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Obama Crimes- is Obama a natural born American citizen?

And if he is not does he have the rite to become President?


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Update 2:

EDIT: I know people write 'human right' but in this context 'rite' is right.

48 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes, i have no doubt in my mind.

    people aren't asking, "hey, wheres obama's birth cirtificate?"

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the government is rogue. it extremely is been that way because of the fact the JFK coup. The Rockefeller, CIA, military commercial complicated, zionist, cabal remains working issues immediately. Obama is a a Rockefeller CFR stooge. he's not a "organic born" U.S. citizen and definitely if he did no longer struggle by using immigration while he lower back from Indonesia as a infant is an unlawful alien. He shouldn't replace into the subsequent President of the U.S. The Presidency isn't a Wal-Mart on long island and that's no longer "Black Friday." Any bums rush on the White abode should not be tolerated. think of approximately it. What a shame the place in user-friendly terms in united statesa. an unlawful alien might desire to alter into President? Will the remarkable court docket preserve the form? in the event that they do and disqualify Obama it turns right into a unfastened for all on the Electoral college. The nod would not right this moment visit Biden. The delegates will choose the subsequent President after debate. thinking it somewhat is a Democratic majority you are able to assume it's going to be a Democrat. no person is above the regulation. there is no way Obama legally can replace into President. i've got considered adequate of Obama's "replace." Hillary Sectretary of State, Mossad twin chief of group, forget approximately approximately it. Obama is a stooge. no longer something solid is going to come back from his Presidency. All this quisling has to do is produce his beginning certificates. $10 and all and sundry is going away. Obama has clocked $800,000 so a techniques in criminal costs and it remains ticking. the place the heck is this school professor getting the dough? he's a offered a paid for shill, unlawful citizen. the sole abode Bama must be finding at is the huge abode.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, I've been following this a bit with some interest...I mean, it would be a serious cause for concern if it had merit. I've been looking EVERYWHERE for information on's what I find:

    This issue is not even mentioned in any news outlet, other than on an opinion page. There seriously is not a single, unbiased news story that is easily found out there. I can find a billion pages from sites with names like "" and what not, but nothing...nadda...

    Kinda strange, if you ask me. I was a little bothered by it at first. The only people speaking about it are, and every right wing nut job, oh and of course...Philip Berg.

    So I thought "What other issues might have this? Is it some kind of media black out?"

    I don't think that applies. ACORN is being covered pretty well by all outlets, except for, of course, their side of the story. Tony Rezko shows up in the AP as well. This one though...nowhere.

    To me, that puts it on par with a few other ones: Obama is an Arab, Obama is the Antichrist, Obama hates America...etc etc etc...

    I just don't see how this kind of thing could actually have merit. I mean seriously...over the past year, Obama must have had at least a half million people look into his background, heavily. We're not only talking the republicans (who have access to the white house...and probably could get some records if they really wanted)...we're talking the Democrats (would they REALLY risk the White House in such a foolish manner? I mean, these are college educated people you are talking about...even with a few nutjobs thrown in, there would have to be some smart folks who would figure this out.

    Not to mention the media. There are plenty of legitimate conservative news outlets who won't touch this with a ten foot pole. Even Fox News is limiting this to a few opinion pages.

    Here's the kicker: Berg's request has been satisfied. The birth certificate was provided. His response? "Oh that's obviously a fake!" Why? Because it doesn't jive with what you believe?

    We'll find out very soon here, either way. As I understand it, there is a motion to dismiss on the table. If it goes through, I don't think we'll ever hear about this again. Even if it doesn't, I doubt it will make any real waves, as we find out that the Democratic Party actually DID make sure that the guy they nominated was actually eligible.

    Seriously. Do you REALLY think they would let that one get by them?

  • 1 decade ago

    I think he is not I am sure he'll will have an explanation.

    Maybe, that old Constitution is not valid any more!!!

    But wait doesn't the President take an oath to uphold it?

    WHERE IS BUSH on this? He is the one to be putting his foot down!

    BUT also it is another shocking disgrace, not for Barack, he's a swell guy, BUT FOR THE DEMOCRATS AND THE MEDIA. Why do I still use the the word and?

    Yes, it's against the Constitution for Barack to even be President...

    So it's back to Hillary or Biden? v. McCain

    I wouldn't call it a crime, just that Mr. Obama didn't know and no one told him, just add it to the other 14 reasons I will NOT vote Obama.

    BUT I think (like Hillary) he can continue to serve our country in the Senate unless, he wants to be President of Indonesia? He is a citizen of that country apparently.

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  • 1 decade ago

    A "rite" is a ritual. "Right" in context here means all the necessary requirements in place. "Right" is the better word choice here.

    Obamacrimes is notoriously biased. Try

    As for his right to be president, he's of age and a natural born citizen with no criminal background, so yes. He's qualified.

    added as an edit - to those who are questioning McCain's natural born status: The constitution is a bit vague on that, but the upshot is that if diplomats, military personnel, and others in service to the USA and of child-bearing age were to have citizenship denied their children born where ever they were serving, we'd have fewer who would be willing to serve. McCain's father was a high ranking Naval officer. Can you imagine the problems if admirals and others of high rank couldn't serve or have their families where the fleet was stationed? Military bases and embassies are treated as US soil.

  • 1 decade ago

    So many people keep trying to put out that BS and it is not true.

    Your Candidate McCain said that on National TV when one of the people attending McCains event said Obama was an Arab.

    McCain said No.. Obama wasn't an Arab, wasn't muslim and was a natural born citizen. Of course we know McCain is trying to fix all the stupid smears that are being circulated. Most people are smart enough to know those smears are just from non intelligent people that don't have a clue about the Security and Background checks everyone in Washington has to go through.

  • 1 decade ago

    Both Obama and McCain are US Citizens. McCain was born to two American citizens, even if it was in Panama or wherever, which means he is a citizen. Obama was born in Hawaii to one American citizen, which makes him a citizen. Even if he wasn't born in Hawaii since his mother is a citizen he is as well.

    Source(s): Immigration and Nationality Act, Chapter 12, Subchapter III, Part I
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you people knew ANYTHING about poltics then you would know that he could not have become the CANDIDATE without having been vetted thoroughly by the CIA and the FBI.

    Now these spooks are YOUR loyal foot soldiers

    Are you saying that they were so inept that they allowed a Muslim terrorist foreigner to dupe them??

    Get real!! this is so old it has mold on it. Give up. The Princess and the Octagenarian are packing up the bunting. You go home too. Let the educated discuss politics. It is obviously all a bit above your head!!

    Source(s): I tell you son A change is gonna come Obama/Biden 2008
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is becoming really old. Obama is born in Hawaii. Last time I checked, Hawaii is a state in the US. Geez.

  • Yes, Obama is a natural born citizen. It's inconceivable that he made it all the way through the primaries and this far into the general election campaign without one single candidate broaching this subject if it were a serious consideration. This was something that was hatched by a conspiracy theorist who believes that 9/11 was an inside job and has just grown wings.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama was born in Hawaii, a US state.

    McCain was born in Panama, in a narrow strip of land which happened to be under US control from the 1930s through the year 2000.

    Think about it for a little while...

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