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To pro-choice people, I have a question.?

I read a defense for abortion where someone responded "it's hard enough for the woman to do it, so the least we can do is support them."

Yet you don't think of the baby as a baby, to you it's "just a clump of cells"; so why is it so hard for someone to get an abortion? Wouldn't it just like having a wart or tumor (i.e., another clump of cells) removed?

Perhaps I'm missing something. (Sorry if this sounds harsh as it does to me, being pro-life; I couldn't see any other way of wording it.)


keyjona, my husband's best friend had a friend who was pregnant with her second child. We eagerly offered to adopt her baby; she chose to abort it.

Update 2:

David M, maybe you're not aware, but it's been medically proven that the fetus can feel pain.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Elective surgery is always a difficult decision.

    The difference of course is the potential for embryotic cells to develop into a viable human. That potential, creates thought about the future and potential life. But potential, ISN'T the same as result. For instance, we all have the potential of becoming serial Killers, but would never jail all humans because of it.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Pro Choice

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    even if i did think of the baby as a baby kaz, i am still pro choice

    and its not "so hard" for anyone to get an abortion, maybe where you live, or maybe thats whats told to you, but in reality, abortions are done all the time and its no harder than getting a wart removal

    and it woudl be personally difficult to them because it WOULD be a baby in the end, when it was born and had its 9 months of growing

    because of what it woudl be when it was born is why they find it so difficult

    the wart cells wont grow into a child, a whole new person if given enough time, its just a wart, that clump of cells will create a baby, a whole new person

    rather simple really

    and thats not the same as a wart now is it

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think of the baby as "just a clump of cells," nor do I support abortion as a method of birth control. It is my belief that abortion should only be used in extreme cases such as those where carrying or giving birth to the child is a threat to either the mother or the baby's life. However, in the end, it is the woman's right to choose. If abortion is banned, women who wish to abort their babies will resort to other methods of doing so. I've heard stories of women who threw themselves down flights of stairs in attempts to make themselves miscarry, among many other much more gruesome things. I used to hold a strong pro-life stance, but now that I've learned a little more about the situation, my position has changed greatly. I am pro-choice, not because I think of the baby as a clump of cells, but because I don't want to see women dying at the hands of a back alley abortions. I'm all for adoption, but in the end, it just isn't enough. There are more than enough orphaned children in the world, and not everyone is so generous as you to adopt them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, your first problem is using a random comment from the internet and suggesting it constitutes the intellectual bedrock of the pro-choice movement.

    To that, I'll add that nobody denies the obvious fact that in the broader context of greater empirical events, an abortion, regardless of when in occurs, is ultimately denying life to something that would have otherwise lived. To deny this is simply denial of an obvious fact and nobody does.

    That in mind, if you think that is murder, then every man who's ever ejaculated during, say, masturbation, has also committed murder, correct?

    The guidepost to sanity on this subject is to determine when a baby is actually a baby. This is why most Americans support certain abortions, but almost always oppose partial birth abortions.

    Two observations I'll make about pro-lifers: one is that they tend to think of women who've had abortions as blood thirsty animals, just as your comments did, suggesting that it is baffling to you that a woman would even have any compulsion at all in having an abortion.

    Second, I can't understand why so many Bible thumpers oppose abortion, considering that the Bible explicitly condones and even instructs how to abort babies.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am total pro-choice. I believe that everyone should have the right to do what they wish with their bodies.

    I also personally would not choose an abortion for myself. I do look at it as a child.

    What if you were Raped by a man and that rape caused you to carry his child? would you want to give birth to his child and have to live for at least 9 months with the reminder of that Rape? Would you raise that child or would you give it over to the State so that it could be raised in a foster home or possibly adopted? What would this do to the child? Would it have a good life?

    It wasn't the child's fault.................. yet the child is punished.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well it's an uncomfortable procedure for a start so I'm told.

    But most of the difficulty would come from dealing with the sanctimonious censure, violent demonstrations, and even death threats from those who are "pro-life" in her community.

    And to the smug :"Elder" below who pointed out an obvious truism as if it were some deft syllogism, yes we have all been born. Which means we are all indepently able to sustain biologocal life, and are hence people.

    If your (attempt at a) point is that the "unborn" would have other opinions, perhpas you'd be so kind as to share YOUR memories of being a fetus, and what you thought about various sociopolitical questions. Please detail how much pain you felt, how much you dreaded your mother choosing to abort you, and how much you looked forward to getting into the post-placental world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Having the abortion as a physical process is not hard. It's the psychological aspect that's difficult. It's the child you would have had -- plus, when you are pregnant, certain hormones take over that make you want to have a child even when you know you couldn't possibly take care of it.

    EDIT: Instead of showing up at clinic and claiming that abortionists will go to hell, why not go there and offer to adopt? Although personally, I wouldn't put a kid through the hell of living in a religious family. What torture that would be.

  • Madara
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    it's hard enough for the woman to have an abortion because of those people trying to make her feel guilty, useless and a murderer.

    its the woman's body, it's her choice to terminate or continue her pregnancy and not somebody else's


  • 1 decade ago

    I don't believe in having an abortion, except in cases of incest or rape.

    I also don't believe that I have the right to tell someone else what to do with their body. That is why I am Pro-choice.

    It has nothing to do with my beliefs towards the act of abortion, but has everything to do with my beliefs against telling people what to do with their own bodies.

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