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shish.rm asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

how long does a carbon filter last, and did I mess up the cycle by using it?

I've got a 10 gallon saltwater and am using an aquaclear mini filter. The guy at my lfs told me to get a carbon filter medium and use it 24/7. Its been 2 weeks and my tank is cycled.. i used live rock, and jump started the ammonia spike by tossin in a dinner shrimp.

I'm seein a lot of people saying that carbon filters screw up ur cycle but taking out all the ammonia.. then im seeing other people saying that those filters last only 2 days max -- just becoming saturated, and useless.. others say not to use it all the time, just twice a month or so.. im really confused.. any clarity would be much appreciated.. thank you

oh and my nitrites and ammonia are at 0


oh, and please state ur experience as well -- i've been gettin a lot of freshwater hobbyists tellin me 10 gallon is impossible for salt water.. ;)

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    ok aqua clear is an awesome brand i use it for all my tanks

    no carbon will not mess up the cycle its recommended 1 month for salt water trust me ive seen people kill allot of fish trying to put them in before the first month is over.

    NO 10 gallons is possible!!!

    i have a 5 gallon nano with 1 clown fish 1 anemone has been up for about 3 months is growing strong purple algae and all!

    as for the mini i would upgrade to an aqua clear 30 or more cause the mini isent gona do much work

    if any more questions send me a message i like to help beginers

    Source(s): work at a petstore have 10+ years hands on experiance with fresh and 2 years with salt
  • 1 decade ago

    Activated carbon only last for 2~3 weeks in an aquarium. Then they become useless.

    It is not necessary to use activated carbon at all, unless you want to remove medication from the water.

    It won't effect the cycle though.

  • Crean
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It's not IMPOSSIBLE for saltwater, it is just harder to maintain the levels. YOU'LL SEE!!! =) Saltwater fish are NOT forgiving and do not give room for error. That is what real fish hobbyist KNOW.

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