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Those of you who won't vote Obama because of the color of his skin, how do you feel about McCain's daughter?

McCain Family Photo:

I read this article yesterday:

and couldn't help but wonder.

35 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The only idiots who are voting based on skin color (no matter which color) are too ignorant to read your post.

    Seriously, there are so many reasons not to vote for Obama that you do not need his race as a reason. He is a racist, socialist, Jimmy Carter clone, sexist, fool.

    By the way, McCain's adopted daughter is adorable.

    New Hole...Actually, in my case, it would be family members. I have 16 races in my family tree, though I am told that I look like a white guy with a tan or a Mexican. My wife is the first in her family born in America to LEGAL immigrant parents from citizens. My sister-in-law became a citizen last year, and was born in Niger. My family reunion looks like a beautiful rainbow in monochrome. NOT ONE PERSON IN MY FAMILY IS VOTING FOR THAT RACIST PIG, OBAMA...even my liberal nutcase brother cannot stand Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    Number 1. The daughter is not running for president!

    2.I don't think most of the voters have a color issue.

    3.I think the major reason people are not voting is because they can see for what he really stands for.People are not ready to jump into that hole.They see the scam!

    4.If you want to get right down to the nitty gritty I dont think most people are ready for a black man or a women as president yet.I think a women will be president before a black man.

  • 1 decade ago

    You know, I am so tired of the democrats saying that if I don't vote for Obama, that I am a racist. I am not a racist, and I will not vote for someone who knows nothing about what he is doing. He is told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. He can't answer a question, without a teleprompter that tells him what to say.

    That is the reason I will not vote for Obama, Not the color of his skin.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just goes to show you McCain is beyond race. If Obama was a white as snow I wouldn't vote for him. I don't believe a socialist should be President of the United States.

    I hope you are just as concerned that on most polls 95% of blacks said they are going to vote for Obama. I would hope you would also question there motivation

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  • 1 decade ago

    I admire the McCains for adopting a needy child from bangladesh.I will not vote for Obama because I judge him according to his character and not the color of his skin.

  • 5 years ago

    simply by fact it is not any longer likely that it is the case. i could supply between 10 and 20 p.c. (beneficiant margins) who might have voted in keeping with pores and skin colour. traditionally, blacks have been vote casting Democratic for awhile now. it may be stupid to anticipate that each and every physique is doing what they often do (completely) for a distinctive reason. it may be like asserting that Republicans voted for McCain customarily simply by fact they did no longer choose a black guy in place of work. it is purely stupid. Republicans voted for McCain simply by fact Republicans often vote for the Republican candidate. I do think of that so plenty greater minorities (of all types) and little ones registered and grew to become out to vote for Obama simply by fact they have been excited approximately him (some perhaps simply by fact of his ethnicity, some simply by fact of his age, some simply by fact of his aura... who knows).

  • 1 decade ago

    The media is in love with Obama, the story I read said many people would not vote for him because he is black.

    I think there are many people who are afraid not to vote for him because someone might think they were racist if they did not.

    I don't have a problem with his skin, just his friends and their positions on the issues.

    McCain's family, just like Obama's family have nothing to do with the election.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm so sick of this. The media is already trying to come up with excuses for a possible Obama loss. My guess is there are far more people voting FOR Obama because of race than against. how else do you explain the fact that half of caucasions seem to be willing to vote for him, but only 3% of african americans are willing to vote mccain, and those that do are labled "uncle tom" by their peers? it sickens me.

  • Well, race does play a part with some people. However, just because I choose not to vote for Obama does NOT mean I do not like blacks. I am too young to vote but I cannot be labeled as racist just because I do not like Obama's policies.

    Source(s): I am a Democrat!
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No. 1, I'm not voting for Obama and wouldn't regardless of the color of his skin, and No. 2, McCain's daughter isn't running for president, and if she were, and she was qualified, (which by the way, Obama isn't), I would vote for her for sure.


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