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Lv 6
A.M asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

What is the worst meal you politely ate as a guest?

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    whatever either of my brother's ex-wives cooked. One was deep fried pork chops. The other was some kind of chicken with a side of canned green beans.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My cousin's wife cooked Thanksgiving dinner, and we used to run into him at local restaurants with several dishes on the table; after that Thanksgiving we knew why. I am very fussy about fowl, any fowl, it must be super well done or I can't look at it, and this turkey was not only underdone, it was dark pink (ugh getting nauseous just thinking about it) and toward the center, red. OK, so she screwed up the turkey, there was still stuffing and vegetables, right? Well, those were inedible as well, even with salt and pepper, I do not know how she did it but she rendered everything on the table fit for the garbage.

    So we shoved everything around on our plates and pretended to eat, but never swallowed a thing. On the way home we stopped and got a snack. We never accepted any more invitations to eat over there!

  • L.M.L
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    When I lived in the dorms I had 3 roommates, one which was a foreign exchange student from South Korea. Each week we would make dinner for each other. The foreign exchange roommate made spicy as hell ramon style noodles (once I got passed my mouth burning and the clearing of my sinuses the noodles weren't that bad lol) and this soup that had fish in it. I HATE any kind of seafood and when I tasted the fish I began gagging. I tried not breathing when I would eat so I didn't taste the fish but at the end I just politely pushed my bowl of soup away and thanked her. Afterward I brushed my teeth and use a lot of mouthwash.

    My second roommate made blitzes(crepe like pancake) and she set aside some grape jam that I guess goes with them. It tasted like rubbery eggs it was not good. I found myself dousing my blitz with grape jam to ward off the eggy taste.

    Those were interesting experiences.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Liver! I think it's the most disgusting thing ever. I was probably about 8 and didn't have the "ideas" to trick everyone into thinking that I ate it. I never was picky, but I was sensitive and really cared about hurting other people's feelings (ugh...still do). During the whole meal, I was gaging with every bite, and had no clue what I was eating. My aunt is one of those who can't cook to this day, but thinks that she makes gourmet. Haha, she actually remembers this from many years ago and still laughs to this day. Thank goodness.

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  • 1 decade ago

    We all had been working like crazy and the Exec. Director told the Chairman that he owed us a meal, and he agreed. So he took us to a restaurant but then proceeded to order the "special" saying that it was so good. It came and it looked like something the dog vomited up, tasted like--nothing basically (yea, at least it didnt taste like dog vomit). Everyone felt kind of cheated. I'm still trying to figure out what that stuff was and how a reputable restaurant could consider that as sellable food.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    It easily isn't! pretty on account that she is privy to your issues you've been having, she sounds like in basic terms yet another egocentric bimbo who would not care about every person really except for herself and what she needs! Did she even make an attempt to ask or inform you that this Frien if her should be tagging alongside? replaced into the chum even humble and did they thanks after eating and crashing on your position? If no longer then you actually heavily want to inform her instantly up that if she will be in a position to't be respectful and wide awake or you and your difficulty and performance the courtesy to bathe her damn dishes and tidy up if she's there that she needs to wander off, because she so of course would not respect you and performance any manners in any respect! it really is particularly dispicable and that i'll't stad human beings like that... I heavily hopes you're taking this suggestion so she would not play you and disrespect you as such back. solid luck! ^_^

  • 1 decade ago

    Hands down. I went to one of my mom's co-worker's house, they're from Russia. The husband had this stuff that looked like it was some sort of pastry, but once he dished it out, I could see that it was fish, sour cream, mayo, potatoes and only God knows what else in it (colored to make it look like it was a pastry), and it was supposed to be served off the shelf (no refrigeration). I have no ida what it was, but the smell was absolutely noxious and I almost threw up right on their pretty table. Finally, the wife took pity on me, and scolded him for even bringing it out and took it away from in front of me! The rest of the meal was fine, but I'm actually feeling nauseous right now, just thinking about it and it's been about four years ago!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    O goodness...will never forget this day. A friend's faimly made GOAT! *gags*. I tried but could only eat (well mostly swallowed) about a 1/4 of it. I talked mostly to distract them...telling stories, making jokes and stuff. Then I offered to clean the dishes lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    A shrimp & pasta dish that was in a greenish/gray sauce & was so gross. People who rave about their cooking shouldn't. I love fish but the meal was nasty. I took a very small helping when I saw how nasty the dish looked. I did enjoy the salad & hot rolls. Her chocolate cream pie from scratch was dee-lish, so I had a second piece when she offered it to me. ( just a sliver)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say the worst meal that I ate was Menudo it sounded ok when the lady told me that it was like a mexican stew with corn.. but what she did not say was in it was honeycomb tripe which is pig stomach and she had pig snout in it too..I got home after the dinner and hurled

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