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How do you get ball point pen off leather?

Someone had a pen in their pocket and sat in my car and it made a 6 inch pen mark across the seat! Any way to get out the pen?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I use a product called Tannery. It cleans and conditions leather, and works on the messes my daughter makes. Hope this helps.

  • annieR
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Successful ink removal will depend on the type of leather you have, please see the following:

    For ink removal:

    Ink Removal

    Removing ink from leather is not a cleaning problem.

    Most ink removal products will not work simply because of the length of time the ink has been on the leather.

    Ink is a dye and has re-coloured the leather (this is what it is meant to do)

    The longer the ink has been on the leather the harder it is to remove because it soaks into the finish. Once it has soaked into the finish you have to use very strong products to remove it, which will also remove finish and pigment which then need replacing.

    Pigment/Protected leather

    If the ink is on a pigmented leather then the first thing you should try is an LTT Ink Stick. The fresher the ink the more chance you have of removing it. It is a good idea to have one in your house if you have pale leather and children!!!!

    Old ink will be harder to remove than new ink and may mean resorting to solvents which will also remove the finish. This is probably best left to the experts

    If an ink stick doesn't work a solvent based remover will need to be used and it may also remove finish and pigment so is best left to the experts.

    You should also be using LTT Leather Protect on your suite. This will act like a 'scotchgard' and will make any more mishaps easier to clean off.

    You will see many people recommending household products to remove ink – this is not recommended as most simply will not work, some may appear to work but the damage they cause can make a much bigger problem which is then un-repairable (even by a technician)


    Hairspray - This is very risky as it can make the matter far worse by spreading the ink over a bigger area and can sometimes then be impossible to fix.

    Nail Varnish remover/solvents will remove the finish on the leather even if you cannot tell it is doing so and this will then need replacing, and alcohol may do the same depending on the strength of the finish on the leather.

    Baby wipes – just about the worst thing you can use on a leather as they break down the finish and will eventually ruin it.

    Milk or Toothpaste - these are just silly ideas that will leave sticky residues on the surface which will help to break down the finish on your leather.

    Silicones/furniture polish – should not be used on leather. They will form a coating on the surface of the leather which will not allow any moisture to get to the leather itself and will eventually break all the finish down and cause it to crack.

    Hide food will not remove ink and will leave residues on the leather which will attract dirt and oils.

    Most leather cleaners will not remove ink unless a very good leather protector has been used on a regular basis.

    Magic sponges or erasers. These have been tested by experts in the leather industry and have found to do a lot of damage to certain finish types on leather.

    Aniline Style Leather

    As aniline style leathers are largely absorbent it means that the ink will have soaked straight into the leather itself. This makes it impossible to remove. No product will successfully remove the ink.

    DO NOT try ink removing products on aniline style leathers as most will leave a greasy residue which will then cause another problem.

    Because aniline style leathers are absorbent the ink will carry on moving through the leather and may become less obvious over time. Cleaning and protecting will also help to dissipate the ink.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    How do you get ball point pen off leather?

    Someone had a pen in their pocket and sat in my car and it made a 6 inch pen mark across the seat! Any way to get out the pen?

    Source(s): ball point pen leather:
  • Mae W
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Leather is virtually maintenance-free as a furniture covering, but ink from a ballpoint pen can be particularly hard to remove. Ink marks are certainly easier to remove than a rip, however. Follow these steps to remove those pesky stains various upholstery.


    Difficulty: Moderately Easy

    Things You’ll Need:

    * Leather Master brand Leather Cleaner

    * Shampoos For Normal Hair

    * Cotton Swabs

    * Soft Cloth


    Work on removing the stain as soon as you discover it. Dried ink is especially difficult to get out, unless you act quickly.


    Blot the stain with a soft dry cloth or cotton ball.


    Moisten another cloth and clean lightly with circular movements. Dry the surface with a soft cloth.


    Try a little saddle soap or another leather cleaner, but first read the label regarding its safety for use on your particular kind of leather. You may also try removing the stain with lukewarm water and shampoo.


    Contact the manufacturer for a remedy for the type of ink used - the company may sell its own solvent.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Sugar, I have used hair spray, or rubbing alcohol, this has always worked for me, then use a leather cleaner this put the moisture back into the leather. Good Luck Annmarie

  • 1 decade ago


    Use an alcohol swab to get the ink off. Then use a warm wet paper towel to wipe off any excess. Then use a leather conditioner to keep it like new.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would go to a reliable car store and asked them only b/c some of these products maybe good on household items but not good on the color leather you have in your car...........i know how you feel my old car the leather seat got ripped by jeans got worse and worse!! =0( I wouldn't mess around with it b/c replacing a seat all together r getting a new piece of leather costs tons...just call a car store r go to one and ask them what they have in store for it. good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hi, ralph in england here, my wife uses Johnson's baby wipes, they take out the stain and oil your leather at the same time, hope this helps, ralph

    Source(s): my wife
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My mum just got some and it got permanent marker off my cream carpet that my sister drew on. She also puts it in the washer and it gets oil of my dads clothes, btw you get 4 bottles for the price.

  • 1 decade ago

    hair spray

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