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davster asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Is there any reason to cast a ballot? Seems the winner is a foregone conclusion.?

Interesting article. It seems an Irish bookmaker is willing to pay off before the election even happens. I wonder if the article is a fraud; I fail to see the advantage for the bookie.

27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ask Harry Truman. Or better yet, President Dewey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Of course you vote. If you are for McCain, The republicans are more quiet, but they will show up to vote and can win, The media is so in the tank for Obama, they want you to think McCain can't win so you won't see any reason to vote.

    If you are for the president of the world, Ob, the savior as Farrakhan calls him, the man that has the power to make a quiver go up the leg of Mathews, the man that will give a tax break to 95 percent of Americans and solve all their problems, and who is so detached from his party that in his 3 years as Senator (only two of these has he been campaigning) voted an impressive 6 times (out of 1200) with the republicans and against the democrats, Yes, because the republicans will vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should still vote. It's your God given voice. Don't do things based on what other people are doing. If everybody said, "What's the point if I vote? It's just one vote." and half of the US registered voters stayed home, things could definitely go the other way. The most committed voters out there, who don't care who wins but vote any way, just to make a statement, are the independant voters.

    And... if half of the US did not show up to vote, this would be a great day in the history of the USA. All the independant voters would show up even if they had to walk 5 miles in the rain. We might actually get a decent guy in office, like Cynthia McKinney running for president with the Green party.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a conservative, (read, not Republican) and I swing between these two guy's on almost a daily basis. McCain owns a few views that I think resonate with me, but I feel he's out of touch on many others but I respect his conservatisim and federalist positions. I basically agree with those.

    Obama resonates with me on many issues. Listening to his responses on last nights debate made me sway towards his side. I respect his opinions and feel he really connects with what the reality of the situation today is. I am fearful of some of his liberal policies though.

    Having said all that, I know that I am really never far out of line with a great many other people. Typically I learn that my opinions are shared by a great majority. For that reason, I think my vote counts tremendously and therefore yours does too.

    To not vote in this election is to say you have no position on what the future of America should be. Even if who you vote for does not win, your personal opinion should resonate heavily with you! You should exercise that opinion.

    Source(s): LIfe
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its true. Most intelligent people understand that McCain will win because most republicans haven't been active in the Polls just like every other year, and many Democrats aren't letting there friends know they would never vote for Obama. Its a forgone conclusion that McCain will be in the white house next month.

  • 1 decade ago

    I truthfully wish I knew this bookie because I probaly wouldve put a lot of money on Obama.... But besides that point, if everyone were to think that he has already won (those on Obamas side) then he would potentially lose, because I think the people on McCains side may be a little more patriotic at the same time trigger happy, and would still continue to have hope

  • 1 decade ago

    I always think of it this way- we all get one vote. So technically, your one vote for candidate A would if nothing else cancel someone else's vote for candidate B. Voting is a right you have by being a citizen of the this country! I think it is fun to exercise that right even if you feel someone is already a winner. Do your own research and pick the candidate that you think would be the best candidate for President!

    One more thing-- when you vote in November, you are also eligible to vote for other important positions in office that could perhaps affect you more directly--- candidates who NEED your vote!

    Source(s): just some ideas
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    John McCain has lost. He is not electable because he can't even get the republican base behind him totally. I know a lot of Republicans who say they cannot and will not vote for McCain. my fellow republicans....don't throw your vote away on McCain this november....he can't win. Look for the name Chuck Baldwin on the ballot and then check the box next to it..easy isn't it?

    Who is Chuck Baldwin? Google the name. You'll find he has more in common with your views than does John McCain. Nice to find a candidate who is at least in touch with the people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Have you seen some of the polls out there? I don't pass anything up on people these days. I am neutral when it comes to parties but I really think Obama wiped the floor with McCain last night. Check that, McCain wiped the floor with himself last night. At times, he just wasn't making sense.

    I do want to meet this Joe "The Plumber" and get his autograph. He should be famous now.

    To answer your question... of course. People need to vote for someone to win. (Or that's the way it's supposed to be anyway, Florida!)

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't buy it, the media here in the United States has been saying the election is a forgone conclusion for about a month now. They said this in 2004 about Kerry and Bush won, in 2000 about Gore and Bush won.


    Think about the brave men and women who sacrificed to keep America free and preserve our right to vote, don't let the media discourage you.

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