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bmoc2525 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why is a debate of foreign policy more important than dealing with the economic dilemma?

Shouldn't fixing the economy be the main focus for both candidates?

Is Obama saying volumes when he told Pelosi and Reid "Call me if you need me". Or is he saying that they can get more done without him?


So basically the whole argument against not having a foreign policy debate is the election is more important?

Who gives a crap who wins if the country is in the toilet.

I want facts people not conjecture and speculation. Tell me why appeasing you is more important than this bill.

He didn't go there to vote on it. He went there to make this thing work. That is leadership!

Update 2:

It appears to me that people really don't get what he is doing. These meetings don't end at 5:00. They go well into the night and into the weekend.

Just because you want the economy in the tank so your candidate can win doesnt mean that everyone does.

14 Answers

  • J T
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds to me like Hussein Obama is telling Congress that they would get more done without him. McCain thinks that domestic financial security is vital to the growth of our country, but Obama thinks that TV ratings is more important.

    Speaks volumes to me.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Barack Obama has no foreign policy experience besides the fact that he lived in Indonesia when he was a small child. All this is a stunt & a front by him brought to you by the Media. he slipped up so bad by saying nothing we have done in the past has worked. He is a true "softy on terrorism" worse then any presidential candidate I've ever seen. And his Challenge to a debate with McCain sickens me... seeing that the person he is still in the race with, and still hasn't secured the nomination with, Hillary Clinton has challenged him to debates, and he's turned them down.... what a naive coward. =|

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Both are intertwined in the age of globalization. The real question should be what is more important, strengthening our economy through a strategic foreign policy approach, or by reforming our domestic policies?

    EVERYTHING being done relates to the Economy. The economy is the measurement of strength of the country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is just as important not more. Since when accomplishing more equate less?

    McCain is not even part of the committee working with the bailout. He has nothing to do in WDC. Specially on a Friday night. There is the fact you will ignore.

  • 1 decade ago

    And you'd delay the elections too. Not the American way. Face it you will never get 900 Billion for a bail out without having a proper debate on it. Now can we get on with the elections.

    Multitasking 101

  • 1 decade ago

    Neither Obama or McCain were needed in Washington today. In fact it has been reported that they are very close to a compromise right now. McCain had nothing to do with the compromise, he was told he didn't need to come back.

    It's not that it is more important, it's just that they simply weren't needed for this.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It isn't except to the liberals who would rather hear the same ole things they've heard before than have Obama doing the job he's already elected to do. Of course, since he votes "present" most of the time, he wasn't doing that job even when he was in Washington, so I guess they really can get things done easier without him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    John McCain used the crisis as a COP OUT


    now more than ever!!


    McCain tried to GRANDSTAND during Hurricane Gustav

    they were going to suspend the RNC to help the poor victims of Katrina ( ANOTHER PHOTO OP)


    Katrina past by and they didn't get to "show" how patriotic they were


    Along come IKE two weeks later

    Did they SUSPEND ANYTHING-----NO

    did they all run down there and show how Patriotic they were

    and help the victims -----NO


    Now he come along and wants to DODGE the debates

    saying I'm so Patriotic I'd suspend my campaign for the people of America


    HE IS AFRAID to debate OBAMA

    BECAUSE HE KNOWS HE WAS PARTLY THE CAUSE of the FINANCIAL MELTDOWN by preaching constantly We MUST DEREGULATE the financial institutions !!

    If SARAH PALIN is SO qualified and JOHN SO BUSY

    why doesn't she do what a V.P. would do in case of an EMERGENCY and step in and assume THAT DUTY !!!

    SHE SHROUDS herself with secrecy, not letting the public VETT her any more than McCain did!!

    NOW McCain hides from us too !!


    At least they TALK REAL BRAVE

  • phil
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    amazing how people bash mccain for doing his job. he has no obligation to the rest of the country,he works for are all a bunch of liberal whiners only hoping that obama can look better on a debate,cause he certainly is too busy campaigning to do what he was elected to do

  • 1 decade ago

    That's a false choice. They can do both. Neither one is more important and the economic package will get done no matter what. In fact it's almost done already. The debate is important and it will go on. The economic package will get done and it will get passed.

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