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Why the heck is Gwen Ifill the moderator for tonights Palin/Biden debate?

Gwen Ifill is writing a favorable book for Obama that is to be released in January! She obviously has a BIASED opinion in favor of Obama/Biden so why is she the moderator for tonights debate? I thought the moderator is supposed to be unbiased in these debates?

Anyone else find this disturbing?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because she was agreed upon by BOTH campaigns AFTER her book was announced.

    What's disturbing is that the McCain/Palin camp would try to make this an issue at this late date. It only makes you guys look like idiots for not knowing what's going on.

  • 1 decade ago

    First of all, the book is about the blacks in politics and how things have been changing. It is not about Obama per se, but about equality.

    Second, the book is due out in January and has been publicized since this past July, well before any moderators were chosen. A quick google search of Ifill will show this.

    Third, every moderator will have personal beliefs, leanings. They work hard to maintain neutrality. Ifill is well respected for being fair and balanced.

    Finally, McCain has already negotiated to dumb down the vp debate, keep it to only a single debate, keep it short. And he agreed that Ifill would be a good moderator.

    Why do you find it so disturbing? Maybe it will at least give you some excuse when Palin crashes and burns...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Her book is about African American politicians, including several Republican politicians. She hasn't even written the chapter about Obama yet. Both campaigns agreed to her being the moderator a few weeks after the book's release date was announced in several newspapers and on a veriety of websites. No moderator is totally unbiased because, everyone has an opinion. She moderated the 2004 VP debate and, she was very professional.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since yesterday, this has been asked repeatedly by fans of Sarah Palin. It seems the purpose is an attempt to make excuses for Palin before the debate even takes place, because all the evidence so far points to her being almost completely clueless and completely unfit for the VP position. Don't blame the moderator, she was accepted by McCain's camp back in August. Ask your hero why they accepted her, they already knew about the book.

    Listen, Gwen is a very well respected journalist. Any question she asks Joe Biden is a question that Palin should be able to answer as well. The McCain camp already put their restrictions on this debate in order to try and frame it so it's in Palin's favor. Shorter answers to be given, etc. What about that? Why did they feel they had to set things up for her inadequacies?

    Gwen's journalist career is on full display. She's not about to put her career on the line to ask Palin "gotcha" questions (that term has become such a nauseating and useless excuse), when she knows that Palin will likely cut her own throat. She will ask appropriate questions to both candidates. If Republicans dare to try and say the questions were too hard they will be laughed at. How can they be too hard for someone who would be a heartbeat away? If Palin can't handle the media, which clearly she can't, then she doesn't belong in White House as a secretary, much less VP.



    Huh? You better talk to McCain then about those left wing wacko interviewers. McCain's camp PICKED both Gibson and Couric, and Palin still made an @ss out of her herself. I swear, I have never heard so many excuses made for one twit in my entire life. You cons are something else, and not in a good way.


    lol Gee, we didn't need to question Gwen's bias at all since Palin chose to answer the questions in her own head rather than the ones put to her by the moderator. funny

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Aren't we picky! The parties decided a Black moderator should do the honors and the choices were Obama's former (?) pastor Reverend Wright (satanic) or Palin's kumbayah my lord Pastor Muthee (witchcraft)! Due to the fear factor of these characters they chose Gwen unanimously plus the poor woman's ankle is swollen from a fall...for shame. Have some remorse people! The question is, "Can Biden make Palin TAP-OUT?" Wearing my snow shoes cause its gonna be deep in rhetoric tonight. Gonna see if Palin uses any of her Lifelines.

  • 1 decade ago

    it is absurd for the press and for Ifill herself to promote the false notion that so-called "conservatives" are the only people who would dare question the debate moderation situation.

    This issue goes beyond partisanship and the present election, with good reason, for those of any political stripe, and should.

    Ifill behaved disingenuously by not disclosing her publishing plans to the debate committee; instead she left any research into the matter up to others and let the chips fall where they may. after all, she was looking out for her career; by moderating the debate she gets exposure, and she neither willing to forego publishing the book nor willing to disclose that she was publishing the book and possibly forfeit this opportunity for exposure---a smart career choice in some career contexts; however a great many people cannot help but notice that this was rooted in her own career ambitions, rather than from a desire to effect a role of scrupulous educator to the public;

    for what it's worth, however, few people seem to worry about the latter desire any more---perhaps this is the real "education" we are getting here.

  • Steve
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    BOTH parties had to agree on a moderator.

    The real question is why did McCain's campaign OK Ifill? It looks like they're making a political move ahead of time so they can say it was unfair after the fact.

  • Bill D
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    There is never anything fair about the moderators and interviewers when it come to McCain/Palin interviewers. They always pick left wing wackos like Katie Couric etc.. These same people then get to interview their Obamasiah. To be fair why don't we get some nationally televised interviews with Obama/Biden done with someone like Wayne Lapierre or Rush Limbaugh. Lets hear Obama questioned extensively about his view on the 2nd amendment. Wouldn't the liberals scream about that.

  • 1 decade ago

    The best advice for Biden, said Shanto Iyengar, professor of communications and political science at Stanford University, is "just let her express herself."

    Source(s): San Jose Mercury News
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you knew ANYTHING about Gwen Ifill or the process of selecting her as moderator you never would have asked this question.

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