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Lv 5
kejjer asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

So is Acorn stealing the election?

My belief is they are. I find it ironic that every time the left spouts about DIEBOLD and OHIO, or Florida and the SUPREME COURT it is always proven to be FALSE. They never have any proof of republicans stealing elections--but it seems when there is ACTUALLY VOTER FRAUD---it is always the democrats that are involved--

In order to ensure a fair election we need more credible ways to ensure only legal voters are VOTING--not the dead--not the COWBOY FOOTBALL TEAM voting in ARIZONA. NOT someones CAT. How can we watch the only control we have over our elected officials just be casually dismissed by ACORN.

Texas Watchdog found 4,462 registered voters who appear to be deceased.

ACORN paid a $25,000 settlement and agreed to monitoring of its voter registration efforts. While the ACORN office in Tacoma is still signing up new voters, no one needs a photo I.D. to register or vote. The democratically-controlled state Legislature turned that idea down.


your right--nothing is more traitorous than having someone steal an election---and ACORN is in the process of doing just that---by the way--the republicans needed democratic help to pass any bills in congress--CARTER and Baker both worked on the HELP AMERICA to VOTE ACT---and it was passed by both democrats and Republicans---look at the vote.

The Help America Vote Act (Pub.L. 107-252), or HAVA, is a United States federal law passed the House 357-48 and 92-2 in the Senate[1] and was signed into law by President Bush on October 29, 2002.[2] Drafted (at least in part) in reaction to the controversy surrounding the 2000 U.S. presidential election, the goals of HAVA are:[3]

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    They certainly seem to be trying, and Democrats all over the country are doing their level best to help them.

    Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner refused to initiate a system that would verify the identity of newly registered voters. She claimed that all the accusations of voter fraud in Ohio were without merit and there was no evidence that anyone was doing anything wrong. This came well after the following news was made public.

    1 Voter = 72 Registrations

    Fortunately U.S. District Judge George C. Smith thought otherwise and ordered her to comply.

    According to the records in Ohio ACORN has registered more than 65,000 voters in one county alone in Ohio this year.

    And when Obama's team says they've not paid ACORN to do any work for them, that's another one of those little technical half truths. Obama paid Citizen Service Inc., $832,598 for various political services, according to Federal Elections Commission filings. Yeah, technically it's not ACORN, but that group and ACORN share the same board of directors. It's called "deceit laundering"

  • 1 decade ago

    If you bothered to read facts, you'd see that it isn't the votes that are the problem, it is the registered voters that are. That is because ACORN (stupidly) pays their workers by the number of people they register. In other words, if the Dallas Cowboys registered in Arizona, people by those names aren't actually voting. Understand? Of course you don't mention the thousands of names that have been illegally purged from the rolls.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You show no proof that the Diebold irregularities are not true.

    I do not believe anything that comes from Fox Noise.

    I have been involved with voter registration, and some individuals will put down false info, but we do not turn those in

    We recently went to peoples homes who had their applications rejected for minor errors to correct them. It may be an imperfect system, but vigilance will weed out many irregularities. It is our right to vote.

    as they say in Chicago,remember to vote early, and often.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    “49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the election for President Obama" Yeah, I think a lot of things . . . but does that make them PROOF? And did you notice that the title of your link is: "Republicans not handling election results well"? Nothing about PROOF

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  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, your a Republican, therefore a liar. Following your link, there is no mention of Acorn. It was a statewide investigation of the state. Acorn is nowhere to be found.

    And what did the newspaper find?

    "Auditors identified 49,049 registered voters state-wide who may have been ineligible to vote. "


    So not only did you lie in your smears of ACORN, you misread the article from the conditional to the unconditional. Just made it up. I will NEVER, ever, follow any of your links again. God, why do I waste my time with you guys?

  • 1 decade ago

    No, but this election might be HAVAed.

    HAVA -- In 2002, still high off their election day steal of the presidency, the GOP passed "Help America Vote Act" that mandated that every state in the US mimic Catherine Harris's setup in Florida that allowed a single individual with no oversight to have final say on who they chose to remove from the electoral rolls.

    Apparantly, the GOP sect of state in colorado has already wiped out just under 20% of Colorado's registered voters from the books....

    I think there is nothing more traitorous than selling out your fellow American to win elections.

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