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Does McCain believe in "hands off the children" in the realm of partisan politics?

In a GOP fundraiser in 1998 McCain appears to have said bad things about 18 year old Chelsea Clinton:

when Chelsea was barely 18 years old. That's right, war hero John McCain picking on a little girl.

"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."

The fact that McCain had made the tasteless joke was reported in major newspapers, as was the vain attempt by his press secretary to initially deny what McCain had done. But in several major newspapers, the joke itself was kept a secret.


When an adult tells offensive jokes about another person's children, I somehow have to question the judegement and moral integrity of that person.

Update 2:

Think First ... your assessment of the situation reveals exceptional insight

Update 3:

HiTech ... McCain apologized to Pres Clinton for telling this joke.

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I remember that and it took awhile, but he did finally apologize to President Clinton, but not to Chelsea herself.

    Clearly, there is no 'hands off' children...especially given the recent events in his own campaign. He demanded privacy one day, then the next day flew Mrs. Palins future son in law in to join them at the convention. Between the two of them, they both threw those two young people into the media spot light and all the rest of the family as well....

    It's very hypocritical, because Senator McCain and his wife keep their children very well protected from all of that....I don't know how Mrs. Palin fell for the line, that allowed her to expose her children in such a way.

    Edit: Here's another link to the issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    As you have said here " The FACT, that McCain had made the tasteless joke" is in itself a lie. The article you quote quite clearly states "Though no tape of McCain's quip has yet emerged, this is what he reportedly said"

    So you are quoting an article which clearly states the statement is nothing more than a rumor that they are trying to keep alive for political reasons and then you call it a FACT.

    So you are taking someone else's rumor, making it a fact and trying to call the " accused" to the carpet for it when you should be calling the perpetrator of the rumor to the carpet.

    Besides, this joke about Janet Reno being the father of a very ugly Clinton offspring was a joke I heard in 1994, long before this "statement" was supposed to have been made. And another thing, she is ugly, still.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe children should be off limits but what would the "bible belters" say if Obama had a unwed teenage pregnant daughter, she would characterized as another "black wefare mom"

    I'm more concered about Palin having a 5 month old sitting for 5 hrs in a crowd of 20 thousand screaming hillbillies.

  • 1 decade ago


    The idea all along was to use Palin's teen daughter for political gain.

    Rove at his finest/worst.

    Tell the big bad media to back off after the news slips out.

    Not like it isn't news right.

    Cry and whine for a day about how unfair it is for the poor girl.

    Garner the gullible sympathy support...

    Then trot her all over the place in front of the cameras today like all is OK.

    Using a pregnant teen for political traction is despicable.

    This is almost criminal behavior and it is hard to believe that John McCain has sunk so low.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I am against McCain's politics but I can say one thing for him. He is a very decent man and would never use dirty tactics towards children. He 50 times better than Hussein O. who uses dirty politics under the table but he is easy enough to catch.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yep, that was bad of McCain. Not bad enough however for me to switch my vote to a Marxist.

    I say go ahead, Obama should make jokes, crack wise, call names and maybe even publicly berate Palin's kids. That is sure to be a winning strategy.

  • 1 decade ago

    18 years old is hardly a "little girl" I'm sure most 18 year olds have heard worse.

    Anyway do you really think that's the biggest issue we are facing?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Had to go back a decade to dig that one up huh?

    Do you really think that even compares to the 24/7 insult onslaught we've been getting from the angry liberals over Palin? please.

    Guess that goes to show you reporters CAN report on people's pasts, they just choose not to in the case of Democrats!

  • 1 decade ago

    mccain rocks, i sure hope he wins over obama.. everyone who likes him should vote for him on this page (and get a free gift card!!).

  • 1 decade ago

    What a crock. The libs will resort to anything. Pathetic.

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