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Lv 5
? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is it desperation by McCain supporters to parrot the notion that ACORN is corrupt for getting out the vote?

Look at the odd number of comments from McCain supporters here, that are trying to make ACORN into some type of evil anti-American organization.

When in fact what these supporters here are doing in itself is anti-American, to impede a voluntary non-profit group such as ACORN for getting poor inner city people to register to vote is un-American to the highest degree and you ought to be ashamed.


Hillary Sent Me!

Obama/Biden '08

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are organizations ( i don't think it's Acorn ) in California that ask for people to register to vote. I can usually find them on college campuses (CSU,UC) around the post offices and even in parks. If I choose to register to vote each time I saw these guys, I could probably register a couple times a week. Also these people get paid to get people to register. It's a part time job that people do to make a little extra money. So they don't really care if you signed up with them last week or not, because they will still get money for your registration. However, you can only actually vote once on election day. So number of registration cards does not equal the number of voters on election day. All of this controversy is over nothing. The people against Acorn are simply failing prey to right-wing propaganda and showing your inability to think critically. Please visit this link in sources and see the required information to register. This allows COMPUTERS to find duplicate and erroneous voter registrations. None of this effects election day.

    Source(s): Personal experience, critical thinking skills and my own research.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    The bailout ids a silly thought. My hat is off to my very own Sen Inhofe for being between the very few who did no longer succumb to the beltway worry-mongering or the purple meat barrel bribing and sign this idiotic invoice. McCain became into consistently the lesser of two evils. he's no longer that super on maximum subjects, unfavorable on the 1st replace yet extra advantageous on the 2d. in spite of the predicted trashing of Palin i'm nevertheless pumped up approximately her. in spite of his help of the socialist bailout McCain can nevertheless proudly positioned on the label LEAST WORST regrettably this election cycle it is the wonderful we can do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thousands of voter registration forms faked, officials say

    -- More than 2,000 voter registration forms filed in northern Indiana's Lake County by a liberal activist group this week have turned out to be bogus, election officials said Thursday.

    The group -- the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN -- already faces allegations of filing fraudulent voter registrations in Nevada and faces investigations in other states.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama gave ACORN $800,000, they registered 1 person 10 times a 12 year old and a cat.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just saw an interview with a bus driver who transports the homeless people to register/vote. She admitted to influencing the people to vote for Obama by telling them too! ACORN is a group of strong arm thugs backed by our tax dollars. They bully people in the name of racism. I like your pic of Paris Hilton, she did much for rock the vote four years ago! Then she didn't even vote herself! LOL! She needs to stick to porno video tapes. ACORN bullied the banks into giving out loans to people that had no chance in paying them back! Don't be like Paris know the facts!

  • Sophie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No, it's typical of Obama supporters to ignore the voter fraud ACORN has been convicted of previously (people are in prison) and try to pretend the organization is all rainbows and butterflies -- just like Obama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, were letting the FBI do their job. Right now on CNN, Obama is being made to look like the criminal, and desperate cheater that he is. And honey, Hillary is voting for John McCain too. Democrat for McCain/Palin 2008.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol we should be ashamed because acorn is responsible for voter fraud and hounding of people it has registered 85 times according to a yahoo story today..yeah right...take off the rose colored glasses..if it were mccain and company doing this obama would be all over his ***

  • LeAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I seriously doubt that the FBI is conducting an investigation into ACORN because they are simply "getting out the vote."

  • 1 decade ago

    You really should get an education as this isn't the first time ACORN has been in trouble and shouldn't you ask why Osama has given them $800,000.

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