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What signs/symptoms did you have before a miscarriage? Gradual or Sudden?

We've been told to expect to miscarry (solely based on my hcg levels, no exam or u/s has been done) yet I don't have any pain, bleeding or anything. Nausea comes and goes whereas with my other pregnancies I was severely nauseous and/or sick all together. My breasts still hurt, more so then a couple weeks ago. I get dizzy easy, pee often, and get hungry quickly.

I should be 7 weeks and have another hcg test tomorrow and finally an u/s Thursday to see what's going on and make sure it's not ectopic : ( I'm just worried something is going to happen suddenly so wanted to see what happened to others? I know it's a sad thing to discuss but my 2 week wait has now turned into a 5 week nightmare and I could use some advice. Thank you.


The Dr's assumption is based soley on my hcg results (I've had 6 or 7 already), they went from barely doubling to not double..the last 2 didn't even go up 100 much less double. And the levels haven't gotten high enough to do an u/s as of yet but they're finally going to do one Thurs to see

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Sorry to hear you are having to go through this, I remember how painful mentally my miscarraige was last year. I actually had a small amount of red blood when I wiped and was worried, between 7-8 weeks, until then i had had no pain etc or anything else to cause concern. I then had to have a scan which showed an empty sac, with an opening where we had lost the baby at 7 weeks, we were devastated. I then had to go back to the hospital for blood tests every 2 days to check that my hgc levels were dropping, like you, mine were no longer doubling but increasing slighty by about 100, mainly I think because I hadn't had a lot of bleeding. I never did have a lot of blood loss, although the 4 week slater when my period woudl have been due was quite heavy and painful, same the month after and that was it then. Not really how I expected and in some ways made it more difficult to get over, havign this reminder each month, but it does get easier.

    Sorry again to hear you are having to go thorough this, but it doesn't mean you are at any higher risk of further miscarriage and I wish you all the best

    Source(s): Was ttc for 16 mths incl 1 m/c. Now 16 weeks pregnant with baby No1
  • sinkey
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Signs Before A Miscarriage

  • 1 decade ago

    When I miscarried, I just did not feel pregnant. I did not get sick or anything. I told the doctor something was wrong and I just didn't feel like I was pregnant. He said I was fine. The next day, I came home from work, sat down to pee and just peed out blood clots. That was it. We went straight to the hospital. All the doctors could say was they were sorry. They did an ultrasound and there was no heartbeat. I was only 7 weeks along, but you are the only one who knows your body. Good luck.

    Source(s): Personal Experience.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I was 12 weeks pregnant when I m/c and didn't have a single system. When I went to the doctor he couldn't find a heartbeat so he did an U/S and the baby was there but no heartbeat. I would say that the brownish red blood is your mucus plug! so.... My guess would be you are in the process of a M/C and it could be either sudden or gradual. Sorry hun! G/L.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    are you sure you're going to miscarry? i lost a baby at nearly 5 months gestation, but the baby died the month before and i swear i could tell the day the baby died. all of my pregnancy symptoms suddenly disappeared and it coincided with what the doctor found out. maybe you should get a second opinion. good luck.

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