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How would I include my son during my Holy Hour?

He seems really interested in joining me during my Holy Hour which is an hour I spend in prayer and reading my Holy Bible. How would I include him during this time?


he's only 19 months old. he pays really close attention in church and gets mad when someone interrupts his Bible story that i read to him during his nap times and bed time.

Update 2:

there were a few of you who gave excellent answers. choosing a best answer is going to be harder than i thought.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    That is great! My son is older (4), but we pray together at night, thank God together during the day for our health, food, clothes, friends, family etc. Also, if we see someone "being bad" or we know that someone "doesn't know how much God loves them", we pray together for them when we get home. We listen to worship music and dance together and talk about the lyrics so he understands what they mean. Your sons not too young for that. Just do little things with him throughout the WHOLE day. It seems to be very affective for my son although he is older. He's always telling people God loves them, hes always telling me how much he loves me, Jesus and God etc. He even prays on his own when he doesn't know what decision he should make about things. Its so cute. Kids are such a blessing from the Lord....such a blessing. And He will reward you and I for bringing them up in His way!!

    God bless you and good luck. I hope my advice helps :)

  • When my children were little, we always did the family Rosary, we would kneel in front of my bed where the crucifix hung,me, my husband, my son, my Mother-in -law, and my daughter who was only about a year and a half would be jumping on the bed. We all did a decade of the Rosary including my daughter. I would start her and say Our Father, and she would take it from there. And then I would say Hail Mary, and she would take it from there. 10 times. Although she would not pronounce the words correctly we prayed with her and surprisingly she learned all her prayers at an early age. Kids are smart and when put into a prayer life at an early age is wonderful for them. Plus, they learn quickly. And I'm sure Our Lord really gets a kick out of this hearing these little ones pray to Him. Suffer the little children to come unto me. God bless you.

    Source(s): Roman Catholic, Pray the Rosary daily.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, have him sit with you, and read the bible out loud, or pray out loud, or if you do the rosary or chaplet, say those out loud and have him hold his own rosary and show him how to keep track of the prayers. Have him turn on the light to start the holy hour (don't use a real candle), and turn it off when it's over. :)

    Hope this gives you some ideas.

    Give him big hugs for me

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Children usually like music, so why not find some hymns or Holy songs that you could teach him and sing together.

    You could also get some videos or DVDs of Jesus' life and teachings as children generally like watching TV!!

    P.S I think it's great that you dedicate a certain amount of time to God, if only we could make enough space for God in our lives. It seems He is increasingly pushed to the back of our minds in this day and age :(

  • 1 decade ago

    I would recommend responsive reading...... in other words you read one scripture have him read the next.... then discuss what you have read and how you can incorporate what you studied together into your daily lives... then always pray together thanking God for that time together with him and your son to study his word and the blessing of having a son to worship and study with.

    God bless you both will keep you in prayer here

  • Joy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    How sweet. :) I have a friend who always prays with her kids before bedtime and she just prays a real simple prayer that they can understand. Her kids are very young. Perhaps you could pray with your little one?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How old is he?Read him stories like Jonah in the belly of the whale,etc..

  • 1 decade ago

    Prayer is a personal thing from your heart to God. Teach him how to talk to God in prayer and teach him God's word. That is an obligation all parents have from our Creator. This is our obligation not the priest or minister of your church.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Read to him from the bible, maybe from James or Psalms. Have him read passages to you, maybe have him say some prayers. etc.

    Source(s): Christian.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get him to spend the hour speaking in tongues in a corner. If he doesn't already do that.

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