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Lv 5
bksamz asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

McCain said he was going to stop negative adds, do you believe him?

When he started he said he wouldn't go negative, and he did why should we believe him now?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His campaign is ALL negative. Everyone KNOWS he's Bush3. What else can he do?

  • Aliz
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't believe him (Mc Cain). That is the only thing he has to fight with because of what he has as things he'll do as President, like basically taking your health insurance away by the way his plan is now. Deregulating the insurance industry we'll get into the same kind of mess we are in now with Wall St. All the other things are a copy of Bush's policies.

    I'd much rather hear what a candidate would like to do if he can get enough support from Congress than to use dirty politics against the other candidate.

    Obama is talking about policies and doing much less negative advertising than Mc Cain.

    Just think about it, do you want garbage or policy information?

    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'll believe it when I see it (said the lady from Missouri) & I ain't seen it yet! His ads are getting increasingly negative, as far as I can see, & I've lost all respect for that ol' man. For shame & tsk! tsk! (can you see me shaking my finger at him?).

    By the way, I can see Mexico from my house. Wanna vote for ME for VP? I can name more than 3 newspapers and I know who's president of Pakistan. There's oil in my state, too, I have kids, and my eyeglasses are prettier than Palin's. I can give a shout-out to some folks on the left-hand side of the aisle and say "You betcha!" with the best of 'em. So who am I votin' fer? Why, that nice Irish fella, O'Bama, of course!

    Source(s): Little old lady from Texas laughing all the way to the polls in November (you betta go register now, if you haven't already)
  • 1 decade ago

    I really don't like the negative ads. I feel like the negative ads are out there to sway the stupid people because they will believe anything and quite frankly, it offends me because it makes me feel like they think I'm stupid enough to believe all the stuff they say.....having said that, I do wish both candidates would stop the ads, but I know they won't. :(

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  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    there's a clarification why McCain has an R next to his call and not a D. sure he holds fairly some perspectives which at the instant are not in lock step with the republican occasion, yet he additionally does carry many perspectives that are conservative. additionally in case you elect to reread the final paragraph he did state he's drawn to balloting for the final candidate and not fullyyt in accordance with faith.

  • The only negative ads are the ones you don't like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why should he? If he doesn't get tough hes going to loose. Plus Obama has some soft spots to exploit.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How can you tell when a politician is lying?

    Their lips move.

    Why does anything about either of the candidates surprise you?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    hmmm, do I believe the guy who told me that 'the fundamentals' of our economy are 'strong' on the day Wall Street took a nosedive...


  • 1 decade ago

    I hope he doesn't stop them. What do you want him to do....say positive things about Obama?

    I wish McCain would hit harder...there is so much out there to go after Obama on.

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