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Is it possible for Hussein Obama to ascend to the Presidency by attrition as he did the Senate?

Is it even remotely possible, given the laws of the state, that after McCain accepts the Republican nomination, is it conceivable, that the communist (sic Democratic) party can find some loophole to have his name removed from the ballot, leaving ONLY Hussein Obama's name, as happened during his Senatorial campaign? It IS a fact, that he wasn't elected to his position, but had every other name on the ballot removed due to loopholes and technicalities. If it is possible to do it in a Senatorial campaign, is it possible to do it in a Presidential campaign as well?


Being on the ballot meant nothing, Dr. Keyes' votes were not counted, because he was deemed to be illegally placed on the ballot by a lack of LEGAL names on his petition. Obama supporters signed the petition with the names of dead citizens, then filed a claim against the petition, and without those 700+ names, he didn't have a legal petition. So while his name was on the ballot, he wasn't in the running.

And to the LOSER making the smart aleck response about names, Hussein IS his name. B. Hussein Obama. Barack Hussein Obama. Hussein Obama. Satan. Loser. Communist Liar. Racist Bigot. He's all of those, and more. and you are offended because I didn't use his FIRST name? Does it offend you that you are supporting an African American instead of an AMERICAN? Or does it offend you that I reminded you of the fact?The only reason he doesn't wear a towel on his head is because it would cover up his pretty hair. But I can picture him in a red and white wrap.There but for the Grace of God...

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    obama only wins when he is running unopposed as in the case of hillary and alice palmer and when the rules have been bent so much that they allow him to win i.e florida and michigan changing rules as it suited obama. i mean he already silenced florida and michigan until they didn't count why doesn't he just save evrybody the trouble and do the same with the rest of the 57 states or give the ones that vote for mccain half votes. i mean he has already added states as well maybe he can get the germans who attended the free concert to count as one of the 57

  • 1 decade ago

    Both of the idiot candidates managed to miss the date for getting their names on the ballot in Texas, but they'll both manage to get back on by weasling a new law through the Texas legislature or creating their own loophole.

    Don't blame Obama for manipulating loopholes when without them and the electoral votes in Texas McCain's chances of election get much dimmer.

  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    President Barack Hussein Obama, I don't know how but I am looking forward to his presidency. I am looking forward to have a real woman Michele as first lady. No more stepford wife. Beautiful children. Joe Biden such a decent & intelligent & energetic & capable man with such a lovely family. They are the only ones out there that can do the job. Bush did nothing but destroy. McCain has nothing to offer. They aren't even blessed enough to have a decent convention. They couldn't get enough people to show up before the storm. He has Bush & Cheney as speakers. Arnold threatened not to show up unless his state was given something. 9 republicans said months ago they refused to show up. Obama will get it done but I don't know about attrition or whatever but he is a blessed, humble christian man...If you don't care about all that is happening to so many people in the military, losing homes, high prices, etc. I think you ought to look at McCain's health care plan. You can go to my questions & I asked a question about it & even you will be harmed by his plan.

  • Yeah! And maybe Sarah will switch back to Independent and have Alaska secede from the US as she planned in the 90's, if the republicans win!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Anything is possible...but not very probable at all.

    Hussein is a polarizing and very questionable character from a very shady and negative sensationalized history.

    Mccain is a true American patriot & hero who is well loved and respected

    for his long service for our country ...and he kept the experience at the top of his ticket and the "change"/ emotional/sensationalism and less experience at the bottom of the ticket!

    All wise Americans will see this come's just common sense!

  • 1 decade ago

    There were Two names on the ballet! I guess you think like most Republicans that if you say it then it is true! Alan Keyes ,that pillar of Republican ideals,was the other name!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is so disrespectful to Not call a man by his real name

    Even Barack Hussein Obama is respectful

    But I have to expect such ignorance from people like you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They already tried to change the results of the Bush/Gore election. Aren't we glad it didn't happen. They think the country is in trouble now? I wonder how Gore would have handled 9/11. I can just picture him addressing the nation afterwards. Sniveling, whining, and apologizing to the terrorists so they would stop.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People would riot in the streets of america is that COULD happem. No one wants Insane Obabma as President.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    He did it in his senatorial race. I don' think it's possible in the Presidential race. His opponets in the state race had no power.

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