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I got a ticket for tinted car windows!!!?

I got a ticket for having the front driver & passenger windows tinted. I noticed that almost everyone else's windows are tinted as well and I honestly don't think the tint on my car is darker than anyone else's. What is the criteria to determine which tint is illegal in the state of California (in Hollywood, LA County)? Can the police ticket anyone whenver they feel like it or the tint has to be darker than a certain shade?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Each state has an allowable tint number for the two front windows. Back windows can be as dark as you'd like. Most places that do tinting are required, by law, to tell you if the darkness you chose is legal or not. They have a gage that shows how much light goes through and get the number that way. If it's too dark, they do issue tickets. Some prefer to keep their dark tint and risk another ticket in the long run. I don't care for tickets, or the cost of them, so i go to what is legal in the state i live in. There are legal shades of tint, which vary from county to county in every state. They can't give you a ticket if yours isn't dark enough to cause a problem.

    Just because others have it doesn't make it legal in any sense. Being ignorant of the law isn't a way to get out of it either.

    Yes, a police officer can ticket anyone with too dark of tint anytime they want. You are breaking the law, and they can ticket you for breaking that law.

    If your tint was done professionally you should go back and ask why they didn't inform you it was an illegal shade. You might be able to get them to reinburse you for the ticket if they didn't tell you. When i chose a shade just a bit too dark, the company that did mine informed me right away. In Florida they said they legally had to tell me before they could install it. I then opted for the legal tint up front and put the way dark in the back only.

    They sell the darker shades that can't be used up front because you can use the legally on the back windows.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

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    I got a ticket for tinted car windows!!!?

    I got a ticket for having the front driver & passenger windows tinted. I noticed that almost everyone else's windows are tinted as well and I honestly don't think the tint on my car is darker than anyone else's. What is the criteria to determine which tint is illegal in the state of California (in...

    Source(s): ticket tinted car windows:
  • 1 decade ago

    I got a ticket as well last year, but I live in Atlanta, Ga. Our officers have this device they put on your window and it gives the percentage.

    I didn't think mine was that dark either. From what I understand, if you were to put your license up to your window and it is not visible, your tint is too dark.

    Check with the police department to see what is the limit for window tinting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is why you should have it done by some one that knows the local laws. They could care less about how it looks they are looking out for your safety and theirs. Most people try for limo tint way to dark. Take you tint out pay your fine and do it legally next time . They got your number and do not let them catch again with to dark tint. You will just have to loose a little cool when you drive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here is the California window tint laws and if the tint is darker than the requirement's then yes anyone can be ticketed......

    This is what we use during vehicle inspection in determining if the tint is too dark and the police officer will need to use the same type or close to it but he cannot just guess.

    Source(s): 316
  • 1 decade ago

    The tint has to be a certain shade. I'm in NC and my boyfriend's sister bought her car in Florida where I guess the tinting on window's doesn't matter, brought it up here and within 2 weeks she got pulled for it. I believe it was because it was too dark. The police have to still be able to kinda see in there to see what's happening in the back seat when they pull you over.

  • 1 decade ago

    In colorado, I think the Legal Limit for tint is no less then 27%. you can get 5% around here but you have to pay cash under the table. However, All the cop cars have 5% on them and so they don't seem to pull anyone over for tint issues. They have the rule so cops can see who is in the car. Basically the jackasses who decide to run from the cops with tinted windows, Making identifing the driver difficult, have ruined it for the rest of us who just want the interior to be cooler and stuff inside to be protected from those same criminals who want to break in and steal our stuff.......

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    your front windows cannot be as dark as the rear windows for visualization reasons. but if the cop didnt check your tint with i believe its called a chronometer , theres your defense.

  • 1 decade ago

    Although tinting is subject to interpretation by the officer, the state has rules. Check this web page for details -

    All the best.

    Source(s): driver safety consultant
  • bungee
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    In Pa. the only front window tint that is legal is if it comes from the mfg. you can put aftermarket tint on of the same light blocking percentage and it is still illegal. Pa. is a nanny state big time<

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