man.

    Obama has received around 18 million votes from across the country, while building up the political power to defeat the heavily entrenched Deomocrat establishment candidate (Clinton). Over 18 million people.

    So, on the one hand we have McCain claiming that Palin has enough experience and on the other, 18 million people from across the country who have confidence in Obama as President.

    This is really your comparison? Have you thought this one through?

    EDIT: For the answer below, you do realize that part of the refund that Palin was able to send out to Alaskans was based upon the implementation of a windfall tax on oil profits, right?

    Just so you know, this is the same thing that has been proposed by Obama and, you guessed it, both McCain and Palin are firmly against the proposal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Palin has served less than two years as Governor of Alaska, which tends to eat into the experience message on which McCain has relied thus far. At 44, she’s younger than Barack Obama by three years. She has served as a mayor and as the Ethics Commissioner on the state board regulating oil and natural gas, for a total of eight years political experience before her election as governor. That’s also less than Obama has, with seven years in the Illinois legislature and three in the US Senate. Palin has no formal foreign-policy experience, which puts her at a disadvantage to Joe Biden.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes she does............. I can not see one qualification from Obama which makes him qualified for President.

    According to Joe Biden we do not need a good soldier in the white house, we need a loser who is nothing but a Commuity activist !!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not so much a question of experience but a question of judgment.

    Can you really trust the judgment of a person that thinks the earth is 5000 years old and doesn't trust the science of evolution?

    Sound familiar? We had enough of the last 8 years, let's move on!

    Obama/Biden 08'

  • Bob
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    She has 2 years experience as a Governor of less than a million people. She got 114,000 votes. She has no credibility in international circles. Can you imagine her sitting across the table from Putin? Few in Congress have ever met her, much less worked with her.

    Obama was a US Senator for four years, who has led in areas such as nuclear proliferation. World leaders have met with him with respect. 18,000,000 people vted for him in the primary.

    There's absolutely no comparison. This was a crass political choice, certainly not "putting the country first". There are many FAR more qualified Republicans.

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