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Christians, If one states he/she is is Christian but supports abortion, are they really Christians?


Yes, the Bible does say abortion is a sin. Thou shalt not kill

Update 2:

This is really a Yes or No answer.

Update 3:

If the government makes a law that says it is ok to kill your ex, is it ok to choose to do that. We all have free will but, there is always a but, we pay if choose we do something that is inherently wrong. As a Christian God commandment is above mans laws.

28 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well if being "Christian" refers to being "Christ-like", would Christ support abortion?

    Matthew 5:37 "Just let your word YES mean yes, your NO, no; for what is in excess of these is from the wicked one."

  • BPK
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yes. They are Christians like any other. No Christian leads a perfect life. Some may sin by supporting abortion, while others may sin breaking some other commandment from God. I have many shortcomings, but that doesn't mean I do not believe in Christ or am not a Christian.

    "Blessed is he who finds favour in the eyes of the Lord irrespective of his deeds."

  • 1 decade ago

    Parvfan, Did Jesus teach you to become a wonderful voter and to make this sinful world better through legislation? Perhaps there is no need of the Bible as we can reinstate the law of Moses to non-believers even knowing that those who believed God could not folllow the law.

    In you opinion why did Jesus come to the world to fulfill the law?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't agree with it myself as a Christian but people have the right to choose. God does forgive btw if you truly repent. My Church run courses for post-abortion people to get over the pain of it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    who really?

    SUPPORTS abortion. abortion is bad. everyone knows it. we just have diffrent excuses for it.

    Mine is only if the mother WILL die, or has a higher rate of dying than 50% if she keeps the pregnanacy to term. i dont know if that ever happens though.

    It seems women who are raped, should be allowed to end the life of the unborn, but..... really i dont buy that, either. Ummmmmm i have faith in God. that is why i am able to say those things with conviction. i dont think in every situation gets suckered or suckers themselves into having an abortion, their not Christians. Generally it indicates that. i just dont know.

    Source(s): Christian
  • 1 decade ago

    The Bible says that no murderer will see heaven, so based upon that unless they repent and stand against abortion they are not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am a Catholic and while I personally could not have an abortion, nor would I allow my children, I do not feel that it is the governments place to make a law one way or the other. we have a seperation of church and state, so I expect my priest to tell me no and i expect my senator to have no opinion what i do with my personal life.

  • 1 decade ago


    Contrary to what pro-lifers preach to everyone, people who are pro-choice are not happy about abortion. We do not stand up and say hooray when someone has one.

    I am simply not willing to force someone to give birth. Nor do I believe that it is the business of my government to force someone to give birth. Plain and simple.

    I have no right to pass judgment on a woman or child who has been raped. I have no right to pass judgment on a woman or child who has been told that it is dangerous for them to continue a pregnancy.

    If these people want to end their pregnancies it is their right. Tell me pro-lifers, which of you want to force them to have these children? Which of you will throw them into a prison to keep them from going to another country to have abortions if you succeed in making them illegal here? Which of you will strap her down to keep her from trying to end the pregnancy herself?


    I care about the women and children that find themselves faced with these horrible situations. I would want them to get counseling and all of the help possible to make having their child possible for them.

    But can I promise that someone in this position will be able to continue her education, one that will allow her to support herself and her child in this quickly changing economy? Can I promise her that she will have all of the health care that she and her child need? Can I promise her that her child will be able to find a safe school that will offer a good education? Can I promise that she or her child will ever be able to find a safe place to live?

    Can I promise the child that he or she will never be abused or neglected? That because they are poor they will not be easier targets for child preditors, and if they are victims that they will be practically ignored by the public because they aren't "interesting" enough or their parents prominent enough to garner attention from the media?

    No. I cannot. And no matter how many people I try to help the problems grow larger and larger. Too large for any individual church groups to even begin to handle.

    So, pro-life people, can you explain to me why you cry for unborn children, yet support a party that turns its back on the children that need help and are standing in front of you?

    Your credibility might be slightly better if I saw a movement within the ultra conservative right to help the perspective mothers rather than shame them. If I saw support for better and more reliable contraception, not to mention better health care, better laws protecting children, better education for all children (NO "no child left behind" is NOT making things better for all schools, merely making schools more efficient at getting rid of children that have problems in school) I might actually believe that you care about these women and are not simply trying to bring back the good ol' days when pregnancy was a great threat to hold over a single woman's head to keep her dress down and legs closed till she walked down that isle.

    *sigh* okay,

    rant over....for the most part.

  • kaz716
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Not really; that's like a contraction in terms. And even worse is that they don't see the contradiction.

  • Ashley
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    No. I don't know how you can kill a baby and call yourself a Christian. Life is life, whether in the uterus or out.

    If you want to pull out all of those old testaments verses, then I guess it's OK if we just go around killing all of the newborn babies in the maternity ward. God wont have a problem with that. <sarcasm>

    Source(s): Christian Mom!
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