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How many of you are planning on not voting in November's election? And why?

This is not a persuasive thread. I probably will not vote in November and I don't believe you should either. Regardless, opinion is what makes the United States (and humanity in general) great.

Please do not reply if you are too young to vote. Please do not give me information on what candidate you will or would vote for.

That being said, I do not wish to hear from people giving me reasons for voting. I've heard them all before and I doubt you could blow my mind and change my perspective. If you plan on voting and would like to answer simply give an "affrimative" answer such as "I will be voting in November." If you could copy and paste that text that would be just great. If you just have to tell me how great voting is and why I should vote in November, you better be on your game and bring some intelligent-noise-jive or else you'll be subject to ridicule from me and anyone else on Yahoo Answers that wants to ridicule you. Furthermore, I encourage them to.

That being said, I really wanted to take a general poll and hear feedback from people who've lost the faith so to speak. I fully support my reasons for sitting out of the election process and believe they are logically founded and sound. However, I was wondering what motivations would compel other people to make the same choice?


9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I will 100% vote... Unless something unforeseen happens and I'm like, dead or in the hospital...

    I'm of the opinion that if you don't vote, you have lost the right to b*tch about the outcome.

    I don't know if my choice will win or not, you can't tell that until all the votes are counted... But at least I will TRY.

    If you don't even TRY then you can't complain about the state of the nation or the world because you were too lazy to participate.

    I’m going to make t-shirts…

    Didn’t vote?

    Can’t b*tch!

    Go on YouTube and check out the "Should Everyone Vote?" segment where they went to a "Rock the Vote" party and gave the people signing up a little quiz...

    Most people couldn't identify a picture of Sarah Palin.

    Most people couldn't tell you how many senators there are.

    MOST people couldn't even tell them what "Roe Vs Wade" is!

    ONLY ONE PERSON knew who the Head Justice of the Supreme Court was.




    People, if you don't know what the fu(k your doing... PLEASE do not vote.

    If you can't take the time to learn about your government... You don't deserve a chance to participate in the democratic process.

    Voting out of Ignorance or Propaganda will only hurt us in the long run...

    I would rather see the stupid stay home then have them just cast a vote at random and screw it up for those of us that give a damn about this country!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I am old enough to vote. I have watched some of the debates and I have decided that I will NOT vote this time. Why? Because I do not like either candidate and their running mates. Plain and simple. They both, I feel are telling people what they want to hear, not how it really could and is the way it really is on any and all issues discussed. I will not say any more on this and will not answer any and all questions you may have. Thank You. Please vote if you have someone in mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel my reasons for voting are just as logically founded and as sound as you feel your reason for not voting is.

    I am going to vote because I feel better decisions will be made, issues will be addressed, and our laws will reflect the decisions made by this candidate. If the candidate is rallying behind one group of people and not the masses, then how will they adaquately represent us both locally and globally? I want someone who won't make me embarrassed to be from the United States; so I vote to pick the most intelligent, logic, and fair candidate to benefit all people living here- including yourself. :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I grew to become 21 collectively as in the militia in the Viet Nam era and that i voted for Johnson and each on the grounds that then I voted for a Democrat yet according to risk this time i'm going to decide for the Republican John McCain..that's all in the BIZ

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Considering that this election year is offering nothing in the way of real vibrant candidates, to seasoned voters anyway, (i have voted once in my life) would not vote again, why should i vote for people who are going to tear me down, discriminate against me, and try to wear me down and subject me to abuse, i will say that i probably am biased to the republican candidates, i would not like to live where people of that nationality live, and work, have had very bad and unpleasant experiences with them, and would expect the same from such candidate.

    as for not voting in general why i am not voting, i don,t want to be on the side that is losing, or winning, they are both going to be losers, they are going to both be fallen heroes, they are not going to deliver, they are going to be the same as the politicans have been thru the centuries, and they will do something they know makes no sense, but they will do it anyway. yes, they are going to do nonsensical things, knowingly, they will find the innocent guilty, and allow the guilty to go free, voting is losing, as to having a free say in a democratic society, yes, i agree with you, as they say, "don,t vote, and you don,t have a right to complain" well that is what is wrong with america anyway, too many narrow minded people who really do not believe democracy, (i would like to vote, but i am not satisfied with either candidate, i am sorry that some of the ones i would have voted for dropped out, but i have not voted for decades, and probably never will again, unless it is me, who i vote for, that is what i tell my friends, "vote for me and i will vote" you can laugh if you like, but i am half serious,

    but the americans are a different breed from what they were seventy years ago, that generation of people would not of complained about 'THEIR PRESIDENT' and america is at a loss with those kinds of people gone, and few in number, everyone supported the president years ago, no matter what party he was from, america has lost something , if it ever gets it back, it will be come a strong country again, (excuse my punctuation and grammer) i can only hope for the best, this election, what can i expect, i have lived more than half a century, and is it something i can blame on america or myself, for the state of life i am in? were these circumstances of my making, or the americans around me, who i feel i would not want to vote foR>?

  • 1 decade ago

    I will vote, but since I am a conspiracy theory nut, I don't believe it will matter because the plan is already set.

    What is the plan, you ask? We will find out in time and I will be proved right, my vote wouldn't have mattered.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably most of the **** talkers on this site. This being said I am voting. This being said I think it is very patriotic to vote. This being said have a nice day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't vote. I'm too young.

  • 1 decade ago

    How do choose between bad and worse?

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