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You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill

  • So what should be done about healthcare in the USA?

    My ideas--I believe in free open markets. So if there are monopolies--break them up.

    If there is no competition--support more competition.---amongst the private sector.

    if the government wanted cheaper healthcare they should.

    1) pay tution for nurses and doctors--so there will be more to compete against each other.

    2) make hospitals and doctors offices announce the cost of medical procedures up front to promote more competition between them--and even online so the client can compare quality verses cost.

    3) I agree with not allowing insurance companies to drop coverage for people who need it--MAKE them go to a board before they can drop anybody and explain why and have clear rules that allow or disallow them dropping somebody.--kind of like an arbitration hearing.

    4)Make insurance companies offer standard packages--that are universal for all insurance companies--it sucks paying for insurance only to find out it does not cover organ transplants after you paid into it for 10 years and need a new kidney.--or whatever.

    5)Make sure the government is the UMPIRE--never the home team and the UMPIRE.

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • if bush caused the recession--then how come it is a GLOBAL RECESSION?

    Bush was president of the USA.--Not the world yet the whole world is basically suffering. Icelandic banks were going to be nationalized--European country's like Britain are bailing out their banks.

    So How is this Bush's fault?

    I realize it's a tough question--and requires someone to follow something to it's logical conclusion.--

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Can you believe this story?


    not the fact that Obama is a liar--the fact that AP put the story out!

    How was he given such a pass before the election and NOW they want to scrutinize what he said.

    6 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why does OBAMA or any democrats say "WE INHERITED THIS ECONOMY"?

    Senator Obama along along with the democrats have controlled CONGRESS since 2006 and the president can only VETO bills.

    The debt --has climbed drastically since the democrats took over and the economy has tanked since they took over

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you expect Obama's Speech to go like this?

    We are a great nation, but we are a troubled NATION.

    Our standard of living is the greatest it's ever been but we need to change how we live.

    Our workers are the best in the world but they need help.

    Help provided by the government even though free enterprise and capitalism is the only way out of such dire situations as we find ourselves in---because of lack of regulation of business by Government. For to long it has been "BuYER beware" so that is why we need MORE regulations.

    and it will go on and on--first taking one side of the arguement--then the other


    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Wouldn't WORKFARE be a better Solution than Welfare?

    lets say you lost your job--or could not get one--so you go on Welfare.

    Now you get food stamps and some Cash until you find another job--which for some people seems to take forever---instead how about WORKFARE--you have to work for the government to get the money---and benefits that you would normally get on Welfare. You could file papers or other unskilled labor, pick up trash on the highway or do anything except sit around waiting for the next check--Drug testing ---(three strikes and your out for a year) would be mandatory and day care would be provided--you could work at the day care taking care of other WORKFARE peoples children.


    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Trickle down taxes from OBAMA?

    Okay-- so if you tax the guys that hire people, and buy expensive things--what are those guys going to do in an effort to keep their money.

    If I ran a small business--and I was going to have to pay more in taxes, I would start by making sure that I did not hire anybody I could not sub contract out for. I would be very frugal on what I invested my money in--NEW computers or office equipment would be out the window. I would probably have to limit how much benefits I could afford for my employees and cut them when necessary, I would also limit the money I would give out in raises and bonuses. I could always use the excuse--well we just can't afford to pay you more--after all taxes for the business has doubled.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • So is Acorn stealing the election?

    My belief is they are. I find it ironic that every time the left spouts about DIEBOLD and OHIO, or Florida and the SUPREME COURT it is always proven to be FALSE. They never have any proof of republicans stealing elections--but it seems when there is ACTUALLY VOTER FRAUD---it is always the democrats that are involved--

    In order to ensure a fair election we need more credible ways to ensure only legal voters are VOTING--not the dead--not the COWBOY FOOTBALL TEAM voting in ARIZONA. NOT someones CAT. How can we watch the only control we have over our elected officials just be casually dismissed by ACORN.

    Texas Watchdog found 4,462 registered voters who appear to be deceased.

    ACORN paid a $25,000 settlement and agreed to monitoring of its voter registration efforts. While the ACORN office in Tacoma is still signing up new voters, no one needs a photo I.D. to register or vote. The democratically-controlled state Legislature turned that idea down.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • educate the idiots--how to win--the democrat way?

    Do you believe this--this is a memo from the democratic party in Colorado.

    look on the drudge report and open the link to the pdf--memo--its midway on the second page.----


    too bad most of those guys will only hear the democratic side--and never what the democrats think about them.

    you have to click on the link to the pdf--first column--

    2 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • are you beginning to think this MARKET "CRASH" is more like Y2K or Global Warming?

    you know--a lot of scary possibilities with nothing horrible really happening?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • do you think the democrats are responsible for the economic problems of the USA?

    Okay--follow my reasoning--since oil prices rose last year--2000 trucking companies in the USA have gone out of business, and the economy has slowed down causing more job losses--prices have gone up for everything--but Bush and the republicans proposed drilling in ANWAR in 2002 and democrats said NO--saying it would take 7 years to get any oil out of ANWAR--even by their time table that would be in four months---As it stands now--we are seven years away-and you could see that even the prospect of drilling offshore caused OIL prices to drop-I know liberals believe that ANWAR only holds a pittance of OIL but my answer to that is--IF THE OIL COMPANIES THINK THEY CAN MAKE MONEY THERE, LET THEM DECIDE, they seem to have a knack for making money--and that means hiring American workers for good pay.

    The BUSH admin pushed for more oversight for FANNIE MAY in 2003--again--the democrats denied this. McCain pushed this again in 2005--again denied by the democrats. Now people are hurting because they don't have jobs--companies don't want to hire because their expenses are not stable and inflation is going up and people can't afford to live in the houses because of rising adjustable rates from bad mortgages.

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Okay libs--When Obama says he will end the war in IRAQ?

    and bring our troops home.

    Who do you think wins the war----not the USA, not the IRAQ people.

    Not the allies of the US in the area. Not the allies that went into IRAQ with the USA.--So who does that leave?

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does Palin have more experience than OBAMA?

    Palin was a Governor for Two years, --a mayor before that.

    What was Obama--a community organizer---a state representative and then a senator for less than 2 years--he has never done anything as an executive---never made a decision on his own. And if you take away the teleprompter---It shows

    38 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • So why does NOT drilling for Oil help the USA.?

    Bush gave a speech today about opening up offshore drilling and oil dropped 9 dollars by the end of his speech. (it went back up 3 after democrats responded with opposition.

    Why then do the democrat leaders still say that Drilling offshore will not help the USA. Do they not understand basic economic principles of SUPPLY and DEMAND.

    15 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Two years of Oil?

    an MSNBC talking head said that if we drilled in ANWAR and took every drop of oil out it would only give us TWO years of OIL dependency--(worst case)---Her point was it was not worth it.

    However, If someone told you that you would not have to pay for TWO YEARS of ELECTRICITY for free would you not jump at the chance.--or continue paying the same price.

    Are these people just idiots. Or is she just trying to manipulate the audience?

    Anwar gives us 30 years of independence from Saudi Arabia.

    although we would still have to import from other countries like Canada and Mexico. --That amounts to several hundred billion dollars a year that we could be giving our own citizens, instead of Saudi, and other countries.

    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Why do LIbs hate Lobbyist?

    The first amendment to the US CONSTITUTION states that we have the right to PETITON CONGRESS. This is what Lobbyist do. Someone pays them to Petition Congress for them.

    Yet all you ever hear is that LOBBYIST ARE BAD! Lobbyist cause congressmen to be corrupt.

    Obama attacks Lobbyist on a regular basis. McCain is no better---but lets say you want to save DUCKS in the local pond in your neighborhood from some federal toxic dumping bill.


    You never hear the people in the MEDIA ever challenge OBAMA or McCAin whenever they attack lobbyist--WHY?

    Why are they limiting our ability to influence our congressman?


    the Media get to publish editorials, they get to go to state dinners with the congress, they get to interview them--and ask them questions--BUT WHAT ABOUT the COMMON PERSON!

    7 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What about Rev. Wright Sermons makes you ANGRIER?

    Is it the fact that he said so many outrageous things--like the USA releashed AIDS on the Black people. Or that he said "God Damn" America, or that he blames white people for the ills of the world---Or that fact that the PEWS in the Church were filled with people Clapping, and cheering and agreeing with him.

    YOU KNOW --the Sermons that OBAMA missed for the last 16 years

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • for the libs---Why did Clinton bomb the AL-SHIFA PLANT?

    I won't give you a link--You'll have to use something besides your emotions to figure it out

    4 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago