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Deny_Zoo29 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Help with House Training my older dog?

I have a 6 year old male Boxer that I have had since he was 7 months old. He has lived at my mom's house for the past 18 months (while I was going thru a divorce). There are 3 people living at my mom's that all had different schedules so he was let out every few hours day and night. Now he lives with me again since last friday and is crated during the day (while I'm at work). We have tried crating him at night but we're having problems.

First few nights no big deal he went in his crate easily with his "go to bed" command and a couple dog treats, but the last 2 nights he's gone to bed easily but a few short hours later he's been whining terribly!! He is let out for the last time at 10pm and then put to bed, the last 2 nights at 1:30am he has whined so much that we let him out and let him outside. Tuesday night he came back in and we let him lay on the floor in the bedroom, he was fine. Last night after he came back in, we again let him stay in the bedroom but woke up at 4am to him whining again and him having pooped on the floor by the door. SO what do we do?

If we leave him in the crate he cries and keeps us awake, but we can't have him pooping or peeing in the house. Should we have let him out and then put him back in his crate again or is there another method we should try?!

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He is definitely old enough to hold himself all night. Do not feed him after 6 pm. When you crate him, let him scream...all night.

    He will give that up after a night or two. Everytime you allow him out of the crate, no matter what the purpose, you are teaching him that screaming gets him what he wants, and he will continue to scream louder and longer! Break that habit now.

    If you are worried about him having an accident in the crate, then layer it with a small amount of newspaper. This way he won't be soaking wet if he uses his crate, but will be uncomfortable enough that he will hold himself while he is in it. If you use blankets, then he can urinate in it, but still feel comfortable enough to stay in the crate, and therefore won't have much incentive to hold himself.

    You will have a couple of nights of not getting much sleep, and possibly a morning or two of having accidents to clean up inside of his crate, but if you do this, he'll learn real quick and life will be much easier!

    Make sure that when you get him out of the crate in the morning, that he is quiet, and not crying when you go to get him.

    Source(s): My Profile
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You need to take your dog outside as soon as you wake in the morning. Be prepared to wait with her for 15 to 20 minutes to be sure she goes. If she doesn't go, put her in a crate for 10 to 15 minutes and then take her outside again. Continue this until she does her thing. Take her outside 10 to 15 minutes after she eats, naps, plays, drinks etc. The more time you spend with her outside, the sooner she'll learn not to go inside. You also have to watch for the signs. If her nose goes down and she seems like she is looking, take her outside. If she goes to the door, take her outside. Soon, you will see the pattern and she will learn to go outside. The use of a crate can be an essential aid in training her. Most dogs won't soil where they sleep so a crate is a very good option. Good luck with her.

  • 1 decade ago

    do you have a fenced yard? is a doggie door a possibility to this problem? since he knows when he needs to go it might help. if not get him on your schedule by creating a schedule and following it. on his last trip out make sure he stays out til he goes. if you do not free feed your pet then take the food out at least an hour to hour and a half before his last potty run.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dont feed him too close to night. Like feed him at around 7 no later. This should give him time to digest his food. Poop outside and then go to bed..

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Many adult rescue dogs come with imperfect housetraining--or none at all--and even dogs who were housetrained in their previous homes will need a refresher course if they didn't get regular walks at the shelter. The good news is it's fairly easy to teach an old dog this new trick. In fact, adult dogs are easier and faster to housetrain than puppies, especially if you use a crate.

    here are some guidelines:

    hope this helps.

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