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Lv 7
gone asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why would McCain just hand over the election to the Democrats?

This little dumb stunt he pulled insures this. And no people he isn't putting "country first". Don't tell yourself anymore lies.


Hey Net. Those townhall meetings meant nothing compared to these debates.

Huh and I thought I was working at a 4th grade level. LOL

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is just another exercise in the Rovian campaign strategy. By doing this they set up a situation in which they can accuse Obama of putting his interests above those of the country. One wonders why McCain would jump in now, at a delicate point in the negotiations, when he could have done so when the bail out idea was first proposed. Anyone who has ever been involved in a negotiation knows that changes made at the last minute can throw the entire process into disarray, postponing the decisions far beyond the point where they would have been made with timely intervention.

    A political ploy, pure and simple, with the added benefit that McCain won't have to answer real questions in a real forum, unlike his staged town hall meetings packed with prepared supporters asking questions supplied by the campaign.

    The efforts of the campaign to shield McCain and Palin are understandable, given McCain's well known short fuse and lack of economic knowledge. After all, McCain has already influenced the Wall Street meltdown, as the head of the Commerce Committee which participated in the deregulation which led to the debacle.

    As for Palin, one need only look to the Charlie Gibson interview, and the Catie Couric interview to catch the "deer in the headlights" look she gets when asked a substantive question. She's essentially an empty suit (expensive and nicely tailored, to be sure), devoid of any knowledge of foreign affairs, economics, or even the voting record of her running mate. She was put on the ticket to capture the votes of the disgruntled Hillary supporters, only because she is a woman. One wonders in a country filled with intelligent capable women, who are knowledgeable about the world, the campaign chose to pick someone who knows nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Karl Rove has HANDED the election to the Democrats with his pick of Sarah Palin for VP and the old man for presidential nominee.. they KNOW they don't have a chance this time and threw just anybody into the ring, saving the "quality" for 2012 (GASP!)

    Delphi, you're at least at the high school level, some high schoolers are smarter than the people on here. I know my high schooler is.

  • RLP
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    McCain and his campaign which is headed by fat pig Neocon Karl Rowe

    just trying to impose another fraudulent stunt on American voters. time will tell if this one will work. Palin-VP stunt failed.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's a diversion tactic. He's so down in the most recent polls, that he wants people talking about this instead.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's probably for the best. The GOP became more socialist than the Democrats.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Like I said from the beginning, give the boy enough rope and he'll hang himself.

    Woah oh....Take the money and run.....

  • Angel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    He thinks most people are as dumb as his supporters.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain is cutting and running.

    Source(s): Delphi Rocks!
  • 1 decade ago

    can you try thinking above a 3rd grade level? Why wouldnt Obama agree to all 10 debates, including the town hall format?

    I'm sure i wont see your response.

    Town Hall is nothing like the debates....down to the 2nd grade with you!

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