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aaguirre1988 asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

do situps make your stomic flat ?

I have been doing sit ups everyday since sunday i hope i can have smaller stomach but right now my stomach hurst when i cough or laugh it was hard to do sit-ups today my stomach was so sore is this supposed to happen ? will i get results from this i only 125 and im5''7 i just want the belly to go in will this help at all if i keep do them i only do 20 since i just stared doing them i do more when i get more use to doing 20 each day. than i will probably do more hope this soreness goes away makes it really hard to do situps now ,

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sit ups use the largest muscles on the sides of the waist called the "obliques". While sit ups can, in the very long run, flatten your stomach, what they normally do is to increase the girth of your waist by increasing the sizes of your obliques.

    From my personal experience, you should be doing stomach crunches to target the area of the stomach you want to focus on. Crunches can be done in 3 ways: upper body lifts, lower body lifts and static concentration.

    A lot of people do not benefit from crunches because they do not follow instructions about how to breathe correctly during this exercise. It is important to remember to exhales as you press yourstomache muscles.

    Source(s): from what I used to read in physical training instructional books and advice given to me by my physical training instructors.
  • 5 years ago

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    It clearly works and if I'd followed it exactly I think it would scare the living daylights out of me because of the amount that I'd lose. So thanks again for the information. I've never purchased anything like this before because they are usually full of trash, but 3WD has been a pleasant surprise.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hi, If you really want to get a flat belly you must watch this video at to learn how you can lose belly fat and get six pack abs in a short period of time. It will blow your mind. I was able to lose the belly fat and get ripped in only 6 weeks.

    This has nothing to do with pills, powders or potions, silly exercise gizmos, fad diets or any other crap the multi-billion dollar diet industry has been hocking at you for years.

    The diet industry's empty, irresponsible promises and band aid fixes have left you tired, frustrated, and fed up. I get that.

    The surprising nutrition truths I'll be sharing will empower you with new fat-burning knowledge that can change your life….

  • 1 decade ago

    Your stomach will get flat over time and yes the soreness will occur because your body is not used to working those muscles. Its a good thing to feel pain because that means your doing them right. Eventually your stomach with stop hurting. My guess is about another week. Good Luck!!!

    Source(s): I'm a dancer, do situps ALL the TIME!!
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  • Of course it's going to hurt at first. Your body is getting used to a new amount of exertion being put on your abs. Any amount of sit ups will help your abs. I'd suggest trying to do a little more each day. Try to do as many as possible. You will see that you can do more and more as you push yourself. Try also laying on your back, and with your feet together, lift them about 6 inches off of the ground and keep your feet there for as long as you can. That will surely help you out. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    situps do not make your stomach flat - they help to strenghten and tighten the abdominal muscles underneath the fat of your stomach. After losing stomach fat through diet and exercise (cardio) - then the ab muscles can show through.

  • 1 decade ago

    sit ups tighten your muscles around your abdomen. dont worry about the pain, it is because you did not do any sit ups for a while and all of a sudden you started. keep on doing them for a while, everyday or every other day. but in order to have a slat stomach you need to run, loose some fat around your stomach and do sit ups. if you run few times per week, and do sit ups every other day, you will have a nice looking stomach in almost no time. be patient and determined.

  • me
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Your stomach is supposed to hurt yes.


    Your using your muscles that you usually don't use to often.

    Doing sit up will strengthen your abs, but I don't believe they make your stomach flat.

  • 1 decade ago

    doing sit ups will only define your abs. To make your stomach flatter if you have fat on it you have to work out to get rid of the fat, then you will be able to see your abs.

    It's normal to have sore abs, but 20 is not very many... I know you just started, but you should be able to add more on quickly after the first week.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if your stomach hurts when u cough or whatever you do that involves using the stomach muscules than yes its working. Its breaking down the muscles and re-building them. but it really takes a while. go to the gym too it'll help it a little bit more than just doing it at home. They have equipment that will help get deeper in the muscles.

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