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What the hell is up with religious people and pro life?

Don’t get me wrong, I understand what being pro life means, but in my opinion you can be pro life as long as it’s about YOUR life. Does it make you just as mad as me when these stupid politicians try to come out saying “I’m going to outlaw abortion 100%!!!!” Why does ANYONE have the right to make a decision that affects ANYONE else’s life? Did you know that Sarah Palin is opposed to Abortion so much that even if you were raped you would STILL have to carry the baby full term!

And look PLEASE, before all of you crazy religious fanatic cult members come on here screaming and yelling about God and blah blah blah, I’m agnostic so PLEASE save it for somewhere else. I am talking STRICTLY about the mere fact that the government seems to think that it’s ok to tell everyone what to do with their own body. I think it’s fine if you want to be pro life but it should be about your body and your life not everyone else’s. I do not think it’s fair, or moral, to tell another woman “You can’t have an abortion because I don’t believe in it” well it’s not your body or your decision so stay out of it! Am I wrong!?

There are more children in foster care and on the streets than there are people to take care of them in this world, and contrary to your beliefs not EVERY single newborn is adopted right at birth, a lot of them stay in foster care for long time. Look at this way, if our government is going to completely outlaw abortions, they might as well outlaw tattoos, piercings, hair coloring, and while they’re at it why not just make us all wear uniforms so we all look the same, because if things like outlawing abortion happen and they get away with it, gay marriage will be outlawed AGAIN, and we might as well just walk around in straight lines waiting for direction because the minute you take away someone’s freedom to do what they chose with their body you might as well take away their freedom to think and act for themselves.

I’m so sick and tired of having people ESPECIALLY the government push their stupid a** religious beliefs on everyone, ME ESPECIALLY!!!!!! I’ll put it this way, if you’re Christian, Catholic, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, that’s all fine and dandy with me AS LONG as you DON’T push it on me!!!!!!! Want a free show? Walk up to someone who is very religious and tell them that you don’t believe in God, watch their face get red as they slowly begin to get more and more enraged that you do not believe in what they do, then tell them if they’re so sure to prove it to you, when they can’t they get even more furious and become almost violent with their words.

Is it just me, or is this crap just getting plain out of control? Do you think the government should have a right to push their religious beliefs on everyone? I thought this was the land of the FREE, not the land of the mindless idiots that need religious direction from the president to live. Am I wrong?



I'm so glad I was reminded of this, it is true that when a woman is pregnant her body is hers and the baby's HOWEVER, when you have an abortion at the EARLIEST stage, within a month, the "baby" is nothing more than a featus, has no brain, no thoughts, no feelings, it is mealy a sack of fluid and goo.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    You are 150% RIGHT!!! There is a reason for the separation between CHURCH AND STATE and its completely infuriating that the line is becoming thinner and thinner. There is NO place for religion in politics ESPECIALLY when it comes to MY BODY AND MY LIFE.

    Having an abortion has NOTHING to do with being catholic or christian or any other type of religion, it has to do with having a CHOICE which every woman should. The fact that government is trying to put there laws onto my body makes me sick and it is COMPLETELY wrong!

    Do you know how hard it is to adopt in the US?! Its completely ridiculous for the government to tell me if I can or cannot have a child...I should have the choice to do whatever I please and NOONE SHOULD JUDGE ME. It is totally out of control with so many other major issues happening in the world... If they want to ban abortion then they should ban masterbation for men, because they are killing all there little sperms (oh sorry, children) into a paper towel or sock..


  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1. Catholics assume that humans who die before birth from any cause, natural or forced, are taken to heaven by the Lord. 2. Yes, heaven is a better fate than going out into the world, but this doesn't justify killing anybody. One might say that an abused child would be better off in heaven, but that doesn't mean that the abuser can just go ahead and kill the child, because that's murder. And so it is with children before they are born - forcing their death is still murder and can't be justified. (And yes, pro-lifers have a responsibility to make sure that unwanted and abused children get help and hope and a safe family to live with.) 3. Nobody can predict the future, so there is no way of knowing whether or not abortion is actually saving a child from pain and misery. My husband's grandmother tried desperately to have him aborted, against his birth mother's wishes, but it didn't work out (it was still illegal). He was born and put up for adoption. He lived in a small town, had a paper route, played football, worked at a pizza place, went to college, toured as bassist in a rock band, then guitarist in an alternative band. He fell in love and married me. He is a wonderful husband and father and he teaches underprivileged kids and does a great job. Had he been aborted, not only would the world be missing out in his talent in the classroom, my three great, funny, generous, empathetic children would not exist, either. That's a lot of goodness and happiness that would have been destroyed by just one abortion. Multiply it by 300,000 a year. 4. Abortion is murder because it ends a human life prematurely. Science tells us that it is a human life. From the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg (and both egg and sperm cease to exist), you have a zygote that is 100% genetically human. That zygote immediately starts generating new cells, which immediately start organizing. Tell me, can any non-living object generate new cells? Can a rock or pebble? A speck of dust? An atom of hydrogen? Absolutely NOT. So the zygote is 100% human and 100% living (according to the scientific definition of life). By the time the woman knows she's pregnant and decides to abort, we're talking about a living human embryo who has a brain, a beating heart, and other organs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with your sentiments. This seems more like a rant than a question though.

    Politicians will cave to popular opinion. The second that using legislation to enforce 'morality' falls out of favor with the majority of the voting public is when you will get your separation of church and state.

    But seriously, when was the last time that the masses were ever able to think for themselves? Its just never gonna happen.

    Take advantage of the rampant stupidity, become a politician, or a faith healer, start a congregation and become a televangelist. Whatever, start making the stupidity work for you and soon you will love all the sheep that fund your extravagent lifestyle.


  • 1 decade ago

    I'm more or less with you on this, but don't forget that when pregnant, the woman's body is not just hers any more.

    But the bottom line is that the government is supposed to represent the people, and sadly the largest group of the people (currently) are christians. While the government may be the mouth that tells you do or do not, it is too simplistic to say that the government makes the decision.

    Source(s): * no religious belief implied
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you, I feel the same way. Well put!

    And from a biological stand point, a baby in the womb is actually a parasite. It sounds harsh but its true. A parasite cannot survive without the body of the host.

    Keep the govt out of my bedroom and out of my body!

    Religion is used to keep people down and afraid. If the public is "under control", they will behave the way govt wants them to.

    I think you would really enjoy a movie called "Zeitgeist". Its on YouTube. It blows holes in every religion and so many things we are "supposed" to believe.

    Source(s): Fellow agnostic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most religious people only care about backing up their religious convictions so they don't feel like they're wasting their lives and to justify how badly they treat others.

    Its always been out of control. Its quite frightening.

    See, whats happening is that they feel threatened so their behavior is getting worse than we have seen in quite a while. They know they're losing ground to secularism.

  • 1 decade ago

    mindless idiots? i guess i didnt think that slaughtering unborn babies was mindful. and im not a religious fanatic but you sound like an idiot

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