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Obama & McCain tax difference?

People say Obama is going to raise taxes, but that would hurt the middle class right? Where as McCain is going to tax the higher income people, but yet people say if you vote McCain that the middle class is going to be hurt. So who is going to help me have more money in my pocket at the end of the day. I am middle class. Can someone explain to me who is going to do what with the middle class and taxes.


JoBama, you made things very clear. I know who I want to vote for, but the tax jabs that they keep taking on each other is very confussing. Thank you all for who answered, and all that may continue to.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    McCain wants to keep taxes low for everyone.

    Obama says he wants to cut taxes for the "95% of Americans", but the problem is about 40% of Americans already do not pay any income tax.

    Obama says he wants to cut taxes for the middle class, and raise taxes of the "very rich" and big businesses.

    That won't effect the middle class, unless of course you happen to work for a business or you work for someone who owns a business, or unless you buy things from a business, like food, clothes, or gasoline. If this is the case, it will affect you because these businesses will pass the additional cost along to the consumer.

    Businesses don't pay taxes, they just include them as part of their cost of production that determines the price they charge for their products.

    Now if the market will not support a higher price for a particular good or service, then those businesses will have no choice but to cut costs elsewhere. In most businesses, the largest cost is labor. If businesses cut labor, then unemployment increases

    Unemployed people don't pay many taxes, therefore, tax rate increases many times result in lower income for the government.

    In addition, lower taxes stimulate the economy. Higher taxes stifle the economy.

    So you cooose:

    McCain - Lower taxes for everyone.

    Obama - Higher taxes for the rich. Lower taxes for the middle class, but a higher cost of living and possible unemployment.

  • 1 decade ago

    The people you are listening to have it wrong. Obama will lower taxes for everyone making less that $250,000. Those making more will pay more. McCain is for giving the rich a tax break, not the middle class. I suggest you go to both candidates websites and READ their proposals, then decide for yourself.

    Source(s): A Democrat for the Moral High Ground
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You can look back at history and see how these two parties work.

    Republicans= tax breaks for the wealthy, running up a huge deficit (borrow and spend), war

    Democrats= tax breaks for the middle class, taxing the wealthy (tax and spend), programs that benefit the middle class, peace

  • 1 decade ago

    Check out The site has a page that outlines each of the candidate's positions on major issues, such as the economy, and also gives you updates on the latest news from the campaign, which will also give you an idea as to where the candidates stand on taxes.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Seems you have your facts completely backwards. Check: The Tax Policy Center. You'll find the true and correct numbers there.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama may help you with low tax... but think about it, if it hurts the upper class or the rich, and if they want to make their end meets, they will do....

    lay off,

    job cut,


    Many jobs will be lost.............. so think about the main course rather than just the appetizer

  • R.S.
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    the democrats will eventually raise taxes and become less popular for that move , in 2 years the republicans will retake the congress once people get less angry and sick of democrats again , it happened when clinton was vp and i bet it will happen again.

  • 1 decade ago

    false statement; thus, invalid question.

    obama wants to LOWER taxes for the middle class, the engine/stimulus of our economy.

    mcsame wants to give tax breaks to big incoporations/buisnesses, thus hurting the middle class.

    big difference.

  • 1 decade ago

    doesn't matter, all your taxes will go to pay for the bail out.

    Your not gotta get any tax break DUH! You notice they don't talk about that anymore.

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