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Does the IPCC downplay the suns current role?

In the IPCC AR4 it states that solar activity during the Maunder Minimum (little iceage) was only 0.15 below the present mean (IPCC, 2007). This caused temperatures globally to fall by varying degrees but the earths mean temperature was cooler by at least 1.5 degrees.

In the same chapter they show in a reconstruction of solar activity that solar acitivity was slightly lower than today during the Medievil Optimum which was around 3 degrees warmer than today (Petit et al, 1999, IPCC, 1990) and that solar activity is currently 0.25 - 0.5 above the mean. (IPCC, 2007)

They also point out that the El-Nino southern oscilation (another warming effect we have experianced over the last 50 years) may have responded to solar and volcanic activity (Adams et. al., 2003; Mann et. al.)

They then later on dismiss the increase in solar activity of 0.25 - 0.5 as being insignificant (remember a drop of 0.15 caused the little iceage), even though they acknowledge changes in solar actvity was a key driver of the natural climate system and that the sun has been the most active in the last 70 years than the last 11,400 years (Usoskin et al., 2003; Hathaway et al., 2004; IAU, 2004; Solanki et al., 2005).

They also acknowledge they do not understand the role of the sun very well and the feedbacks it triggers.

If a drop of only 0.15 caused the little iceage, and an increase of 0.2 - 0.45 caused the Medievil Optimum, and solar activity is currently even higher now, how can they rule the sun out as a key driver of climate now, particuarly when they acknowledge they dont understand its influence very well?


The above data comes from the IPCC AR4, WG1, Chapter 6. The references come from the IPCC text. Dont attack their work, instead present a reason for ingoring solar activity.

The sun still corelates well with temperature in the recent peer reviewed papers I have seen, and besides it doensnt actually need a direct correlation, only enhanced activity would be required to cause warming. Thats basic physics, you dont need to keep turning up a heating element to warm water, only a constant hightened input is required.

To say the medieval optimum was not warmer is a little foolish, there are numerous peer review papers that support it (including the pre Mann IPCC reports) and historical evidence, or maybe we are wrong and people just lived inside glaciers back then?

7 Answers

  • NoFlox
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The IPCC was created to deal with human CO2 emissions and its alleged impact on our Climate.

    They won't pay attention to any possible event/ influence that could end in NOT BLAMING HUMANS.

    Governments will obviously not be able to tax the Sun for being responsible for Climate Changes so the IPCC employees won't have jobs anymore!

    You do the math!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That the mild warming we have had so far since the 1850s is harmful is more than a myth it is a scheme to institute a Marxist one world government. Climate is affected by hundreds of variables many of which we have yet to discover. The two most important elements seem to be the sun followed by currents in the ocean that affect currents in the atmosphere like the jet streams. First point that needs to be made is the world is currently in a very mild (cool) warm period. In the last 2,000 years it has been both warmer (+2c) and cooler (-1.5c) than it is currently. The alarmists are using the temperature rise from 1850 to 2000 of approximately 1.5c and the increase from 1960 to 2000 of about .5c as something unprecedented and unusual in all of history despite clear records of at least 5 warming and cooling events that were not only at least as rapid but went higher at the peak. This is why myself and others who have had a reasonable education in basic history enhanced with geology have such a difficult time with the easily disproven statements of the promoters of this hoax. When you consider that just 400 years ago during the age of exploration we had a sudden warming event between the two halves of the little ice age.

    This occurred between the Sporer and Maunder minimums when temperatures went from the little ice age low to about 1c warmer than our current ones and back to little ice age lows in a little over a hundred years. But then those who call themselves scientists and promote this scandal for the most part never studied history and if they did probably flunked it. And it is highly unlikely they can even spell geology let alone intelligently discuss what the subject covers. Because if they had a reasonable knowledge of these two subjects they would never have gotten sucked into the hoax.

    Source(s): Here are two of my favorite links on how climate functions. If the AGW believers had studied this material they would be skeptics instead. The difference between believers and skeptics is the breadth and quality of their education. And finally why the AGW models do not work and keep giving the wrong answers, they did not include sunspots in their calculations.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They do, because it doesn't agree with their political agenda.

    The sun's role can not be over-emphasized. It is the source of all warmth on earth.

    This continual focus on small fractions of a degree is laughably retarded. We can't measure the temperature of the earth to that accuracy. It's well within the margin of error which renders it meaningless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What drives climate, the sun drives climate and greenhouse gases moderate climate fluctuations. This is where the basic error of judgement is made about greenhouse gases in general and Co2 in particular.

    This link is a very basic study of climate interactions and how they work in the real world.

    This is the history of how Co2 became the culprit in something that never happened. The basic flaw in reasoning that led to the AGW hypotheses is that the global temperatures of the late 1800s were normal and desirable while people with a better scientific and historical perspective knew they were at the low end of the cycle.

    Some more research that illustrates how the mistake was made placing the blame on Co2 instead of sunspot activity.

    Added documentation on how the weather cycles are driven by solar activity and extremes are moderated and balanced by greenhouse gases. These gases in combination with the thermal storage of the oceans work to keep the planets temperature in balance within a fairly narrow range compared to what it would be without them.

    More on how the atmosphere and oceans work together to moderate the worlds climate and keep it in a comfortable range.

    Clear information on solar minimums and maximums and how they effect climate variability. Our sun is a variable output star and a misunderstanding of this variability is a major reason the AGW supporters have made so many errors in their climate models.

    Added studies on climate fluctuation over wide periods of time showing that while we are warmer than 1850 currently it is cooler and milder than previously documented climate optimums.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This has always been a case of the conclusion coming first and the study coming second and being organized specifically to prove a pre-existing conclusion.

    Any evidence to the contrary is just "corrected" out.

  • 1 decade ago

    The fact that there hasn't been a correlation between solar activity and global temperature since the 1970's is part of the reason. This lack of correlation is a pretty good indication that the sun isn't responsible for the current warming trend.

    In fact it was likely a study you cited (or attempted to cite, you only give the appearance of citations, not actual citations) that shows that the sun can't have been the cause of global warming.

    Ultimately you're just misquoting.

  • 1 decade ago


    Do deniers overplay the role of the sun in the current warming? Absolutely.

    FYI the Midieval Warm Period was not warmer than today, even according to the IPCC. Nor was it evil.

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