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What is the difference between distilled water and BOILED water?

I've found enough information between the differences of distilled and spring water, but not between distilled and boiled water. Im wondering if there's a difference between using either distilled or boiled water for mixing formula for my newborn. A lot of the answers here talk about not using distilled, but to use spring water, or crib water, etc... However im referring to the instructions on the formula tin, saying to use boiled water. thanks in advance!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Distilled water is boiled long enough to turn it into steam. The steam vapor is cooled and the remaining water is recovered. All chemicals, heavy metals, etc escape with the remaining steam. All that is left is pure water.

    Spring water is water that has been drawn from either melted snow or streams. It is chemically treated to sanitize it.

    Boiled water is usually tap water that has been boiled for at least 15 minutes to sterilize it. It still contains chemicals and heavy metals, etc. But bacteria has been removed.

  • 4 years ago

    Is Distilled Water The Same As Boiled Water

  • peg
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Is Boiled Water The Same As Distilled Water

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    Boiled water is water that has been boiled and then cooled. This is often done to make coffee tea etc or kill microbes. The mineral content is basically unaffected; the mineral content will be a bit more concentrated due to some evaporation of the water. Distilled water is different; the water is boiled and the steam is captured and liquefied. This is pure water as all the impurities are left behind. Purified is a bit of a catch all phrase and can mean a lot of different things. The water is processed to remove some of the impurities. The most common methods are filtration, deionisation, and chlorination (to kill microbes).

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  • 1 decade ago

    Boiled water is just that. Boiled. It kills any living organisms in the water but leaves them there along with all of the other contaminates that may be present in the water. Since the steam let off while boiling is steam that means that all of the contaminates that were in the water before are not only still there but now are in a higher concentration since there is less water. Boiling it also does not improve taste.

    Distilled water is made by boiling water. However the steam, which is pure water is collected and condensed back into water in a separate container. There are absolutely no contaminates in it.

    I don't know why you could not use distilled water. But then I don't know that much about babies and their requirements either. Maybe the slight difference in PH levels is not good for infants. I just don't know.

    Source(s): RCA
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    That was a great question Harley Mama! I always knew distilled water was the purest water available, but I never realized it can cause a person to lose valuable minerals from their organs and bones. I think distilled water is available that has the added minerals so that is safe for consumption.

  • 1 decade ago

    To distill water, they boil it...and *then* they capture the steam and draw it off into another container. The difference being they leave that which didn't turn into steam behind in the pan, so it comes out purer than simply boiling it. The problem with distilled water is it often comes in plastic containers that actually leach chemicals in the plastic into the water, which is harmful to the baby. If your tap water has been tested as safe, homemade boiled water is safer than purchased distilled water for that reason.

    However, you may wish to test for perchlorate, as neither boiling or distillation removes it, and it can interfere with thyroid activity. Reverse osmosis is the only way to remove perchlorate.

  • yyyyyy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    boiled wateris water that has been raised to theboiling point which is 100 C. or 212 F, then held there for a certain amount of time to kill microorganisms that might be in the water

    ordinary clean tap water should not be infected with microorganisms anyway but it may have a trace of a chem that kills the germs (that is why you should not for example use it to pour directly into a fish aquarium

    distilled water has been eveaporated by boiling and then condensed back into liquid form so it is just pure water as nothing else would evaporate except the water molecules themselves, no minerals no microorganisms etc

    distilled water is not a good water source for the long term as it contains no mineral nutrients, however it is safe and pure not harmful

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have no idea in relation to a newborn, but I am a senior biochemistry/pre-med here are my two cents. Distillation, removes all (or most) of the impurities from water. The point of distillation is to achieve nearly pure water without other things like minerals and such. Boiling water will simply kill anything like bacteria in the water but leave most of the minerals. I'd say boiled water is your best shot, especially if the label specifically recommends boiled water.

  • 1 decade ago

    distilled water is boiled water which has been re converted from steam.

    boiled water is just boiled in a pot.

    boiled water fed my 2 ladies and they're just fine.........

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