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What do you know about Cane Corso dogs? Are they mean?

A prospective tenant wants to rent from me, and has one of these dogs. I haven't met the dog yet, don't know it's sex or age. Are they condidered a 'vicious breed? Have they been 'overbred? Thanks....

5 Answers

  • hu
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not Enough Info:

    Major factors here:

    Age of Dog


    Size of Dog

    Yes, as any dog...they can be viscious. Yes some have overbred thier lines..but as a gen rule, no. This doesnt really apply to "renters" unless your linking it to temperment...which is a stretch at best.

    As a Landlord, I would only be comfortable renting to a "mature and stable tenant, who had a mature and stable Corso"..with a substantial pet deposit of course.

    You can see dogs in this breed ranging from 60lbs to +150lbs. Also, temperment can range from mild to wild. Some are kid friendly couch potatoes while others are high-drive killers.

    It will all come down to your assesment of the animal and the owners ability to control the animal.

    I currently own and have owned quite a few Corso over the years. Puppies can be VERY destructive to property...while dogs of any age can be destructive to flooring and walls.

    I have rental properties and will NOT allow dogs or cats as a general rule...deposit or no.

    Integrity of your investment is Number ONe! Sometimes you just have to pass, but if your mortgage is due, and your comfortable with dog and owner...then go for it.

    Source(s): Owner/Landlord: C. Corso, D. Canario, Dobbie.
  • 1 decade ago

    They're actually a great breed. Of course, it all depends on the upbringing and the owner. That's what makes a dog.

    First, tell the tenant to bring the dog so you can meet it. If you like it, allow him to rent. Cane Corsos are loyal and intelligent, despite their fierce appearance.

  • With proper training, Cane Corsos can be very good dogs.

    But, with poor socialization and/or training, they can pose quite a problem.

    Simply because of their size and protective nature.

    I'd give him a chance.

    He very well could of spent alot of time & money on caring properly for his dog.

    No, to date... Corsos have not been over-bred.

    They still are considered a relatively rare breed.

    In fact, most people still dont even know they exist!

    Pic of a female Corso:

  • Boss
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They have an intimidating appearance but are quite good natured dogs. I'm sure upon meeting the dog you'll realize that they're quite gentle and trustworthy.


    Pom Mom- maybe you should delete the error so nobody just reads part of your answer and gets the wrong idea :)

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  • 1 decade ago

    Italian Mastiff

    I wouldn't consider them a vicious breed but does take a strong owner.

    I think they are pretty hard to get...

    It is pretty sizeable.

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