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Favorite Answers24%
  • Trying to find a painting?

    This is a kind of a read my mind question (sorry). I'm looking for a painting I once saw: night time, man/knight pushing a boat into the water. Boat contains his dead wife/queen. Castle in background. Moonlight as well I think. Romantic era time period I believe.

    1 AnswerPainting6 years ago
  • how long does a carbon filter last, and did I mess up the cycle by using it?

    I've got a 10 gallon saltwater and am using an aquaclear mini filter. The guy at my lfs told me to get a carbon filter medium and use it 24/7. Its been 2 weeks and my tank is cycled.. i used live rock, and jump started the ammonia spike by tossin in a dinner shrimp.

    I'm seein a lot of people saying that carbon filters screw up ur cycle but taking out all the ammonia.. then im seeing other people saying that those filters last only 2 days max -- just becoming saturated, and useless.. others say not to use it all the time, just twice a month or so.. im really confused.. any clarity would be much appreciated.. thank you

    oh and my nitrites and ammonia are at 0

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Who practices psychotherapy more, Canadian or American Psychiatrists?

    There's been recent journals popping up describing a decline in psychotherapy practice amongst psychiatrists in the United States. Does anyone know if this decline is the same in Canada? I've heard that training for psychiatry is different between the two countries -- the difference being in concentration/focus in psychotherapy -- I just don't know if that's true, and if it is, for which country?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Who practices psychotherapy more, Canadian or American Psychiatrists?

    There's been recent journals popping up describing a decline in psychotherapy practice amongst psychiatrists in the United States. Does anyone know if this decline is the same in Canada? I've heard that training for psychiatry is different between the two countries -- the difference being in concentration/focus in psychotherapy -- I just don't know if that's true, and if it is, for which country?

    1 AnswerMental Health1 decade ago
  • Rush hour traffic Toronto?

    Im driving from barrie to toronto -- yonge st and lawrence av. I have an appointment at 930am -- what time should I be leaving barrie -- I have no concept of how toronto traffic is during the AM time..

    4 AnswersToronto1 decade ago
  • what soundboard was kanye using in the 2010 vma's?

    i dunno, google it, youtube it... he was the closing act

    4 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop1 decade ago
  • I just woke up with brown-iodine-like stains on my palms, what is it?

    No irritation, no pain, no loss of sensory or motor functions.. Just looks like I was handling iodine last nite, which I was not. Before I went to bed, they were fine, and I woke up this morning and see those stains. Did some research online, and the majority of people with this problem claim to be handling or have eaten peppers the day before, which I did NOT. I have no allergies that I know of, and nothing was done out of the ordinary yesterday ... This can't be tinea, as its rare and not this sudden with the results that I have.... Let me know

    5 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • Does pheochromocytoma cause flushing or pallor?

    I`ve always read, and learned that is causes flushing... amongst other things.. now I`m seeing pallor, and explanations as to why its pallor... the pheochromocytoma website says flushing.. lol, medical textbooks are saying either flushing or pallor.. im so confused...!

    6 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • Where can I purchase a health faucet, online?

    I'm looking for one of these: -- online, as stores around my area would have no idea what that is. Preferably a canadian website, but american is fine as well. Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How do I use mp3`s as ringtones on my samsung freeform/link?

    I`m not asking for websites that can download/install ringtones onto my phone. I DO NOT have internet, or a data connection with my phone. I have a usb data cable, have transferred mp3`s that are less than 300kb onto the phone`s micro sd, and can access them on the phone with the mp3 player, but cannot access them to be used as ringtones. please help! thank you in advance

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • How to make songs on microsd my ringtone on samsung freeform?

    I have the samsung freeform/link and just got a micro sd card for it. I can transfer ringtones that have been downloaded onto the sd card, but I can only access it on the phone to play it as a song and not as a ringtone. Please help!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • What is the effect of increased oxygen on hematocrit and why?

    I understand that in a hypoxic state the body reacts by increasing hematocrit, and in a deyhydrated state the body will obviously have a higher hematocrit... But what about a hyperoxic state?

    2 AnswersMedicine1 decade ago
  • How does DNA polymerase "read" DNA?

    I understand that DNA polymerase catalyzes the polymerization of DNA, in a 5'-3' manner. I dont seem to understand how it "reads" the DNA in the 3'-5' manner -- what the mechanism is for it to be "able" to read, and "understand" to "copy". Hope this question made sense... thanks in advance

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • Just switched to formula, and now baby has "lumps in poo", why?

    My baby daughter is a month old. We just started supplementing her diet of bottled breast milk with formula milk, as her demand for milk increased, and my wife's production of milk was not keeping up. After the first bottle of formula (enfamil) our baby passed stool with "one lump"... looked like a tiny soft pebble. After the second bottle 24 hours later, it was stool with several "lumps" or "pebbles" of... what appears to be formula?? Is she constipated? she doesn't strain when pooing. Should I be concerned? Thank you in advance..

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between distilled water and BOILED water?

    I've found enough information between the differences of distilled and spring water, but not between distilled and boiled water. Im wondering if there's a difference between using either distilled or boiled water for mixing formula for my newborn. A lot of the answers here talk about not using distilled, but to use spring water, or crib water, etc... However im referring to the instructions on the formula tin, saying to use boiled water. thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • My 17 day old daughter is drinking 3oz of breast milk via bottle in less than 2 minutes! Is this bad?

    My wife was having problems breast feeding, so we bought a pump.. We pump out a total of 3oz to feed our 17-day-old daughter... who used to get that amount of milk via breast feeds in approx 20 min... and with a bottle drinks it all in under 2minutes.. now i see online that it should be taking 20-40 minutes.. she doesn't fuss after feedings.. just isn't as exhausted and falls asleep after one of us "rocks" her to sleep... we first accidentally used a "3 month nipple", then switched to a playtex "drop in" bottle with the slow flow nipple (0-3month) ... HELP PLEASE!

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago