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For 40% of your income through tax , (based on an average annual income of $85,000) would you mind getting?

Be very open-minded and honest.

Where gas costs $4.50 a gallon, food costs about 5% higher than you pay now, and you receive the following.

* Daily allowance if you become unemployed. Benefits during unemployment are part of the social insurance so you do not need to report to any unemployment fund.

* Treatment by a doctor and at a hospital as well as essential medicine are covered by the social insurance. You must however pay a proportion (excess) as a rule.

* Sickness benefit is based on your income if you should become sick or injured. This can be provided for one year.¨

* A rehabilitation benefit or vocational rehabilitation benefit or temporary benefit or early retirement pension if you do not return to work before the end of the sickness benefit period.

* Care allowance if you or your child requires special care in the home as a result of sickness or functional disability.

* Basic benefit to cover any necessary additional costs as a consequence of sickness.

Given, for example, to provide a guide dog for a blind person, transport, costly diet or special food etc.

* Appliances/help for persons who are sick or who have a functional disability.

* Old age pension that has been earned. This is provided from the age of 67. You earn a pension entitlement, even though you may not be in employment.

EXCEPTION: This does not apply if you already have a pension from another country or have ceased to work

* Maternity benefit if you need to stop work because you are pregnant.

* Parental benefit for 44 weeks after birth as compensation for loss of income from work. This is calculated in the same way as sickness benefit. Can be given for 54 weeks if you choose a reduced rate. The benefit period can be divided between the mother and father if both have earned the entitlement, i.e. have been gainfully employed during at lest six of the last ten months. Also applies during adoption.

* Single payment at birth where the person is not entitled to parental benefit.

Also applies during adoption.

* Care benefit or temporary parental benefit as compensation for loss of income while caring for a sick child.

* Child allowance for children below the age of 18.

* Child-care allowance for children between the ages of 1 and 3 that do not attend a publicly- supported day-care centre.

* Benefit to a single mother or father if you are unmarried or single divorced person who is solely responsible for children below the age of 8.

* Maintenance support if you have a claim for maintenance from the other of the child’s parents and the person concerned does not pay maintenance.

* Surviver’s pension if you are a widow or a widower or a person who had earned a pension entitlement in Norway.

* Child pension to a child who has lost a parent and the deceased had earned a pension entitlement

* Funeral grant that is means-tested.

* In the event of occupational injury there are special, more advantageous rules that apply to the calculation of sickness benefit, disablement pension, child pension etc.

EXCEPTION: Does not apply only if you have been posted by an employer in this country to work in a different country for a limited period


- you move to a different country.

EXCEPTION: Does not apply if you continue to work in there and do not take up employment in the new country of residence.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm of Norwegian ancestry. My ancestral homeland is awash in oil revenues from the North Sea wells. Norsk Hydro is getting as big as Royal Dutch Shell. Yet, there are an enormous number of Norwegians on waiting lists for elective surgery. So, no thanks. I'll take my current health coverage under Social Security and Tricare For Life (I'm retired military). Even if I'm sick I continue to receive my Social Security and my military pension. The only co-payments I have are for my medications and they amount to $3 for generic and $9 for brand name drugs for a 3-month supply. And my tax rate is still under 20%, even though the government considers 85% of my Social Security check to be taxable income, because of my military pension.

    Instead of listing all of the "benefits" of a draconian tax system, you might want to look at the number of Europeans who are migrating to other nations with lower tax rates.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Because they are the working-poor, doing a lot of jobs many wouldn't even consider is based on your income & if you are low-income or poverty-level (some people are even below that) you pay little to no tax, but like the other guy said they still pay FICA & live in big cities that usually have a high sales tax. Here in Chgo I believe it's 9% or more..

  • 1 decade ago


    I would rather keep 95% of my income and invest, save, and spend it on what I want and need. I do not want others deciding for me what is appropriate to spend my money on.

    The other 5% I'll send to the government to run the local and national things it is Constitutionally mandated and allowed to do (some infrastructure, national defense, police, etc). But all the "social" services and payouts I can do without. I'd much rather keep 35% of my pay.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Benefits like this are utterly unsustainable. It's why France and Germany recently elected center-right candidates.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No I do not want to live in a Socialistic country!

    I want to work and pay my way through my life.

    Something Senator Obama does not like. He wants to bring us to a socialistic type of government like France, Germany and other European countries.

  • iceman
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No I don't mind it at all.

    But I do mind spending $ 450,000,000 per day on illegal wars of aggression and killing over 1,200,000 innocent defenseless civilians.

    The hell with that.


  • D.C.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


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