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should he half to help me are not?

my boyfriend and i have lived together for almost 6 years. 90% of the time i pay all the bills, and it takes everything i make. he makes allot more than i do. i also have 3 girls by a previous marriage. my oldest daughter is in the 12th grade and it is really hard trying to help her pay for everything with school, even tho she works too. but she doesn't make that much. all my extra money goes to for my girls lunches. i only get $250.00 a month in child support and that's for all 3 girls. he spends allot of money on golf every weekend. he spent $200 dollars on just 1 golf club. i never ask him for anything unless i just don't have the money and i half to have it like gas to go to work are something like that. im not one to fuss i guess that's why we get alone so good. can anyone tell me an easy way to tell him i need help.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is chivalry dead? This is truly disturbing because it sounds like you two have been with each other for quite a while. It sounds like you have 4 kids, not 3. First you should not have to ask him. But I'll save that diatribe for another question. Here is a way. It may seem caddy yet it should work. Surely you know how to have him sense that something is wrong. Ladies sometimes do this by sighing or being less connected. A great way to start is to break off the kiss or not be so wanton to make love. Usually this will result in the guy asking what is wrong. Then you explain how you love him and want to spend time with him, but these bills are up to your eyeballs and it's hard to figure out what to do. If he is a good man he will come to the rescue by paying some or all your bills each month. If he is not, he will advise you to get another job and then you can get another boyfriend. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow. He should see it for himself. That is so selfish of him to be living in your place and not offer to help out with the bills even when he makes a lot more than you . That doesn' t sound like a situation where there is love between you, but more of an attitude of convenience on his part.

    I don't believe in premarital sex, and this is one reason, but not the only reason. I'm not here to give you a lecture, but I think you need to take a hard look at things--what DOES he do to make you feel loved and cared for and what does he do for your daughters? All I heard you say is that you are paying the bills, you are struggling, and you have 3 daughters who are a financial burden, while bf goes off the spend LOADS of money on himself and is getting free rent and utilities and sex. I don't mean to put it harshly or rudely, but I don't think he is the type of person you want to stay with and I think you would be happier on your own than with someone like that.

    If you decide to tell him you need help, just sit him down and go over the bills and his income and your income and then ask him how much he can contribute to the expenses and if he could give up one of his golf games and instead, maybe plan a small vacation for the both of you. See what he is willing to commit to and then decide where to go. If I were you, I would be extremely careful. Do not share a credit card with him when he is buying things for himself but not even offering to contribute to the normal expenses. Something is really lacking in your relationship.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would say that 6 years is a long time to be made a fool out of.

    He's been using you for quite a long time and showing no responsibility. Don't completely blame him: you let him get away with it.

    What an azzhole he is to take advantage of you when you are struggling so hard, and with children as it is. Just whatever do you see in him?

    Your problem is that you have let him get away with this for so long that he is going to get upset if you suddenly change the pattern. He will have to change his spoiled lifestyle and he might not like it.

    However this could be a deciding factor on whether you really think he's worth it or not. After all, you've been supporting him for all this time. Getting rid of him would probably make things easier.

    He really owes you.

    He should have offered to help from the beginning. You should have expected it.

    Getting him to start paying is the hard part.

    He will demand reasons, so you better come up with some.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, firstly, that's not right is it?

    If he is living with you, sharing responsibility is important.

    How to tell someone, well, I do not know what your boyfriend is like, but if he is kind, then he will listen.

    If you are under stress and are having a hard time then you must tell him, you must say the truth, also you must say why you have not told him so far.

    Trust is the most important thing in a relationship, without it things fall apart, so you need to trust yourself and him.

    If you find it hard to talk to him, you can write a note or letter.

    Whats more important, golf or kids, love or hobbies, well, hobbies are important, but, love and relationships are so important, also money should be shared evenly.

    If you are afraid that he will leave you if you tell him, then you must just tell him, for this is the truth and should be spoken.

    I don't know the best words to use, I think I would have to know a bit about you both, but I am sure you will find a way, you have to prepare yourself.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Tell him that after six years of being together (which I believe is close to common law anyway) that you cant do this alone that that you really need his help. You're a hard working mother of 3 who needs a real man in her life and if thats not him then he needs to pack his stuff and leave because you are not his sugar momma. I would say it slightly more delicately, I'm really not good with words.

  • 1 decade ago

    you guys have been together 4 6 years you know him better than any1 im sure you know how he will react it sounds like you really love your kids and want to help him and if he cares enough about you he will help you out y do u need an easy way to tell him u need help you should be really comfortable around him but what i would do is just tell him u need help with the kids and its been really hard on you and its stressing you out i really hope the best for you good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have to sit with him or drag him for a detailed discussion.

    You have to make him understand your problems.

    Then why do you want such a person who is acting like an intelligent fool in your life?

    You have to make him understand and never allow him to act in such a flimsy way.

    If he acts like an innocent then he is unreliable and a cheater.

    99% men act in this way.Men are not sentimental & they do not want to take responsibilities.

    Now it is your right to ask him to behave properly.

    Make him understand by hook or crook.

    Nobody is fool on this earth. If you keep quite, others will take advantage of you including your b/f. They start enjoying everything on somebody's tomb.

  • 1 decade ago

    hi there,i'm not in this type of situation i really don't know my point of view can really help you.but here is some tips that i can help to solve your problem.why don't you spare some time with him;bring him to a nice quite place and slowly tell him what you're going through now.maybe there is a chance for him to understand you far as i see?now days it's very hard to see a person like you.i really proud about you for doing all this things for him.he must be a very lucky guy who don't know how to appreciate you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just basically tell him u need help, u dont have enough money 2 pay the bills ect, while he's spending stupid amounts of money on golf. i get u love him and all, but he rlly needs 2 help u, bcoz atm he's being selfish. get him 2 help u. dont put up with that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you guys are living together that long, it's like you guys are practically married, I think that he should help.

    Just sit down and talk to him. Tell him that you need his help!

    What kind of guy is he??? I mean, he can see that you are suffering to make ends meet and yet he doesn't offer to help!!!

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