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Fernanda E asked in SportsRunning · 1 decade ago

Can anyone recommend any good podcasts for running?

I just started running a few weeks ago, I have a 10K goal three months from now, but I have a real hard time enjoying and not thinking "this is hard, I'm tired, how much longer?" so I thought a cool podcast might take my mind off stress and enjoy the run. Can you help me out?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i saw this nike itunes card at best buy

    it had things about running on it (the 10k human race that happened about a week ago)

    it's free

  • 1 decade ago


    When I started running about a year ago, I wanted the best tips so I can run faster and more efficiently. I found this podcast and It's pretty good. You can find it on Podcast Itunes and subscribe or you can also go to their website

    Good luck with your training!

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