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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Do McCain supporters still think the trickle down effect will fix the economic crisis?

for 8 years we've dealt with the same economic policies, what makes you (McCain supporters) think that the economy will get any better under McCain. all McCain is doing is following Bush's economic policies.


McCain even thinks the the economy is still strong. this is proof the man is out of touch with the everyday American.

don't you have to admit McCain and the rest of the republican party right now is catering to the rich, and the rich only.

their economic polices only benefit the rick

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think some McCain supporters are genuinely concerned that Obama's proposals will have a negative impact on owners of small businesses and will therefore inhibit growth. I am an unabashed Obama supporter, but I can see the logic behind those fears.

    Despite this, I think that most of the voting public - Obama supporters as well as McCain supporters - make their decisions without actually researching the different proposals/platforms of the two candidates. A quick glance at the Politics section on Yahoo!Answers is enough to convince me of how ignorant most people are about what their candidates actually believe in.

    In other words, most McCain supporters probably have no clue that by voting for McCain they are voting for an economic policy which failed under Reagan (arguably), under Bush Sr. (who referred to it disparagingly as "Voodoo Economics" before doing an about-face and adopting it), and under George W. Bush. In fact, the only president we've had over the last 25 years who actually presided over a booming economy that he could take any credit for was Bill Clinton, and he was also the only president during that time who did not favor Supply Side or "trickle-down" economics.

    Again, most people don't pay attention to that. They just hear people say "Obama will raise taxes" - something which is NOT part of his economic proposals* - and believe it.

    So no - I don't think most of his supporters think that. I just think they don't know what they're voting for.

    Home-School -

    There is no definitive evidence that supply-side (or trickle down) economics work better than anything else. There are some great case studies that support the idea, but there are great case studies that support plans such as Obama's instead. Don't talk about opinion like it's fact.

    Source(s): *Obama's plans involve letting Bush's tax cuts for the wealthy (including many small businesses that have filed as individuals - see above for why this is potentially problematic) expire on schedule. This is different to cutting taxes. Want to know how much will you save under Obama vs. McCain?
  • 1 decade ago

    You are truncating McCain's words. He stated, that the economy was fundamentally strong, and there would be challenges to bring us back to prosperity.

    Redistribution of the wealth, and following failed socialistic policies of the past and those failing now in Europe, are the policies that Obama espouses. These polices would make us a welfare state and lower our standard of living. We would definitely see a recession if Obama was elected with even slower growth of the economy than we are seeing now.

    We are not in a recession now, and to keep us free from going there, we need to elect a man with a greater vision for this country. We are not ready for Obama's failed radical ideology.

    Raising taxes does not equal prosperity for anyone.


  • andy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is true that the underlaying foundations are still strong. There are large companies expanding in the United States as we speak. Also, the energy industry is rebounding after 30 years of non-growth.

    The banking and financial mess we are in is a direct result of deregulation that took place over 30 years and no one President or Congress is to blame. Also to a degree it is also the fault of the greedy American who was living beyond his means and caused us as a Nation to have a negative savings rate.

    Bush and this Congress did nothing to stop this collapse from happening by regulating the banks and financial markets like they were after the last Great Depression.

  • Do democrats think anything trickles up? Gravity is alive and well in the science of economics as well as physics.

    Please understand that if you vote liberal or conservative, you may not get liberal or conservative. So, If you vote (TRUE) liberal/democrat and get a (true) liberal/democrat, expect more taxes and higher spending. This is a promise. The Democrats promise more spending and higher taxes on the rich in every single Speech they make. In this sense they are more honest. What they don't say is - Any and All taxes will slow the economy and when the economy is slow, it limits the number of dollars the Government can take in as revenue. When the economy is slow, it produces more people who will need government help. In the end, more people will be looking for smaller pieces of the welfare pie. Of course every single Democrat promises to only tax the rich. The problem with that logic is, You cannot "just" tax the rich. The rich don't pay taxes, they pass it on. Suppose you tax a bakery $100,000 more (to feed the poor) How long do you think it will take for the bakery to raise the price of bread to cover the $100,000? Instantly? It's like looking at a bucket of water and saying I'm going to take a cup of water out but don't worry, I'll take it from the other fellla's half and leave your half alone.

    The Democrats promise lower taxes on the middle class and the poor. however, the midddle class and the poor don't pay a very large proportion of the tax pie. They do promise to tax the rich and wealthy corporations. When you tax a corporation the taxes are simply passed in in 3 ways. Employees have to work harder for less. They are downsized and outsourced. Customers pay more for less making it hard to make ends meet and Mom has to go to work which floods the market with labor. If the amount of laborers increases, the bosses can pay less per worker by the simple laws of supply and demand. The third way corporations will certainly pass along the tax increases is to pay less on stock and bond investments so it will be harder for people to save for retirement.

    (TRUE) Republicans want lower taxes and lower spending. They are generally dishonest because they don't tell you the only ones who pay taxes to a large extent are the rich. The general population isn't willing to believe this formula won't cause the people who are poor to hurt more. In fact, stimulating the economy by lowering taxes will produce more jobs as more goods and services are needed. Less people will be poor and those who are left, will have a larger piece of the welfare pie to benefit from.

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  • Power
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most of the McCain supporters relied on their jobs & bank accounts in life. They will learn the humility that dems naturally have but they are going to learn it the hard way. They are going to lose their job & health care & since they called poor people lazy & taking off of the gov. they will not get unemployment insurance. Then the back account or investment money will be gone & they will find we are all one (an idea that dems. believed in) & they will have to get food stamps to eat...they won't be able to pay for the house so they will sell it & live in a neighborhood with all the people they have judged & they will understand why the one neighbor has to have an abortion & if this person can not go to a hospital they will have to use a coat hanger or they can go to the herion dealer down the street who does abortions on the side or maybe it will be there own daughter cause all she had in life was that b/f & was so young she didn't think about birth control. They will have to learn it the hard way cause they sure didn't learn it from the dems enabling them to continue to live the good life.

  • emp
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Excuse me but Obama supports Bush's bail out of AIG. McCain did not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. Yes they do. Why? Because John McCain says so and John McCain never lies.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain has his own plan ur confusing him with bush.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Obama doesn't have a clue, any more than McCain.

  • 1 decade ago

    As long as we are on the bottom...oh what a thrill!

    Source(s): Gets old After a while.
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