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I am realy really mad at my priest !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

I volunteered to help in the church and he said i could then wehn it was my turn to help..he replaced me with someone he wont tell me why....said sorry dont call me i will call you...i have done nothing wrong ..he said it wasnt personal ..but it is everyone is asking me why i wasnt therre helping ( it was announced i would help ) to many in the church !


several others were also let was not just me and we are all

he replaced us with people who privately told us they were not going to have anything to do with the church! because of problems in the past and disagreements now....Its not all about me......We did speak as a group to him and he gave us a BS excuse- not even a excuse..just thats what i was directed to do..I am not a religious fanatic but ..i will not be lied to by my priest and his clan....I AM GETTING THE FLOCK OUT OF THIS CHURCH!

Update 2:

to Tonya Midnight Athiest - I did obey..

But i dont have to like it !

Update 3:

to Tonya Midnight Athiest - I did obey..

But i dont have to like it !

still Mad

22 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    he sounds like an @hole control freak.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think what was done to you and the others was very wrong. That was very rude and I cannot blame you for being upset. See to me it couldn't be me because I would never attend that church again. It is unblieveable that your priest had enough gutts to do you all that way. You need to consider finding another church to attend. This isn't right and if your priest is that way, that is not the church you want to be associated with.

    Don't let the butt head priest get to you. You are better than that!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you really need to press this priest for an explanation. If this was announced that you would be helping out in this area and then was denied-you also need to let others know that too- when they ask why you weren't there. Find another church where your service will be welcomed.

  • 1 decade ago

    Stop being catholic. Please..I could say so much that is so biblicly wrong with what priests have people do! Hail Mary's? Prayer beads? Dont hail Mary, no matter how much grace she had from God, she was still just a woman,,a good woman, but thats all! Jesus said, "Nobody comes unto the father but by me!" So we don't pray to Mary or any other profit for guidance. We pray to God in Jesus' name!!!Thats it!

    Also, the priests, ARE NOT GOD! I know you know that, but then why do you ask him for forgivness? Why are you going through him in prayers in confession?! He is a sinner just like you and me! You don't think most men that are priests, if a woman comes in to confess of something sexually imorral she did, he wont have thoughts of it in his head, later on? Of course he will, because he is just a man himself!! He isn't sinnless! Hes the same as you and I!! Proove me wrong!

    Do I think nuns are wrong for commiting their lives to Jesus? No, but it isnt nessecary to abstain from marrying a man and consumating the marriage. God told us to go forth and be fruitfull!

    But I understand that we don't do everything to a t. God says we can eat meat also. But I choose to be Vegan....

    But a nun shouldn't think having sexual thoughts is a wrong thing, shes human, a priest shouldnt, hes human...Its natural! they are suffering their God instead of rejoicing in him!

    The priests of the old testament had wives! And they were also commited to God!

    I don't mean to judge, I really just don't understand it. And then when your priest, goes and makes you feel these sort of things. Treating people he is suppose to help, by making them feel uplifted, not making them feel like they did something wrong when they didnt...

    What kind of example is this man setting for his flock? Hes obviously a liar...He lied to you. If I were you I'd tell him not to bother calling me. And if you are so attached to the catholic ways, switch churches...But I garuntee you will feel much more welcome if you went to a full gospel church.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He needs to tell you why he replaced you. If he won't tell you privately, then ask him in front of the other members.

    Matthew 18:15-17 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

    16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

    17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

    I do want this to work out for you.

  • Why are you making it like a personal attack on you? Perhaps he had a reason to want that other person to help, for that persons sake. Perhaps he thought that you were the only one who would understand and not make a big deal out of it. Maybe that other person was waiting longer than you, lots of reason. If you still feel betrayed talk to him directly in his office.

  • Is that any way for a Christian to act. You are supposed to obey your church leaders without question.

  • Loosid
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Its all about serving and I'm sure youll have plenty of opportunities. The end result is what matters, not who does it. The church body works together like a machine, youll be needed soon enough!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    look on the bright side at least he apologized to you but if i were you keep asking him or just let him know if he needs u or volunteers you would love to help anytime

  • G C
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sounds like someone is all about themselves. Maturity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Did what you volunteered for involve spelling? The answer may lie there.

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