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shish.rm asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Who practices psychotherapy more, Canadian or American Psychiatrists?

There's been recent journals popping up describing a decline in psychotherapy practice amongst psychiatrists in the United States. Does anyone know if this decline is the same in Canada? I've heard that training for psychiatry is different between the two countries -- the difference being in concentration/focus in psychotherapy -- I just don't know if that's true, and if it is, for which country?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago

    The role of a psychotherapist in the United States has been deteriorating because of over prescribing psych meds. Their role has inevitably been replaced by drugs. This is a trend that has grown to become the norm over the past two decades. This trend makes the patient care cheaper and more profitable for the insurance company, the drug companies, and ultimately the government.

    I think it is a sad situation all at the cost of the patient, mentally and financially. It's a widespread thing that has become so tolerated and commonplace that nobody even blinks about it. I think the same situation is present in Canada, on a smaller scale but over time it will grow to the same disgusting state the US is in.

    The psychiatrists are the ones who prosper and profit, it's become strictly business. The patients are caught in political sufferage.

    Source(s): Please help with my question?;_ylt=Ajn9v...
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