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Lv 7
gone asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Isn't it wonderful the Republicans have the Democrats to blame for their failures.?

Ah yes the party of responsibility.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Republicans have had control for quite some time, so to blame Democrats is completely for the retarded.

    Notice Republicans:

    1. Answer every question with lies and deflections.

    2. Promise to regulate private lives while they sell the country from under our feet.

    3. Ignore any facts that don’t support their views: the price of gas, the deficits, and the number of home foreclosures, as well as, rising poverty and “outsourcing” America.

    4. Ignore that a vote for McCain is approval for 8 more years of pulling money out of the middle class.

    5. Enjoy listening to puppets read one line of rhetoric once a day, stay the course.

    6. Ruthless and hypocritical.

    7. Eyes, mind, and feet are focused on death in heaven while America is sold to the highest bidder, Big Oil, China, and Walmart.

    8. Use broad undefined words to brainwash people.

    9. Only have one issue and that is to regulate a woman's uterus, never mind family privacy, war killing, orphan children, tubal pregnancies, or becoming a surrogate for unwanted. Does life end at birth?

    10. Put money, church, sports and entertainment before country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't you think that the Democrats play at this game too?

    What's good for the goose, is good for the gander! Right now the epitome of blame lies at the feet of the Democrat party, including the failed energy policy that they are trying to pass. It will fail because the bill allows drilling only 100 miles out and beyond. Where the oil is, is within the 50 mile radius out of California, and the Democrats will not lift the ban. Of course, it's all the Republicans fault that we have a failed energy bill. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Democrat controlled "do nothing" congress. I have said this before and I will say it again, and that is that I continue to be shocked at the hypocrisy of the Democrat party that quickly lays the blame at the feet of others, for the problems that they have largely created for themselves. Social security continues to be a mounting problem. President Bush tried to reform Social Security in 2005 with a plan to shift some of the program's funds into private investment accounts. It got stonewalled. Guess by who?

  • 1 decade ago

    Would be nice to have third party which could blame both for their failures. I have to write though you are wrong The Republicans right now are not The Party of Responsibility that term belongs to The Green Part big on clean air and stopping Global Warming.

    Source(s): U.S. Green Party exists and for human survival. Responsible Party and alternative.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Exactly. Oops I didn't read the warnings about 9/11. I'll just blame Clinton because Nazi Republicans are too stupid to figure it out. Then when the economy goes south I'll blame the Dems even though the Republicans have had power of congress and the white house for the first 6 years of my presidency.

    Republicans, you can thank yourselves for the mess we're in. If you all weren't such stupid Nazi's and stopped defending everything that comes from a Republican we would have some order in our country, but no. You Nazi's will defend anything: torture, the killing of innocent poor people, corporate welfare, homophobia, racism, homosexual prostitution in airport restrooms, etc..... You people are the reason people hate American. I would totally support your genocide.

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  • John V
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I agree, it seems for Republicans, personal responsibility is a virtue everybody else should have

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's the party of Delusion

    War is PEACE

    Freedom is SLAVERY

    Ignorance is STRENGTH

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Works for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's all they do is blame.

    Troy B.

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