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Lv 5
kejjer asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

do you think the democrats are responsible for the economic problems of the USA?

Okay--follow my reasoning--since oil prices rose last year--2000 trucking companies in the USA have gone out of business, and the economy has slowed down causing more job losses--prices have gone up for everything--but Bush and the republicans proposed drilling in ANWAR in 2002 and democrats said NO--saying it would take 7 years to get any oil out of ANWAR--even by their time table that would be in four months---As it stands now--we are seven years away-and you could see that even the prospect of drilling offshore caused OIL prices to drop-I know liberals believe that ANWAR only holds a pittance of OIL but my answer to that is--IF THE OIL COMPANIES THINK THEY CAN MAKE MONEY THERE, LET THEM DECIDE, they seem to have a knack for making money--and that means hiring American workers for good pay.

The BUSH admin pushed for more oversight for FANNIE MAY in 2003--again--the democrats denied this. McCain pushed this again in 2005--again denied by the democrats. Now people are hurting because they don't have jobs--companies don't want to hire because their expenses are not stable and inflation is going up and people can't afford to live in the houses because of rising adjustable rates from bad mortgages.


Hey--LIBS--I need reasonable answers--not like the first two

Update 2:

Shirley C--I agree--Those CEOs need to be held accountable--but that does not answer the question

13 Answers

  • Coasty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This link leads to the best explanation of the problem I have ever seen.

    Ampersand` You are right you are simple! Ding Ding Ding.

  • 1 decade ago

    Uhh Clinton years ? Booming economy ? We were all living on loans that we didn't have the means to repay. Now it is time to pay up. How were we able to get loans we couldn't pay ? Well, one way was/is through something called a 'matrícula consular card. You can get a bank loan or mortgage without even having to have a social security number, much less a job or citizenship or any visible means of repayment. Or how about 'equal opportunity lending ' ? Which is another way of saying "it doesn't matter if you can pay the loan back or not, you are 'entitled' to qualify for a loan". The dems felt that banks 'discriminated' against ____ 'fill-in-the-blank'.... ie; the poor people Poor people, they said, are 'entitled' to have an opportunity to get a higher mortgage loan and the banks should therefore accommodate them.This is what the Clinton democrats, with noble intent, pushed onto the unsuspecting working population of this country. The name for this is 'socialism'. Well, when capitalism smacks up against socialism, this is what happens. So, everyone rushed out, got a mortgage they couldn't pay for and voila`! They then reneged on the loans. Hello foreclosures. Goodbye lenders and investor's assets.

    Was Wall Street involved ? You betcha. Some of them were unscrupulously secreting large amounts of $$ while attention was elsewhere. They are thieves and should be prosecuted and punished. Did they bring this problem on ?? NO ! That's like saying the 'store' decided one day to give all it's stock away to people who couldn't pay, and while doing that , an employee of the 'store' stole a 'dollar' from the til. He stole a 'dollar', and for that he should be prosecuted as a thief, but is that 'dollar' why the 'store' had to close? NO. It had to close because one day it decided to give all it's stock away to people who couldn't pay.

    Is this the only cause/problem ? NO, Is it a partisan problem ? NO, Is Bush responsible ? NO

    We the people, us... the government 'of the people' yes, that's us... WE are responsible, for encouraging the feeling of 'entitlement' that some people have that gives them the idea that without ambition, focus or work, they are 'entitled' to the same rewards as those who do work hard and make the right choices that allow them to take advantage of the opportunities available to ALL in this country.

    I don't target this at any race or ethnicity. The bottom line is; it is never sound business sense to borrow beyond our means. It's bad for us, it's bad for the communities, it's bad for the economy and it's bad for the country.

    I'll take off my 'tin hat' now :- )

  • 1 decade ago

    You made some very valid points here, all true, BTW, to those who doubt it. It was Clinton who decided it would take too long too implement offshore drilling, and nixed it without exploring any viable alternative avenues. So, here we are, with gas prices up the kazoo, and it's blamed on the current "Republican" administration. We certainly have nothing good to say about it, but their hands are pretty much tied when there is no cooperation from the Democrats who offer no other solutions. There's a saying that goes "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." I feel it can be appropriately applied here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe that this economic crisis is the fault of both parties. I think our worthless dollar is the fault of Clinton and his big counterfeiting operation with the feds and mints. While this war was a huge drain, that could be blamed on Bush's administration. There is also the natural ups and downs of economy that play into it too. Most of the time, the Administration previous to the current is the real culprit.

    ampers..... you said it buddy! A VERY simple answer from a very simple mind! ding ding ding....

    I wish there was an open season on idiots, I would MUCH rather hunt them than deer (or wolves for that matter!) ;)

    collin- totally agree with you!

    dschmidt- if you think the President makes all the decisions, you should have your voting privileges revoked! (but I doubt you are old enough anyway)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oil companies are so full of sh*t it's ridiculous. You realize that main oil company in the usa reported there highest profit ever.. something like 40billion dollars if I remember right. That's profit, not just what they grossed, thats money out of our pockets and into theres. They are price gouging, inflaming the prices, whatever you want to call it. With a profit like that gas could easily be $2.00 or less and they would still be making huge profits.

  • First off,there were NO bad mortgages,people KNEW what they were signing and if they didn't,they should have read the fine print!! Second,no one group is responsible for this mess!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    who thinks maybe Wall street big wigs who bailed on the $ and the CEO's of the companies should dig in their pockets and help fix their own mess?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How when the President has been making all the decisions? Every domestic policy the Democrats are for Bush vetos and will never give us a break when oil and food prices are outrageous. Yet we spend billions of dollars wasted on the illegal Iraq War.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes. Clinton's betrayals kicked in during Bush's years.

  • 1 decade ago


    has hit the nail on the head!

    I couldn't agree more.

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