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Does anyone else feel frustrated over the fact that we must choose between Obama and McCain?

This is the worst choice since Carter and Ford. It's makes me think that there is a larger force behind these elections or could I just be paranoid?

19 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, we could have and should have done better in the nomination process.

    Now we are stuck with two candidates that aren't qualified to lead us out of this mess our country is in.

    It's come down to holding my nose and voting for the lesser of the two evils.

  • 1 decade ago

    People hate change, and any politician who has any kind of radical change in their plan will automatically be cast aside. In order to win an election, politicians must be robots and say exactly what they need to say to win an election. The real truth won't be revealed till they are in office. With McCain, I fear its more of Bush's politics. With Obama, at least there is a chance that new things could be tried. And at least with Obama, we have a positive figure in office who can turn the worlds hatred for America around. I'm just crossing my fingers it turns out OK, even though no matter who wins this country is in for some historically rough times. The greed is finally catching up with the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, I totally agree. We couldn't have another two worst choices for president unless Bush could run again. Either way we're screwed as a nation. My question is how long either sits in office before someone tries to assasinate them...

    This election is going to a racial battle, not trying to seem racist cause I'm actually far from it, but considering this is the first time it's happened... I think if McCain wins he loses, cause they're will be hype that the election itself was an act of racism cause the "black candidate" didn't win. If O'bama wins then everyone will think it was fixed so the "black candidate" won... It's just gonna be real ugly.

  • 1 decade ago

    I also am not happy with our choices. The dems and repubs have done nothing but polarize the country, 50/50, nothing gets done and everyone just blames the other side. It's not about We the People anymore, it's about gaining or re-gaining power and regardless of who wins, the "big players" will still be in the game.

    Just so you know, actually there ARE other choices. FOUR CANDIDATES are on enough state ballots to win enough electoral college votes to actually become president. In alphabetical order: Baldwin, Barr, McKinney and Nader. But they do not have large corporate donors and they don't get any media spotlight (no ad revenue there... since they can't be bought or sold...) and they have been kept out of the presidential debates (by the Commission on Presidential Debates - made up of the heads of the Democrat and Republican parties, of course.)

    If you scroll down on the following link there is info about the other candidates, and you could pursue more info online if any of them seem to share your views:

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  • 1 decade ago

    Reb. you are not paranoid, I agree with you.

    I just had this conversation an hour ago.

    You mean to tell me with All of the senators, representatives, mayors that we pay for, there wasn't ANYONE ELSE?!

    This is IT?!

    How'd we get to this point??

    At least with Ford, we didn't choose him, he just --fell into the presidency....but these guys?....lots of people have chosen them...from a field of several...were they paid off?

    Remember when Giuliani decided NOT to campaign in Fla., his reasoning was that he could still win without it - he was the first one eliminated, with reason...if I felt that my vote/your presence wasn't important to you, I wouldn't have voted for you either...but I think that even Rudy G may have been a better choice than McCain...and the dems - it came down to Hillary or Barack -- then it dragged out so long that many lost interest in the whole thing...until Hillary saw the numbers were not in her favor -- why

    People could be getting fat pockets at the expense of the political process, and that's not right.

    I don't get it either

  • Yes, I wish there were better choices, but the fact remains that the contrast between the candidates' positions is very clear.

    PS Bush - Dukakis (1988) was a relatively uninspiring race too.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're paranoid. But I agree with you, why do we have to choose between these 2? Why hasn't Obama been checked out fully before this point, and WHY oh WHY did the republicans vote for McCain as their nominee?!?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're not paranoid and you are absolutely right, this is like choosing between Stalin and Tweedle Dumb, how the phuck do you choose? And it is all manipulated, otherwise Dr Paul would have had a voice in this election but they wouldn't let his message out to the masses.

  • Phil M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You can also choose between Bob Barr and Ralph Nader...

    You don't "have" to vote for Obama or McCain.

    in 2004 I wrote-in my candidate, I didn't like any of the options presented to me. If more people would show their displeasure by voting third party, it legitimizes the party and its easier for them to get on the ballot next time. This is the only way you're going to promote change in our two-party system.

    if you keep saying "ahh, I'll just vote for the lesser of two evils..." then you're just further exacerbating the problem and you have nobody to blame but yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a terrible choice. Both are war-mongering, government intervening, crooked, unconstitutional criminals.

    Every time I watch the debate I feel sorry for those two buffoons because they give the stupidest answers: "More Government." "We need 10 billion there and 20 billion there and another 5 billion there." "More wars." Ugh.

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