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Does it really matter who wins this election?

It seems that half the country will still hate what the other half believes in, and congress will still be in gridlock. So realistically we are looking at four more years of nothing getting done. Is there any way to ever get someone elected that would actually represent a large majority of the people. It seems we are doomed to this 50-50 split forever, unless we split into two countries.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is a good question because it depends upon how successful this person will be in getting anything done in our gridlocked nation. Certainly, they cannot accomplish goals alone. There is a continuing culture war. But if the elected president accomplishes the goals that they set aside in their campaign then that will restore faith in our legislative branch.

    It would be easy to split into two countries if both countries could agree to disagree. Instead, both sides are trying to convert the other. If they outright rejected the other, then the issue would be to resolve on who gets what territory. Since the U.S. is a contigious landmass there would be a massive amount of bickering over how natural resources are being used or abused.

  • Ken
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think it will.

    The pharmaceutical industry wrote Medicare Part D (no price negotiation, for the love of Mike!) and MBNA wrote the 2005 Bankruptcy law. Business owns Washington – do you think that’s what Jefferson had in mind?

    The Iraq invasion was the single largest blunder in the modern age. The blame falls directly on this administration and its leader, President Bush.

    This country has huge problems that won't be addressed by keeping things the same. The issues are complex, the entrenched interests wield incredible power and only Senator Obama seems to have a chance of changing the direction of the county.

    It's a serious time.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey, maybe you have an idea there! All the dems can live on the west side and the reps can live on the east side. The two countries can negotiate/ barter when they need something from the other.

    Oh, and the indies can have North Dakota or some other place in-between.

  • 5 years ago

    Either means do not agonize, don't forget there is continuously the mid time period elections, they are best two years away. Remember what occurred to the Democrats again in 1994 over the Brady Bill and the attack guns ban? The Democrats misplaced each the apartment and senate.

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  • Chances are nothing will be done in 8 years or more heck probably never I mean why do you think it takes about over 10 years to pass a bill

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    LOL...yes. Let me rephrase that: Hell yes it matters.

    Why? (Moderate) McCain and (Fundamentalist Christian) Palin win...I am not speculating here, but the chance of our economy becoming good again is VERY slim. Palin got Alaska the most money in earmarks this past year. Which means...she isn't good with fiscal responsibilites. And...neither is McCain. However, McCain will probably not listen to a damn word Palin ever says to him, so basically it will be McCain with his bad temper, deciding who to go to war with. McCain's whole campaign is about war. McCain WANTS to go to war. He has said he might invade Pakistan if he has to. ...This will bring on WW3, no doubt.

    We've been fighting a useless war over oil for 5 years now. Are we winning the war? Yes, but verrrrrrrrry slowly. However, we are at war for a stupid reason. For OIL. McCain wants to start offshore drilling for more oil. ...OFFSHORE DRILLING IS NOT THE ANSWER TO OUR GAS PROBLEM. WE NEED ALTERNATIVE FUELS, OR NEW TECHNOLOGY THAT ALLOWS CARS TO RUN ON ELECTRICITY OR SOLAR WIND POWER. McCain is not changing a damn thing.

    Source(s): independent
  • peash
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well really what candidate is going to come through on all thier promises? I think that some will take their job more seriously. Bill Clinton was too busy screwing Lewinsky...and G.W. Bush was too busy going on vacation. I think if Obama wins he would do a great job because people have high expectations from him and I'm sure he would deliver. Mc Cain on the other hand...people see him as just another Bush. No thanks !

  • 1 decade ago

    It does matter a lot. Father like son.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually it really doesn't natter one bit since Jesus Christ will be coming shortly to establish His Kingdom here on Earth as the Bible sez.

    Source(s): a retired realist!
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